장음표시 사용
bat of his own fratemitri Some of them his tutor and Dieachers. The mos interestinclis is Benedici's, hic also filis the larges par of the book. Benedici, originali calleo Biscop, an Angle o nobi descent, minister of hin Oswnwhen about twenty-five ear of age devote himself to the religious illa, becoming a monk in Lehinum; he then by the popela Io command attende ab Theodore sto Romerio England and
tinguished,theone more rhetorica1, the virgin the twelve postles, in imitatio of the heathen pane in apocalyptic visio p , aregyrics, .g. sermon omine inint' tot also in the fame placeto 3o festives, the AEther unpretending the were exhibited. narrativesJ. ' - 84 97 uerbigraria Isaac etys et rimit innu ligna tibus immolaratu oriantem merasilem Urorum omnis oneris e dominum crucem in qua seretur coriam monauit. 'Dc pr an aeque sonantem fraxima susser3s, M. Thesbooks were parti osts, inuicem remone pictura coniunxi . paletly urchases: in aut also, tum serpenti in eremo a momeespeciali a Vienne, he ouot exestato Eum ominis in emee book on his oumen exaltatum com rauit.
to England the papa arch-chanter, ho hecam in the firstinstanc the teacher of his monastery, in particular of ur Beda; but Domini Englisti convenis monks resorte to im to learn singing. hus Benedici promoted Englant' civilisation in themost various directions and Ceolfrid emulated his example The spicture os these admirabie me appears in thei scholaes beauti- subtractethe more serene, as no sorti miracle is recorded of them. Mother supplement to Beda' church history to hich, aso muta earlier date, he also alludes in the courseis it is thebook DE VITA ET IRACULIS I CVΤΗBERTI EPISCOPI LINDIS ID FARNENSIS his prose ork, undeclinen a the equest os a successor os Cuthbert's, Eadfrid, and of the monk of Lindis- fame, adopis here and there the language of an earlier ork of Beda's, a poem DE IRACULI S CVTHBERΤΙ. It is nothomoer a mere versionis his laiter but an independent ore, sas appear even stom the resace. Beda, as he there assuresus, ad ahen ali ain to repor the truth, havin fit si communicate his manuscripto some monk long intimate ith Cuthbert, and then submitte a copy revise in accordance
With their judgement to the criticismi a meetingis ellers and aoteacher of Lindissam monasterri ho howeve found nothingsurther o alter he difference belween the subject-matteris the prose lis and the poem is correctly indicated by thei tities in the lalterint the miracles are recordeo, hii the formerembraces in additio the remainder of the aines life Beda shad indee promise such a supplement in the preface to his Poem. in regatas the subject-matter heresore, it wili suffice here to notice in prose Woin the poem, a regare itisom, bring reserved sor later consideration The main ource however, stom hic Beda dre his materiais, is stili extant, a lise soof the fianti a monk of Lindisfarne. Stili Beda's ira ΤΗΒΕΗΙ, in spite o ali ess-meant precautions in the interest os histori truth an in spite of thecitatio of yewitnesses, is distinguished rom his VITA ABBATVM, as a historica romance sto histor' The romantic 33 Even ut eri' admission to rinted in Stevenson's Beda
element lies 1 the miracles, hic play here, as in the poem, a principes pari. odioni are the most natural things rested into miracles, ut at the aint' trances, horaike Stiartinbelleve that he was osten visite is anget an deviis passs current a simpleorum to a nothing of his sympathetic rex o the ther an howeve in book is no .hollydevoid os reat historices facts which giverit greater Worth. hus e read c 9 sqq ho Cuthberi a provos o metiose at thetime of the plague Withstoo the generat relapse into eathenio superstition by journeying alone sor month throuo the countrypreachinia or hori When transferre to Lindisfarne, he introduced a stricter ut into this monaster aster ard soriamous,
IS to e summone stom thence to the mos momentous political deliberations c 24 , o to the bishoΡ' throne Am 68s), whichhoweve heilled only tW years themto retum to his hemitage., Beda ground this prose lis es a sainti a poemis hisom, o oo, probabi at an earlier date, he wrotei the basis et os Paulinus nataucia a horte prose lis of Si Felix, hecause, ache says in the preface, the hexameter o Paulinus ere more accessibi tes metrices' than tollain readers. For the benefitis these lalter, the great majoritriae had executed the workin themocles os in prose metaphrastis Ρrudentius hymmon Cassianus. aue ne ther historica work, and that os great importance fortiterar historri a composed by Beda This Woin, hose influence in the middie ages a stili more extensive inanthat of his church historri elong to a region o strictly
