Oration Pro lege Manilia, delivered to the Roman burgesses on the commission of Cn. Pompey De imperio Cn. Pompeii;

발행: 1874년

분량: 99페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 로마


Plures etiam gentes, mors nations stili. Neve uti,nslate plures

severat. Theso ould bo somo of the dependent states ontho Caspian and tho Porsia Gult. Gravis atque vehemens opinio, in doe an sanatteal eonvietion.'It is quilo impossibiodo a What temple Cieero alludes to. Tigrani, sed lar the genitive o Tigranes.

time in hexameterS.



sustui ned by Triarius ea Zela inre n. c. The Romans ostthei camp and 7, 000 mon. Calamitas is a euphemisti e

Ut in an hahelitis Wotu menn liope ou may Wn.' 'Putaretis is also imperseet deauso it ali lam pari seireumstanees hieli ea noverae reali sed . rece res oratis' What ei reum stane is liore hie ea unsetile the convietiouoi any ma in his eas γ' 3 28.- Quattuor has res Theseriour qualities. Auctoritas i anothoro thos Word Whieli 3 oun student mustaen areo translat- in by Ensis derivatives It oes no mean authorit ni nil, hut tho reputation or opinion hieli me onteriai ne os Pompey prestige. The careses numen ition os the pol niso an analysis a relWays studie in andient orato . So2Eseliines, in his speeeli against Ctesiphon onumserate thoqualitios hiel ought to distinguisti a popular eader, ut Whioli ho says domo distingui si Demosthonos. In tes 168. Esse, buit li utilio expected toae. The translation had a


have profectu Sit, O pro ecthis est Tho Obligation a duo from Pompe to the State, nota Om hi experiene to Pompex. Tho elainis of the Statem tho individual ere paramo unt iii

contingent senti Mithridates. servile means the gladiatorial War against Spartacus, tu hieli Pompo hangedis eruet fistumore than 6, 000 prisoners. Navale bellum is tho ar against tho Citiei an pirates by sar the mos brilliant of si Pompey'soxploiis, and 0 disgraeed by the fame erueli asas other


Fuit, fuit Cleoro repetits sitit to emphasis the ciet that

What Was ne is o no moro ris. Nos fuimus Troes.

Proprium populi Romani: . alio privi log os thd Roman eople.'Proprius in the sense of seculiarito generali talios a genitivo astor it butis metimes a dati Vo. Transmiserint: lavo erossessi Transmittere is hero sed in a



33. Cnidus: Colophon Samos Thoso ero hi eo os the moSisamous commercia cities in tho Egon in ancient times, and had ali greatly deelined in prosperity oWin to the nudaei OuSineurSion of the pirates Samos in speeini ad uisered pati a thoi liandes. Cnidus a tho por o Caria. Colophon Nas bout tu o miles froni the pnboardi Ionia. and was a laee o great rosor through tho lamous Oraelo fApollo Clarius. It also elui modo bo tho birthplaee of

no utili sed fully, ut Augustus ad it the hie station f

alWays considere Oceanus as a river though, Os OurSO,

nec tria munivit. Ind strengthenod these three grain reserVes Withios substantiat garrisons and squadrons.'



Undequi inquagesimo die: the Romans, it mustae remembered, in- eluded both the da os departur and the da o arriunt. So when the say iii the 49th da after settingiuidro Brundisium,' xv say 48 day after Setting ut.' Ideni Cretensibus. This as a mos utiliandsonae attempt to de- privo stellus of the fruits of his conquest o Crote. The Cretans trie to erilis Pompe a thei advocate 'ndae Hedio elaim Crete asciuehido in his ommand But tho Senate supporte Metellus, ho obtaine a triumph and the ille of Cretieus 'Cretensibus dependii the dativo on both ademit' an 'impera Pit. C. non spem ademit, ho id not Withhold hopum ternas hom lae Cretnns. C. obsides imperavit, lomade a requisitio sor hostagesin the 36. Paullo ante Scilicet in 29, here, homover, o atho implies these moro generat virines than adiuulbiein to enumerato


Cujus tu Merciti ventans, in hos arm se eantcies areboin solii, and liave been sold for many a ny. Cencant,nom venen tot sold. It is uncertain O Wh0m Cicero alludes, tescit be to Glabrio. Huii hominem cogitare this eas of the aeeusativo it the infinitive opend on possumus putare in the preeedin clause. Provincite dependes in the genitive o cupiditatem: their adherendoto their provineo. Cicero says that these me emptob ed theirallowaneo froni the tronsur to ribe the magistrates, . .eon Suis tribunes, and so n. to continii them in thei osside in queδtu, 'sor investinent, i. . illi his bankers. Ferant in asi rarit.

trast the mere alis that he nomyiad lost illi tho holos tal life hieli ho ulla siet sandia disturbed. Qui se ipsum non continet, ,holoes no restra in himsolf.' manifest hit at Lucullus, hos self-indulgent lis o servieo exeiled the naturalii seontent of his me Severuε rigid.' 39.-Non modo amis Tho ordinan explanationi non modo in his constructio is O a that another non fis omitted. An it struo that by this expedient We get an equivalent in sense to the Latin Modo is a Wordis limitation, an iis fore hero is tot solato the laus in hielicit stands, o that taeeomes parenthetical o that in that ast army, qui te apar Domin haud, no even a Dot is sa id o have done violeneo; or di not saya hand. Aon modo ermittitur. Not onlyci pressuro ut poni ono that he hould incur ulla o the oldio , ut notisve is italloWe to any one ho Wishes.' Militem hero sed notis an individua soldier buta metonym of the army. Hiemisis the objeetive genitive a1ter perfugiuλn, a refuge against the inter. Avaritio is the ordinar subjective genitive, arefuge lar cupidity.' 0. Enim here, a severa limps bosor in his oration, ορ not



Non avaritia, d o. his is alloriast, ut tho motivo whIeh

Pompey. Themill proposexto conferon Some ne of eonSularranti tho command of the holo Mediterranean the som Onoo coiirse ein Pomppy. The intenso excitomentillude tob Cicero a caused by the sensetes opposition o the Senato and tho tribuno Tro bellius to ille moasuro. Ut plura non dicam, eto leavo mors unsa id, throw greateromphasis o the plura than ne plura dicam,' to a no






Artotoritas toro stans tho importune attaeli in to the mere expression O opinion; porhaps expresse opinion ' mando. Virorum fortissi,norum. These are the supp0rters of Villius thse are numerate in 68-Lontulus, Servilius, Curio. The dris of iliis sontene is, mortensius and Catulus have deservedl grout influende Nithbou. ut in his ense thoughyouans ilia gallant solistitor an leadin statosmen haveoxpresse th mSolves against Hortensius an Catulus-Wo