장음표시 사용
preface an note maint polemicat, containing many extracis stomAnglo-Saxon homilies c Fulles dedication to Si mo Adam os his inure his cent ).- F Chimet D Paris I 681 o. -'Lat-Sax by Ioh Smit Cambridg 17et soI. Thomas Gale, dein f Vota, had made collections hic he made vero Smith, ho ounded his textis the samous, osapioore. This edition publiine by the author' son George, contain ali the historica work of Beda, Withaeamed notes reprinted inmussπ' edition Oxsor 18 6 an an appendix os documents.-Lat hy etri in the monum his Brit 18 8 IosoL-See Ab Cronholm Bedaeo e critice examinata Lund 8 I. Englis translations si by the samous controversialis Tho Stapleton
a ne eae cloae anctae delio ae spirit
Iudaeos III fi in bibi max at XII 63o iam uero residuus annorum numerus a tempore nazmitaris Christi usque in praesens in romptu est unicuique et scire si uoleste su Mare si laces, assumptis uiae iret annis secundum eram ab ipsa domini incarnatione. era enim inuenta Cese ante rimina et octo annos quam Christus nasceretur nunc autem acclamatur era erae ccxxiv. detractis stim triginta et octo annis, ex quo emta inuenta est usque ad natiuuatem Christi, residui sunt clxxxvi anni The resace to the cono Germano et a suspected by ansi
domini nostri Iesu Christi Hanannus dux et 'inceps Francorum anno ab incarnatione Christi septingentesimo quadragesimo 3O Secundo. Pa II-Ia 664 3--I he accepis the spurio charter, 98 of emble, date 66 P se Haddan-Stubbs II Iori,
i Iune 63 , but the word id est anno dominicae incarnationis sex n-tesimo tricesimo quarto are probabi Beda' gloss. he earliest genuine 35 documen bearinitate Abinmaddan-St biis of the year 68o II 16 ,
-in afrimothetin in quot anno ab incarnatione Christi fra dicatores frimi missi a sancto rediri in gentem Anglorum uenissem.
sace' death. From the e nning os the nint centur a latest therechoning is genera in England Severa o Beda' error are
6 7 AMES HI AUTHORITIE Albinus the abbat Bed Nepraes an e ad Albinu , Nothelinus presbyter of London prae', Danielis os esse spines , in monis of Lastinctam ibid), the bat Esi sor ast Anglia ibid), Cyniberct thi es Lindse s=7aeta ibidi, Acca b o Hextam his III 3, IV I J Deda abbat of eartaneu in i se II I*, the abbes Aedilhild III 13 Cynimund fidelissimus nostrae ecclesiae presbyter III sin, ut Cuth 36 fin), the mon Trumberet IV 33, b Wilfii and the physicia Cynifrid ivra 9ὶ Gudfrid abbatis Lindisfame va), Bercthun abbati Beveri
ID VAE 3, , sin Aoc autem miracutam memoraru aibas non e prae nufactum, sed ab his qui praerenti fuere siri perhibae erae relatum , Aedgils
presbyter of oldinoam I et fin), Alduulf in o Eas Anelia III 5ὶ the presbyter Haemgils V Ia), in abbat Herebald IVχὶ, a
monk' II Iet, I superest, huc reser quidam senior monasterii muri, a qui narrare sola dixisse stibi quendam multum ueracem ac religiosum hominem, quodi um Furseum uideris inprouincia Orientalium Anglorum
tuasque uisiones ex ipsius ore aurieris ui Cuth 35 n, in finὶ bpPecthelm os Whithem v 3 n, 8), Herefrid abbat os Lindisfame
ui Cuthb 3, 373, Aediluald abbat o Metrose sibi 3οὶ Baldhelma presbyter of Lindissam sibi ets), the hermi Feldgeld sibi 6ὶ,
presbyter me II et Ecberct, sicut mihi referebas qui amiserarissimus et uenerandae canitiei presbur, qui se aec ab ipso audisse se trioa , another sibi a iuria quod miri meismer, qui comes itineris tui ac cooperasor uerbi extiumuit, refereba d. Sometimes he suppresses a me
PIO GREAT TORE O BOOK se Alcuin's account of Aelainride sanctis Ebor I 53-6 non semel exumas fregrino trami uerrasi iam fera aiat or-ns, sopitae Mucius amore: si quid sorte noui li. Ebrorum seu studiorum, quod secum ferret, terris reperiret
in illis. D IMPORTE GLAZIER Beda' pupilaeuthbert writes to Lael Bonis e 13 classe si aliquis homo in tua sit farrochia tii vitrea
uasa bene possit facere, cum tempus adrideas mihi mis re digneris. Oaut si fortasse ultra ne est in soteriale cuiusdam uerius sine maparrochia ramo ut fraternieas tua tui madeat ut ad nos usque feruenia , quia eiusdem artis ignari finossessumus. et si hoc fortasse contingit ut aliquis de uitri factoribus cum tua diligentia deo uolente ad nos usque uenire permittatur, cum benigna mansuetudine 5
uita comite illum suscipio. Eddius uita illaidio fi Wilfrid