scientific studies, in hic Beda' learning appears for that time trul marvellous I mean his chronicie of the wor id, compose 723- by Way os appendicto his rea chrono- lcgical or D TEMPORUM RATIONE, andos an integralpari oscit. The lalter a precede is a muchismalle book sDΕ ΤΕΜΡΟRIBVS containing ascit ere ni the ouilines of the Complete ork, and writte a early as o Io. Heretoo e findon ulline of the chronicie, embracin no onlylawer dates, but also far se e facts and those ni in the curistyle of inscriptions. o ive a conception of the Propor Iotionale ut of the two woins, and ais of the wo universalchronicies appende to them I ma rem k, that in Giles' edition the chronologica sectio of the book tempor bus occupies , it chroniciem, ages, as against 29 and 6 pages respectivel of the tae temporum ratione: is The greater chronological Wor is accordinHymni an e pansio os the maller though,it the intercalation os someentiret ne paragra s. A Beda Says in the resace, eundertoo it by destre of his brethren' sor hom the reat-ment of the subject in the book e Iemporibus' a sar too obrief. ore recisely to indicate the content of this ork, Whicli I deler term a complete guide to the calculationis times an festival :-we fine here discusse the mode of rechoningon the fingers, the division o time, eighis, the day the night, the wee includin the so-calle great weeli, the wee osa5 ages C Io-the months-Where beside the Roman thos also of the Hebrews, Egyptians, Greelis an Angle are considereo, the last rom patriolis , the signa os the month consteli In ahes introduction to the Giles V p vii the are inco
chronicie Io de temporum orate in the work de tempuat', oratione is cite a supra an certaint ther appea here 'mandbuch de Chronologie connecte Wit the whole in style
dar, is hic are adde many explanations a ut the oonan also about iis relation to the ides c 29 , again the equi- novis and solstices the nequat lenohs of the days, theraeasons of the ear natural ears the intercalar dari the ineleem ars cycle an iis division the rechonin aster Christys irin C 47 , indictions, pacis, the cycle os the oon the determination o Easter ali hic matters are tauo at once Mithmeat theoretica thoroughness, and wit ali regaresto the pracio lica application os these instructions Beda also, as h says 63, appende to the wor a table for Easter stom AD 332, ,hen Dionysius hegan theirst cycle', to A Do 3. Aster the completion of this theoretica pari sollows in es CHRONICON SIVE DE SEX HvIVS SAECUL AETATIBUS. A thea very ille indicates, Beda has divide his chronicie accordingto the age of the worid, solio in inclee Isidore' example-srom homo has also orrowed ome passages Wor forwor but principali heeping in te Augustine imself, the proPer author, a me have seen is that division theeto justificatio for hic accordingi Beda in his introductioni es, even verbatim stomahe luctas det. encerus bmpared wit Isidore, is e neglec bono e delatis, Beda appears altogether original. uch ather is Augustine his uide, Eusebius-Jerome his principat Aource, both of whom also eas osten cites. Folio in Augustine' authorit Beda rechons the e sis the worio accordin to the Hebre original of theo , no accordin to the LXX, as Isidore. No seldom too Beda ives much more than the lalter even entire sections: thus in the eonning of the fifth age in series os ebu-3 chadnera 's successors and that of the Persia hings DomCyrus to Darius, hereas Isidore ni beons it Darius; so to for the Roman emperors, hos regnat eam h gives
uiae r atiarum gentium anniae os the wo chronicies os Isidore. obseruantiam dicere e meae reticere that in origat V and the separate 33 etc. Work.J
I EBERT' A UUNT OF - .as et a the ear of the worid, Beda is much more complete than his predecessor Britain, ascis ni star, is speciallynoticed, an particulari in the las decads thus e find herealso mention os heodore' mission and of the piloimages of the Anglecto Rome. Subjoine to this chronicie in the streatis ρα temporum ratione are laur more haptera, hereth author brien discusses the 'remainder of the fixi age of the worid', the times of the Lord' advent and of Antichrist, therias doomsdari in seventi an eighth ages. In particular he here es67 controveris the opinion, that the variou rechon Ioings of the years of the world-according to the Hebrew originalor the LXX ould in an way affect the determinationis thelast clay, hic as a divine secret elude ali calculation Theassertion, that aster the lapse of 6- years this temporal sceneis at an end because the millennium of the 'vorid' duration IS correspon to the si days of creation is erroneous the dayso creation refer ather to the age of the world which by no
proachin judgement are the conversionis the Jews and the oreignis Antichris c Φ. The eventi age of the wori is that os the eterna sabbath, the eighth that of the blesse resurrection. The age of the wori correspond likewiserio Chrises passion weeli, and are mysticali signified thereby. With Bedes chronologica studies is Connecte a traci, swhich also ecame o importanc so the naiddie ages his
