장음표시 사용
that his Grace and his xx el-beloved Company of Nobles vere come. there entred in a pleasant Dis uising. conveyedand silewed by a glorious Towre or Tabernacle made like a
and one belli nil. on ei ther Side of the fame were Mermaides, one of them a Maia Mermaid the other a Woman : The Manwas in Harnesse frona the Wast upwards. In every of thesaid Mermaides was a Chil de of the Chapeli susting right
alii those there pretent to avoide, and after due Salutationbegan to sale, ibi bona do manu dei sufes imus, mala at imuquare non fusinoam ub β and so st)ewed his Gracc that his deare si soniae vias de parte i to God. When his Grace
fa e the King her Lord, and that naturali and patraefuit Sorrowe, as I have heard saye, she with fuit great and conjstant coinfortable Wordes besought his Grace, that he wouldsist after God, remember the Weale of his o ne nobie Person, the Com fori of his Realme, and of her. She thensaied. that my Ladye his Mother had never no more Childi enhut him onely, and that God by his Grace had ever preserved him, and brought him where that he was. Overthat, horue that God had test him yet a sayre Prince, Twofayre Princesses; and that God is, where he was, and we areboth yoring yuoughe : And that the Pruderace and wis domeof his Grace spronge over ali Christendome, so that it stabul dpleat 'him to tali e this accordingly thereunto. Thera the ing thantaked her of her good Coinfort. Affer that silewψs departed a ad come to her owne Chamber, naturali and mollierly Remembrance of that great Losse s mole licii sosorrowfult to the Hari, that thos e that were about her utere
brought from his Chamber borne by Ieomen of his Chamber under a ricli Cloth of black Cloth of Gould, with a Crosle of whi te Cloth of Gold. Aster that the iij. Billaoppes hast
Sir William Ovedali Comptroller of the sanae, Sir Jolin Mortimer, Sir Walter Basherville, Sir Johia Harte, Sir Jolin Coruwall, Sir Richard de la Vere, Sir Thomas ingle fiet d,
The Earie of Surrey the principali Mourner being in his Si oppe and Mantel of Blacke, having his mourning Hoo l
os him an Ossicerus Armes. Besore them utent Two Spani ardes. of the best Degripe belonging to the Princesse. Eefore them the fui sui vanis. Then followed the Bissiops, Abbois, and Pris urs. Defore
them Wallied the Parson and ali the secular si tests of the
of the Parime Chutch there, Where Was placed a light Hearie,
Then binan the Dirige; and an Ossicer of Armos in a i
The second Masse of the Trinitie was songe by the Bishoppe of Salisbury and the Queere, without organes orChildren. And at that Masse the Earte es Surrey offreda Piece of Gould and u'. for the Masse Pennye, accompanted
The third Masse Was of Requiem, songe by the Bismoppe
Dor scit. Thera the Ambassadors of Sp ine, Don Peter de Praule and the Earie of Surrey, offred for thelus elues, and they bare ilaeire o ne offerings. Afier them ali nobie Barineretis, Batchelors, and nobi e Peopte in great Number. At ter them the Hayliffs and ali Burgesses of the Towne. That Ostering done, Doetor Edentiam, Almoner and Confessor of the said Prince, fili d a nobie Sermon, and tooketo his An tyteme Beati mortui qui Domino morientur. Thaisaid and done, he went to the Dolle, and gave everye pOOre Man and Woman a Groate. At that Masse the Abbot of Shre vibury was Gos peller, and the Abbot of Burrye Epistoler : And when Masse was done, the Lords went toDynner to the Casile. That Night at Dirige none of the Lordes
The ricli Charre was prepared in Manner as enseweth, drawne with vi. Horses trapped with blache Cloth, havingricli Scocheons of Gould beaten on Buchram, and 3 CharriotMen in mourning Habite. The Bales of the Charre mere covered with blache Velveti, and the Sides of the sanae. Overthe Charre was a Cloth of blache Velveti, with a Crosse of white Cloth of Gould. Item, there Was ordeyned another Cloth of fine blacti Clothio cover that Cloth from Dush and the wealher, With a Crose of white Damale ; and in the Dule Wcather a ceared Cloth was put ali over the Chesl with the Corpes, in the Charre covered with rich blache Clothe of Gould before spolie
offred at the Masse of Requiem a Noble in Manner as be-
Generali or Chauncclar of the Bistaopps of that See, with avood Number of secular Canons in graye Amys, with richCopes : And other Cui ais, secular Priesis, Clertis, and Children, with Sur plisses in great Number, and.Ι suppese
ali the Torches of the Towne. These weot on every Siduos the Street be re the neu e Torches; and ali of them Were as many as might weli stande from the Towne Gate tot he great Church. The Genti emen mere convayed throughthe Street on the lest Hand before the Church Υard; at thewhich Gate ille iiij. Bishopps in ricli Copes censed the Corpes: And there it was ta ken o ut of the Charre, and convayed 'ander the Canopie ag be re, With Banners and ait Things. Within the Church Vard were the Abbotis and the Prior
The Second Mase was of the Trinitie, songe by the Bistioppeos Salisbury. At whicli Masse the Earie of Surrey offred. viz. s s. for the Mase Pennye. At that Mase Two Abbata were Gos pellers and Epistolers. The Third Masse was of Requiem, songe by the Buishoppeos Lincolne. The Abbot of Hayles was Epistoler, and tho
Mourners, Noblemen, Ossicers, and Serieants of Armes, went defore him to the offring of that Μasse Penney, and soconveyed him againe. Theu Two of the ossicers of Armes delivered the Cote Armes imbrodered unto the Eartes of ShreWsbury and of Κent, and they and the Set eants of Armes Went bes ore them. The Ossicers of Armes deliveret
wept not. That done, the Three Earies went up together, and offred for themselves. There went no Offcer thenhelare them, nor Carpetis nor Cumion after them. The Barons, Baneretis, and Bathelors, and ali Men that would,
offered to the Deacon the ricti embrothered Banner of my
The Gos peli fini med , ali the a resaid Prelais came and senced the Corpse, with ait the Covent standing without theuitermost Barres, singing divers and many Anthemes. At every Κurie Elyeson an Ossicer at Armes, with a high Volce, satil, For Prince Arthur's Soule, and ali Christans Soules,
Pater Noser. Th. at fiuished, a Minister of the Church