introduce masons caementarios into his diocese 16 Vor cathedralmas dilapidared, the mos leaked the windo- were open; he roosed itwit lea an glare the winclows, fer fenestras intractum auium aes imbrium ultro frohibuis, ser quod tamen intro tamen radiabα his Worri et o
uenit uniuersae carnis, dinis uenit uniuersae carnis' 35 e quid in aliis muna fartibus a Mur, mora. nam in ac terra, in qua nos utruimus, finem suam mundus iam non nuntiat, sed
cios and the mori to come ipsa iam quasi ropinquitate angi ur'. common topic in Grego 's letters 9 refrin index e cit undermundus. In Bonis epistis 39 rao Jasse quidam rite to his mostlorin sister' adpropinquante iam mundi fine eum, ex qua semis maestauorum genemibus quondam fabrefacta ructura, haeram quoqueae re nouis hianum sibilis et Semlam cum hereduariis e turis non cessanum larrare. 'illibald uita Bonifa m 6o. Beda Ira paxeto8. P 13 28 METRICA AND RHYTHMICA HYΜΝ se in extraci stom u aboves 8 PI . Maeam senos to an abbes an nun Boni Io 95 P 43hue Siculos metrica ratione compositos. N senos to Boniface sep 99 P a Met49 hexameter correctionis causa. In his reatis de arte metrica cis de rhythmo Bede explain that metre is determined by quantity, rhythm by the numberis syllabies uidesur autem rhythmus reris erae consimilis, quae est uerborum modulata compositio non15 metrica ratione, sed numero syllabarum ad iudicium aurium examinata, in sunt carmina utiIrarium se artim es quidem MFM-mu sine metro erae foteu, medium uero sine istam esse non potest: quod liquidius stiae nisum metrum est ratio cum Mutatione My δε- mus modulatio sine ratione flerumque tamen casu quodam inuenies etiam a rationem in risthmo non arti cis moderatione seruauam, sed sono et ipsamo datione ducerite, quem uulares soriae necesse est rustice, docti facianια se quomodo as ad instar iambici meret pulcherrime factus est AFmnus ille praeclarus zrex aerem domine, a rerum creator Omnium, qui eras ante Saecula Semper cum patre filius:
TER the deat of Aeduini, his co in Osric succeede in thec hingdom of the Deiri, an Eanfrid, sonos Aedilfrid, to the throneo Bernicia Both these monarch renounce the christia faith, and soli ac into idolatry. Ceadualla in of the Brettones as sed a me instrument of Heauen' vengeanc on inem both. e flexu Osric firat, in a sali homo tom hic Osric a besteong, and besore the en os the ea Eanfrid was also lain by him hen hehad comerio sue sor eace Foro in the province of Νorthumbria was ravaged by the tyrant Ceadualla. o obliterat in memor of Othes apostate hings, and the suffering of the province during this unhappy ear, the ames of Osric an Eanfridore omitte homili record of the province, and that ea adde to the term os thereignis OsWald, D, succredin his brother Eanfrid, stem Ceadualla a Denisesburna. 15 P 19 I INTERFECTO IN PUGNA AEDUINO in the batile os Haethfelth
Hatfiet in the Ridino et Oct 33, here e a Stain, et 8 si ting against Ceadualla hin os the Briton an Penda the pagankini os themercians, aster a eignis r7 years ver Briton an SaxonS II o . For the extent os his dominion se II 5 Aeduin rex Nordan a obmbrorum rentis, id est eius quae ad borealem Humbrae fluminis flagam inhabi t maiore solentia cunctis qui Bri tantam incolunt Anglorum rariter et Bri unum popuIis fraefuit, praeter Cantuariis tantum: necnon et Meuanias BrisIonum insulas, quae inur Uemiam et Bri saniam suae sunt, Anglorum subiecit is eris. It is added that OsWald 25 maintained the fame boundaries. AEDII . Vari I97. REGNUM DEIRORVM calle in the Saxon version Dera rice', whic mill account for the orthographymeri, as et a Deiri, ound P 3 3. DEIRORUM II 6 end. '
omnibus remi citra ultraque Umbrensium. a , . 89 EΜPORE TOT QUO REGNAVIT AEDUINI lineo note. AEDUINI in masc. proper ames hicli in Saxon end with ethe scribe in his, end the nam in the nominative it i, ut mines est the oblique cases of the fame lam ascis the noummere a Latin
I CEADVALLA calle cithoi Adamnan uita Columbae, and Cad alio by Fordun chron gent Scot This Ceaduata, in os the Brettones is no to e consounde Wit Ceadualla his of the Geuissimentione IV sisyan si C. his hing of the Brettones is named ad-Walan in Myamon adde III s Where a long account of at theevenis comprised in his hapter is oven. The orthograph of thisnam in the s though no that usuali adopted is the ninform in Othe Sax Chroniciem in Flor Wigom.
