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OLCudberctys death and the premonition thereos His buriat. Eadberct a man Ieamed in the Scriptures, is his successor ab I57
Anglo-lati verse in sac his hole ritings have a touch fPoetry, even here thei pumose is didactic, and ho ever asteles hi poetic prose-style cantecome, it acleast betrays a livelys exercise os sancy. I spealis stili more howeverrio Aldhelm's Poeti nature, that notwithstandin his great interest in and Comprehensionis, the ancient la sis metre, he compose also in Popula rhythmical orm in Latin, as et a in his Ahoo- Saxon mothe longue A very different impression is made byio the literar character of a ounger an sar more samou con- temporar BEDA. Though he also rote verses, it is in the fiet os prose Mone that he has test his mata in literar history, for he was lates a man naturali os proses understandinia
δ' The complete ork of en London 8 I. et vols Englmistis ex Ie Bede collate& with ahe Socὶ Gehle disputatio historico manuscripta an various printe theologica de Bedae Vener vita et editions, accompanie by a ne scriptis idem I 838 disseri .entish translationis the historical Thomas Wright biographia britan-woris an a se of the author nica litteraria I 263-88. Schoeli'sa ByJ AGiles, London 18 3. ret vols article Beda inmergπ' Real- Vener Bedae opera historica, ad Encyclopadies de protest Theo- fi coddis recens Ios Stevemon. logie. ε
but icta os rare scientific capacity so that themides ages With one accord namediim among the mos est med eachersin theirst rank. Beda aiready in the nint centur usuallyhonoured wit thesurnam Venerabilis, a bom D 67 in the territor of the sabbe of earmout launde two ears late by Benedici Biscop. Already in his eventh year he was entruste by his relations bein probabi an orphan-to the tuitio of this Iearne abbat, an late to that os Ceolfrid, a friend whom Benedic hae made abbat in a monaster Dunded by him in the O
In the fame placeae gives us a scant notice of his o clise.
Μost of these ritings and the mos important are stillor serve to s. heurea majorit are, it is true, o a purelytheological nature mosti expositions os in bible, both of the old and nemtestament, and these concern us here the less, as the seem ess tot the least original os ali. Beda's an in literis histor is due much more to his historical orks. Amongst these ho ever no oni in bulli, ut also in potnt of execution the firs placeris due to his HISTORIA ECCLESIASTICA GENTIS ANGLORUM, hich, as the ripes fruit os his pen, WasIomni complete in the last years of his lise, as incleed severat os his the writings are sed incit This Wor is divide into five books. he rst a chapter of the fir si book om ni an introduction, herei aster arahori descriptionis Britat an iis ancient inhabitant me have the histor of the counir reachingIs iso Iulius Caesar With particula reserencerio it earlier conversion to Christianity on the basis of Orosius hom Beda ostens Hows ordior ord, and speciali os Gildas, hos historyhere supplies the clue throughout to the introductionis Christianit among the Annes by Gregores missionaries ni homao this potnt c 23 begin the wor proper an independent researchis Beda The church histor os the Anne is thencarrie down in his book to the deathis Gregor the great es 4. The se cono book hegins with a long obituar of this POP So important sor England' church, an end wit theas deat o Edwinain of orthumberland AD 33. The third book reaches to 663, he Wighari Wentrio Rome tot consecrate abrios anterbury; ut ache dies in Rome, Theodore, in mon os Tarsus, is consecrate by the pope in his room. Heres begins thes fourth book, extendin to the eath f3 Cuthbert 687 , the famous aint Hready twice celebrate by
Thus the long commentarn in miliem, o sar a me remala tous, principium genesis is accordin anuWays important. to Beda' own resac meret ex μ' Se the delailed statementis
tracte stom the writi s of his the so ces sor this introduction in 33 predecessore so also the in evan Schoet de eccles Britonum his-Μarci IV libri'. In most os his toriae dontibus ao-8 4Beri commentaries allegorical interpre- 85IJ.tation prevatis Nor are his h
a furve of the severat sees and of the generat state os Britain in that year, hen profoundieace led many nobles to exchange armisor cloister lila. We se that the distribution os the subject into book is smade wit ali deliberation, being determine by event of the ulmos importanc parti in themselves, parti a leastrior theauthor thus Gregors deat form indisputabi the close of aperiod, as a neWi inning open Willi Theodore' mission that epoch in the Christia civilisation os England Accordingly the Iolauri book introduce by this mission is illi the fifth fgreater interest than the est so the generat histor os cultureand a leas indirectly so that os literature also. hc earlier books teli maint of the propagatio an Settiement of the catholicishurch in the Anglo-Saxonaingdoms, it disputes it Isthe church of the Scot and endemours for reconciliation, Whileth mos important politica evenis, hic must affect more orles the church's position are considere oni in the secondplace In the last two book o the ther han we findisere and there valvable notices respecting the diffusionis literar acitraining by Theodore an Hadrian and thei pupiis, the artifchurch music introduced sto Rome by the pope' arch-chanter
