Oration Pro lege Manilia, delivered to the Roman burgesses on the commission of Cn. Pompey De imperio Cn. Pompeii;

발행: 1874년

분량: 99페이지

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e. 6.

Ad agendum amplissimus the mos augustrior debalo. Agere cum popido is to advocat a mensureae fore theaeopte in Someometa ea pneity Cieero a praetor spoliemith authority. Am- plus has the oeondar fore of splendid' illustrious.' Cicero compares the Rostra illi ho Curia and tho Forum. Quirites. Cicero usos tho proper mord sor addressinguli Romanpooplo in thoi civi capacit Os iurgosses, o member of tho Curiae. Quirites is connedipy vitii Curia The popularet Inolog Was fro Curis, a Sabine ord DP a Spenr. Sive quod Mia curis priscis est dicta Sabinis Ovid, Fasti, II. 47b. Cito ratio=res m scheme orat in o lista Prohibuerunt, i .e m principies heptam silent though a Quaestor and aedile I might have ad Iressed o Do tho Rostra

Per talem Ar siston se to ignis opposition or concession per me licet, citris Ormissibi sor me, i. e. for alloshali do offer no opposition ' per me non licet, citris notpermissibi forme, i. e. I do offer opposition.'Hujus auctoritat in loci: tho majest of this placo 'his majesti place. FOrmerly my age deterre me hom adventuringon this awsul plaee.' Perfectum, thought out: ' elaboratum, solisti ed.' Temporibus, tho talis, or demands, of his friendoupo his




tra hilo he was conlpleti niliis qualisaedition to p a there had bee u good thing for tho Romans an sor himself sor helial tost oom for otior me in tho Rostra, and ad madevaluabie connections for himself. Casto ius uro Those mords eouplod With vestro judi io dire meantio impi ilia Cieoroandio fallo in illi tho objectionabio praetie of takin mons fro his clients. Socion ago S201 . c. the Lex Cincia had bden passod o topaliis practice.

Sion senough voles ad beon gi ven him to pineo him a thohead of the poli.

sueti as cause. It means here tho stato or conditionis assairs. Pheneo ali his stat of the eas staris.' ectigalibus is probabintho dative of vectigalia, no vectigalis. The revenue and tho coplo Dom hom ite revenue is seiWnaro coupled similari in 4b, socios et lectigalia. Alier relictus-alter lacessitus. alio forme let lip tho latiorchadonged. Cicero se his angvage eleveri to creato a projudice against Lucullus at tho very uiset u relictu hoin Sinuales that L. Was ans Worabie so the eseapois Mithridates


Asian listro means the pro-consula provine os Asia, liteli ad come into lae possession of tho Romans unde tho illis Attaliis B. c. I 33). It comprised Mysia, Eolis Lydia Ionia, and om of the orian illos. I Was the riches par of Asia Minor. Equitibus Nomanis. In his pedet the Equites are praetieatlyidonti ea mitti ili Publicani, and tho Novi litis no delini eat mean inib0yond that of n person illi a sortiano sumetent toqualis him o bolon to tho judi eos unde the Lex Sempronia B. c. 123). It is truo that this hi Wns notis ori in sorde, ut the Lex Aurelia B.c. 70), si hieli hos tho judi eos Domaho Senators, equites, an tribuni aerarii. ut a tho Publieani, though notis deessarii yot praetieatly, ad to ho that thoyWere soli l and sul astantini men tho stili maintainod tho in- sue ne of the ordor, an retain pu tho ob num With theimplicationi properi qualification Whieli itine had. Litteroe ma mean letters hero, ut it is qui te a sordibi tot indorsi anxit os in letterin Jay.'

b. Cicero introduces here tho indiroe narration, heeaus horis tellingthom lis substane of the letters froni Asia.

naturali considere the Roman possession o Bithyniam astandita menaee o himself. Huic qui successerit. Eum is inderStood suo esserit is in tho

subjunetivo b0eauso it is in indireet narration. Glabrio is tho

6.-Gemis est ejusmodi. sistero deseribes the Warras a defensive ar, Whiel tho Roman eould notWith honour avoid. Ad perseqνelidi studition id bellum ludiose perSequendum. Pacis ornamenta. alio lustrem peneri He refers to the largo sum spen o publie orshi prandisneri fides. Subsidia belli Vilio fund of war. The oldiere pay a madeout of the provineeS. Quibus considendum, rior hos interest yo mus provido. A vobis. As a rute, after the participio in dus, o have dativo of the agent. Here, hora ever, it mira enus Some

confusion aster the dative of the person quibus, and Wo haveth ablative illi a. 7. Uno die tota Asia The re rene is to the atroclous mandato Whiel M. issuod rom his luxurious inter quarter at Pergamus A. c. 88. It diroetod nil tho illos in Asia o putri doathon illo amo ny ali ho Roman nn Italian iligens illiin


Poenam ut scepit. aliis se of suscipio λ sussered is nare, and must nota imitated. estris vectigalibus, in tho lanil Om Whieli 0ur revenue