A interestiniso the legend the ear appeam Without in os Pilateri single ut for remis, vindication the - extra-- that in the eginning of the in gant herestes mere lai a Beda's age V 3oi et Giles the anish door, against whic he defends omen o Herod' son, Archelaus himself in a species realise, stillio Vienne, and the sulcide os extant, adllewinum'. heretoo Pilate are recorded. See note. he censures the bad habit, then in V 326, 331 Giles se to 3II. Vogue os professingio compute the 'The occasion of this discussion maris doom. How osten mathe 35is evidenti inis Aster the pum ained evenirpeasanis, ho many licatio of the ketch de tempor years of the last millennium haeibus ' where, in the abbreviate stili to milchronicie, the sam rechoning os
Waltenbach says, the round work of ali later revisions 'itself howeve naturali founde on earlier, speciali Roman, martyrologies. In his calendar of martyre, in Whic hoWevers even Beda could not et fili every dari in tortures are relateo at great tengin sor a calendar, and we have osten ea causefor amazement, homso learned, and incleeo enti tene in manas Beda no meret credulousi accepte the most absurd anclloathSome exaggerations, ut has also repeate them it a Io certain relish; rea e the suffering of t achomius i ΜΜ). his seems to me notice te it reserence to thearis os desim and the later drama of the middie ages. O these ritings, relatinxto histor and historical science, resis Beda' great influencein the literatur and cui rei theID dole ages these also displa in the mos brilliantino his genius an leaming. These Prose riting thro his poemsentiret into the background True, he rote much in verse; he cites himself, in the catalogue of his Woins, beside the poem
HEROICO METRO SIVE ELEGIACO, ut both are tost, and of the seW separat hymns an epigram ascribed tolim scarcelyone or two an laim a light likelthood, authenticity. ema reason ly inser that the two collections deserved the dooma os oblivion since notisve so samou a nam could rescue them.
Stili in an case literar histor must deplore the los of the hymnbook i only bec se accordinuto the titie communicated by Beda himself, metrica and rhythmicat hymns fine and the
Mommsen liber dei Chrono non solum qua die, uerum quo ge-mphen Von 35. Abhandi sach nere certamini mundum uic
is nat these recitat ho eis et a common usage at that time, is aremo later accretionibu Beda's hewn no only by the distinctionoriginal, appeam rom the term os metrum and ristamus in Beda's in hic he cites the martyrolog metrica treatise describe below,
remain to usa a Fnrnus viminuatis, ache te scit, in pratis of queen Etheldreda, Who becam a nun an aster aes abbess it is in disticlis, here, finesthe tricli of epanalepsis, Hready employed by Sedulius. Beda speciali celebrates the miracle, sthat o the pening of Etheldredes com aster I 6 years both the corps and the lothin mere found intact, hic passeclsor a specia evidence os sanctity. The verses incleed re without elevation, but also ithout bombast, in a dictio neithermean or barbamus of the hymns in Ambrosian metre Ioascribe to Beda PRIMO DEUS CAEL GLOBVΜ seems est en-tiue to bear his ame. Here e find a regard the subject- matter, a parallel draWn justis in cra and the closing ch ters of the de temporum ratione belWeen the ix ages of the worid and the days of creationi the one hand, and the passion Ismee o the ther a regard the serm epanalepsis in the firstmain division os the poem, here in acti patris Murdine strophes a danis paralleled with an age of the worid the first verse of the rs strophe ein always ad the last os thesecond. The Same panalepsis, hicli here, hen confine to ostrophes o such subjecis, has a certain meaning is found also wit no suc significance in a hymnis in hol innocents day, hich, probabi on his Ver account, has been attributedio Beda The poem o Si Cuthbert' miracles e me al- ready considere With regar to the subject-matter With re 23 spectri it lam the poetices style, free sto bombast, at times even quite elegant, an also the osten harmonious hexameter, but also by the ille os the liber The poems strangelyprinted in
epigrammatum'. Giles I 5 sqq unde the titie hymi Above 363 in thes elegia', ni'i deratione temporum', decet Gos distitas ometimes calle 'col britate quattuor temporum', delatio ueteris et noui testamenti'. variis compuli regulis', are later, a specimen Eber oves 7- versifications os portions of Beda's sola lait mulier, patuit qua ianua large chronologica mois, hichleto et qua uita redit, sola fuit it is an absurdit to ascribe to 33 mulier. . Beda himself must reveri to 3 Inmone hymni a medii them in the sequel of this mork. aeui rei in Br 853 es 7 Alliteration too istut sellom Alcui emeta Jafs S. employed in an offensive Way.