1 18 V 24, the studies of the Angles in Romeriiself V I9), thecirculatio an collectio os book in England Vos and avi, writers of the rank of Caedmon I avi an Aldhelm V I 8 , theras
firs mission to Germany underet e by the Angles vo).Ηere, it is true, especiali in the fourth book muc more roomis engrossed by biographies of ainis, bishops, abbais and besses, which with thei miraculous storie so the mos partoni prove that England HS Was posseSSed by the superstitio 3o an ecstas of the age the ho ever no oni serve in his respecto complete the picture o lis an manners, ut also throw light o many peculiar statures of the education anicharacter of the Annes. In particular e may here single out, as interestiniso the nationes literatures of the middie ages, two 33 visions the one V Iahos a pious orthumbrian who aster deathsees unde theauidance of a formis light, evidenti an angel,
.fidit purgator here ho ever col is patre Mith heat- nexi heu, a pit hootin fori incessantly firebatis, herein, as in ris and tali, the fouis of the evit flash a numberles sparks thena fragrant, flomery meado' Wherein Wal crowdsi men Minyed in hile it is the abod o good fouis, ho arrive a heaveniiseisini at the last clari notiein persectisnouo to enter ibat once of this heaven the visionar sees ni a beaminiliotisom far an hears the weet son o it inmate spiriis. Restore to lis in Northumbria entere a monasterri Whereio he confided his vision to one of his brethren In cra 3 another vision is related os a soldier, a favorite of the king, Who desermo nanCe accordinHy there appeared by his sick-bed first two anget with a litue book containing the recor of his feW good deeds, an Presenti a Whol arm os fiend with a colossalis folio, fissed With the long register of his miscleeds. That Beda's Work rathe resembles a chrontes than a philosophical history, is hat, are prepare to expect Like thato Gregor os Toum, it is a collectionis separate stories includ- in also the mos important documents arrange generali ina chronological order and that too, hic is orth os notice, reChoned by the years aster the incamation). The lac os politica an even ecclesiastica unit in the empire of the Angles mahes his method in more excusabie. et Beda possessed many of the qualifications sor a historian, and was suli alive toet the uties of his calling. e amasse materiais it great
palas, oves the mos important recoros or sor ord, and names his authorities and fource either generali or in particu
Evidenti founde onis 6s planation est locus, in quo exam
3 12. nandae et casti niuae sum animae
His description remindsine eorum, qui linerentes con seri et exacti os ne os the vision in emem re scelera, quae fecerunte, in thes dialogues is Gregorn in ipso lamen mortis articulo ad eni- great IV 36. sentiam confugiunt, et sic de corporeas These viem respecting the exeunt; qui tamen, qui confra- intermediate abode os fouis an sionem εἰ Auentiam ut in torte Purgator are ais of theological abuemunt, omnes in die itidiosi ad interest; it regar to tho lalter regnum caelorum ferueniunt. the ange oves the solioWing ex V See o this potat Stevens 's
Northumberland in order, sine says, to leave the reade noground sor doubi. The mos eminent clerg of the severat provinces ideo his underi ing one rough him viso stomRome transcript os bulis stom the papat archives. very here e discem the pursui os truth and that salthsul reproductio sos tradition, hich, as he himself says in his resace, is thetrue law of histo '. oreove Beda appear throughout this wor as a master of the learning of his times, with whos comprehensive knowledge probabi no a the living could vie; he can discove and appreciate hacis reali important thoughcio nocles a clupe to the current faith in miracles than the far more ignorant anclinenlightened historiani the Franks. Is in his opinion also a the prefac telis us the worth of histor is principali moral, ascit incites, to imitate mod and avoid evit, et in the narrative itself the mora tendenc is tes obtrusive than is in Gregor of ours. I bear throughout the Stampis auaresaimes and objectivitri hichris maintained even in ecclesiasticat matters as in relation to the Scots. ereWit accord thecalm, even tone of the relation, hic in iis diction, lear, natural and et so the age o pure afford the fures evidence oos mental discipline on by the stud of the ancients and of thechies fallier of the church. supplemen to the reat historical or importantespeciali for the histor o civilisatio an osten exceedinglyattractive-is Beda' litile book, Munde parti on a sermon asinuod I xxiv se and c Schmi ms and edd osthe historiana very Geselete de Angelsachsena xlix hori epitome is appended, re-Seq. capitulatinae the chien date. in It is there sat at the en chronological order; whether com- lectoremque m liciter obsecro ut si posed by Beda himself, e cannot soqua in his quae scripsimus aliter determine. quam se ueritas habet, sua re a monk of his cloister itreris, non hoc nobis imputat, qui, may be een in Stevenso II 3I8 quae uera lex historiae est, 33 O suta uitae generallysimpliciter ea quae fama uul se above P 429- 3I JWhere 33gante collegimus ad instruo the biographical motas of Jerome, tionem posteritatis litteris Rufinus, Sulpicius Seuerus, En- mandare studuimus nodius, Milam. Eugippius, rure est may be added that in many mentioned, and wo classes dis-