4.-Bosporanis Tho inhabitant of the immoriren Bosporiis in the Crimea Mithridates ad made his son Machares vicero ostiis Crimen. que γ Hispaniam. It was bout 6 .c. that M. pn to Sertorius to propos join aetion Sertorius sent M. Romanome0rs to train his troops, Whilo the in sent Sertorius menan Ships. e cannot onde that M. ad these preparations a tho Roman Senato by refusing to ratis uae reaty

qui te right in discriminat in belWeen the diseipline lare of



Mariaras and panisl mountini no0rs hom Sertorius lid, and tho utraine and undrille Asiati lovies that Mithridatos hario command Sertorius Wie deseate Ponipo himsols. Mithridates ne that his ni eliane os opin With tho Roman was to train and dril his Witroops, ut ther eould noveras brought unde diseipline. 11.-Mereatoribus injitriosius tractatis. Tlio pirati eat wars ould

t heighte the enormit o Mithridates conduci. The celebrate sae of Corintha Mummius toO place .c. 146. Lellatum popidi omani conSularem Cicero hero alludes toevenis hiel too piae at tho Irs ovibrea of th Mithridati War. Mithridates ad de eate M. Aquilius, hosse to Pergamum. Thero lis fel into the and of the Ling, ho ut hi mri a cruel death. s ersecuti sunt They phel tho principio os audiendo When meret projudieed by languag0. Jus is a dissiduit ordio translate beeauserit ineludes both the onera right audparticularaules of a subjeet. JΓuinquetis, labandon, l0avem revenged.' 3 12.-Ariobarzanes a the nomine of the Romans for the eroWn os Cappadoeia, to hieliae as eleeled D. C. 93. He a n armparti gan o Rome so muel so that he a Surname φιλορώμαιος Mithridates expellei hi from tho throno severat times: ne in B.C. 2 agni in B. c. 90, an a thir timo in B.C. 66, after the delivor of this oration. Cuncta Asia Tho or cunctus is rom conjunctus, o that tmeans ali colleetively, as in Div. qui nunc cuncti ad me Venerunt': omniS, O the other hand mean nil distributively, iacti an eve ' totus applies o has is holoand homogeneous. It is belle there re to the cuncta Asia atque Grceola as in tho nominative, tu apposition illi omnes civitates, than asci the ablative. Imperatorem certum, in determinate commander. Certus heroclearly homili natur a the partieiploi cerno, ieh.'ctium proesertim. Praesertim is osten Sed to emphasigo relatives an relative adverbs, qui, ruum, e It generat lysodos the ord Whielicit empha Siges. 13.-Si ma in omnia, In hos charaeter verythin is consum


Propter Pompo mas in Citieia, ptiliniit assuir astor his brilliant vietori es ver the pirates. Prolter is sed as an ad



Ligere loqui. Cleor moans to insinuat that the provineials

long to tho predicate, asci tho ad charaeter of these menwer duo to the Roman wh Sent thom ut. Hostili eaepugnatione Cicero, in si repeat the mentio ostho torror inspire in the rotelie provincials by theirra paelous defenders. ut tons mos uniat to implieato Lueudus in these exaetions a it Was his unu sua elemoneyand humanit Whieli created his unpopuliarit With his troops. Lueullus lia fixe one per cent so the limit of taxation, and annussed ali arrearsi intersest, hereb mahing tho capitalisis his bittor nomios Iudced, Manilius a thei mouthpi e

Commoratur. The use of tho indieativo instein os the subjunetivo fhoms that tho videantur expresses Cicero' opinion, no thatos the provincialS. 14. Antiooho. Antioelius III of Syria This War opa 192 B. . Tho tollans ero allies of Antiochus. The War a se uto intersoroneo by the AEtolians illi th Aelio an and thermomber of the Roman allianeo.

Philippo Philippus V o Maeedonia Tho date of thi War is 200 .c. The Romanilia an old grudgo against ini, butthe malo a ri evane of the Athenians thei aetua casus


cumis, eae Scriptura.


Whieli are contrasted are calamitas arid metus, an to introduco

another antithesis in the tenses ould e to Hahen tho foretos the principat antithesis. Praua Tlio readin o ni the SS. is Iecora, ut Servius expressi says, in his Commenta in the Georgios, Ilat reoua istho readingiere. 8 6. zeroent Those ho develop, e loiter, a the rench say,

the revenue, are the Equites ni Rome. igunt. Thos Engage in the aetunt eodeetionis tho revenuo are the servant of the Equites These are the publiearis of tho Ne Testament. Sestibus. The reading of tho MSS. is salinis, the salt-miues. Lut a Cicero has no mentione them in the presentison nection, a read in has been adoptet to correspondo thoseriptura. The altus are tho Howns' on hiel tho hoo Dd.

Honestissimi et u natissimi. Most respectabio and substanti ulmen. Ornatus here has it primar sens of ,eli provided.'



fieienti riel in obseurit to sempi the cupidit o Mithridates Who attaehexit in 1 B. c. It was stron lis sortified an heldout illi Lucullus cutiss the supplies of M. Whoanda retire t groa loss. In rowar for iis fidelit it a made a Libsera Civitas. It continue a phie of importanee unde the

Mithridati, sed sor the genitivo os Mithridates.

I l. -Amisus a it in Pontus the 9st important reo colon onino orth Euxino alter Sinope Ilithridates mado it a royal residoneo alternatet Willi Sinopo, and adde a Dubour tolt, allod aster himself Eupatoria. It offere a mos stub-bor resistane to Lueullus .c. 71. Sinope in cit in Paphlagonia os ver nneient origin sabulouslyconuoete With the Argonauis. During the Peloponnesian 'Varcit playid an importat pari. I Was attaehe to tho

Pontia crown by Pharnaees .c. 83, and oon rose tosupremo ina portaneo on the orth Euxine and was ad aroya res idoneo. Atior his deleat a Cygieus, Mithridatos entruste the defende os the garrison to Baecti des a violent ossicer, Who exaspora ted his N troops. Stili lio garrison