afford a res proos o Bedala rare accomptishments ho evertitue the may betra os poeticaenius. The theor also both of poeir and of prose ave occupation to Beda' pem inuste composed a tractin orthography, sin book DE SCHEMATIS E TROPIS SACRA SCRIPTURAE, in whichie defines these rhetorica figures ne by one an illu trales them by examples stom the bible, hic even in respectos suc modes of expressio surpasses allisther books a tractDE ARTE METRICA to'hic the last named is appendeo . This Io is sis more interestin than the other Wo so though in great pari a mere extraci stom earlier metricisis, especialty Victorinus, it et urnishes an delatis important sor literar history, parti by the citations fio christian writers of latin verse, parti by the conception whicli hecam in ome cases authoriis lative so after times of individua potnis, though indee this Was by no means peculiar o Beda personalty In regare tolli conception it is speciali to e remarhed that Beda asiaready hinted consider the iambic dimeter os the Ambrosian hymns as a tetrameter an so calis it c a I) so that he regarosa the verses os the iambic Mur-line strophe meret a ueniculi in him in hemistichs), of which tW g to mali a uersus Thelauruine strophe of the trochaic hymns derived Dom the disticho the tetrameter trochaicus has evidenti miste him to this
srom it examples evenis homoeo mari an the inserence, that Venteleuton. Beda in his dandidiot know thein See oveor n. Beda de author inor the est the quotation te metrica VI cites as example offers some noticeable readings.J33 os phalaecia metre the re is Somni in me explain the verses homine canticum of the rem k le passage also hic is exodus ascribesto Iuvencus spi cite above 7 n et de arte metrialeg solesm I 87 Withoutnamin c ac AFmnos auro choris hii as a'thor, though elsewhere auemantibus canere osorier, nec se oo in his citations h does nam his es si uias uersibus ad furum esse
One the scientificoraci, the DE NAHRA RERUM a briefcosmograph grounded o the work of the ancients, a Pr babi published by Beda at the fame time it the Ee semet floribus, to hic it comes eares in subject-malle also. Other scientific realises occurre in the LIBER EPISTULARUM SAD DIVERSOS; os therive letters specified in the listis his ores two bear the titie DE RATIONE BISSEXTI and DE AEQUINOCTIO of theseinly the lalter is extant a third is the DE SEX AETATIBUS SAECVL addresse to testinus above ais M. Lasti me stili possess, nota speis of dedications two letters o Beda's, Oone a hori acknowledgement of hel received rom Albinus in the compositio of the church history the ther a longtreatis sentes his frien an pupi Ecgbert, after his consecratio as ab os orla his letter, ritte no longbefore Beda' death, is ver remarkable containing no ontrios whic is it immediate pumose, excellent counSel respectingilie uties of the episcopale, ut also illustratin the moria an ecclesiastica state of England at the time in such a wayas to discove many ne delatis, speciali a regares themonasteries. Odistinctos. The concatenatio
io understand the passage, musthear in mino that Beda calis longlines uersus, hori lines uersiculi,so that in the insure of these hymns hich indeedie calis notdimeter iambicus, ut metrum
to the vie an terminolog of the Anglo-Saxon metriciam, M. Beda, the uersiculi os a uersus