OPPIDO UNICIPI Smith suggest that this mus have been Eboracum Vorkὶ thataeing the onlyclown in the province orth 15 of the me. Eboracum is calle municipium by Aur Vic his Caesxx et r. missi claim the Saxon in support of his te but o municepissere b)mg Iook very much a though the translator had alien muni
rmaing the comtry, and designing the extirpatio of the Angles homBritain He hadio esteem so the Christia religion, hichaad vomu amon them indeed says Beda to this da in Briton hol the acisaith of the An es in no account, and communicare it them no morethan withaeacten. DENISESBURNA identifie generali mith alaton eis Hesiam, ut asinesenselth was norin of the Roman wall et 16 itfeems lihely that the Rivus Denis mas also to the north. For a discus 35sion os the questio se Smith appendisiit Fordun III 35 says est
suum locus furnae suxta murum tuum qui uocatur 'Mad ad avia Ionem quo Romani quondam ob arcendos Mosorum i reus totam a maria in re praecinxerunt Britanniam.
BEFORMengaginii the batile against Ceadualla, Osuald erecteda cros an he an his me pinyed hesore it, and thei satin Was reWarde Min victory. The place here the ros Was erected 5 was calle Hefenfelth Heauen's fieid and many miracles areanown to have been perso e there also ater in hic chipsoahen homine cros have been steeped has restore t heiat both me an catilewhen they have either drun o been prinkle Mincit Therarethren of the monaster of Hagustaldaee a yearly Watch an servicem this Io pol for the est smin Osuald' soci an a chum has since been bulli there As an instance of the miraculous powers of this cros andali hings connected wit it Beda relates the cur of the brohen armisone of the rethren at Hagustald by means of some mos brought tohim rom the crossi one of his sello s. I This in te is cite in Amalarietens eccles ossa io Μ ne VIo29 a chapter o the adorationis the hol cross' som Would lain adore the ery cros o Whicli in Lord was crucified. ,ould that itwere in ali churches, it ould e deservedi revere besore thera. Though very church anno have it, et the pomer of the hol crossa is not antinii thos crosses hic are made aster the likenes of the Lordys mss, as e rea in in book of the histor of the Angles respectiniosWald, etc. b. Ioa, a me accepi the other sayings of dominus Beda, hyrahould me not also accepi these Wherein is narrated
the Lord' power, displayed by the venerationis in hol cross If25 any one Ahali chooseu say that what Beda reporis of the wood os thehol cros di no reatly happen, an is suin a doubter is belleved hemill e able to overthrow many testimontes of hol Scriptures, hichGod sorbid. Andri any one hali cho euo disparage 'succensere this present deed, he appears to rebel against God who bestowed this power 3 o the wood of the hol cross, that it no only so the present gave thevictor to his servant, ut also in later time orke miractes by the merit of the hol cross.... ut Dany one inali say Whydo mu notadore the ras, hecause thetor satin it, orither such things, hichthe Loes ouched wit his bodyy V Q repi secundum parui asem meum,3 thata domo read n the authorit of hol sathera that miraeses and healings were displayed stom them, as by the power of the hol crom; an neister do I kno that I was redeemed by themas by the holycros' nor that the devir aris ere calteria, hel gates roken the
20 a AETATUI DEBERET Statueretur.
21 3 IN VIus omis xl Vitament emi reat of rosses Whic that inint erecte in many places and of the miraeses hich mere .rought at them. ne of these Was a Glasgo and of this it is iniemusti enim arreptarii et a s ritibus immuisiuis uexati nocte dominica
solent ad crinem illam auiori re in crastinum inuenisum mentis om. fous, liberati et mundari, siue siquotiens moriui aut cita mors de nosuri. Dan hercit is ini ac ne crucem Aures uaria laniuraribus Io grauati ετ niaxime furiosi is a demoniis uexati ad uesperum Minciuntur et mane muctoriens sani et incolumes inuenti ad sua libere reueriuntur. VIRTUTES miracles δυνά/μιν iraeses also a the placeo Albin's martyrdom 6 7 end) Baronius 13 5-r oves a somnia proloco of the cur os a demonia a Rome by means of the relics os 13 Anastasius; ib et Iaciendi cures os dis se in customar ministr os
ACCEPIT suc reflexions o significant ames Aias Polmethes Prometheus etchare common in the classim Veschenae Eur P 639. 35Blomfiet Aesch r 87. Fuller cent VIIa 63 4 place hic time ut os iniud was called Hea n et ... by a prolepsis, notinns ering the namethereos untii this time. Thus it is generali reported that the placenio Lipsiest, here the king of Smeden mi one of his signa victorie