장음표시 사용
pao5 et II exhortoourinosine: ut gradum sacrosanctum. . .sacrosancta et operatione et doctrina confirmare memineris neutra
enim haec uirtus sine altera rite potest impleri: si aut is, qui bene uiuit, docendi officium neglegit, aut rite docens antistes s rectam exercere operationem contemnit ibi Dp po 6 17-eto homi r en sΜigne Ci et i ' uerba liuinae orationis adiuuat manus piae operationis uita uthbercticio Di 6 en sit
sast of Wednesday an Fridays, o the stationar days of the ancientchurAE'. Epiphan de fide et a throuo the whole ea therias is heptin the fame hol catholic church mean o Me esaea an Frida' τετράδι καὶ προσαββάτιν to the ninthiour, excesse oni during the wlois sentecost of υ - , herein no fas is en sinae Tertullian de ie 5 iunio Ioin, When amontanist, blamed the catholics for teaching non uum nonam detinerutam Prud peris VI ieiunamus' ait recusoporum i nondum nona diem resigna hora'. The nint hou provenultimatet to rigorous a limit, an noo was move backwar tit it
Frisine ee to obtain relie Domin plague os raim; very mon and nun to chani o psalm datly Baronius 75 Iet ope Zachar oves licencerio ea bacon affer Earier.
principaliut of religious societies. The order of the Bons-hommes fa orae Trinit 'nown also a thes Order of the redemption o Captives was stablishe so this purpos in connexion it the Crusades in
, 5 DE PROVINCI SCOTTORVM the Saxon version ives of
, I DURIOR IUSTO Fullera 69 beingiver-rigi an severe, his sermons madem impression on his Englis auditory. Harcinis hamae sati in proverbi mastes no malle an no onder, is the spirituali huildin wen o no etter Wherein the austerit an harshnesse of the pastour met with the ignorance an Sturdinesse of theseople'. o
Ρ 28 19 APOSTOLICAM alludi uorat auridescriptionis his own conductuowar me Corinthianso Cor iit et.
Latin, quae meditatione scri urarum ceteris omnibus est facta com
destre any ingenuo sapistrio conside the time hereicit mas acted 5Ι Was Easter-day, ea, suc an aster-da a Was celebrate by the quartadecimans Aidan Ming present thereat, contra a the time whichthe canon os Rome appotnted. No did not a divine finge in Os ald his miraculo inane, oint out this danthen to e trul observed Letthe papisis produce Such another miracle, to grace an credit thei Io Easter Roman-stile, and then the in something to the purpose'. The preservationis theiod of Furseus is mentioned praetrici inuentum est corpus sta inlesum ac meadem hora de hac Iucefuisse gressus. , a URBE REGIA co end. 6. Eddius 584 86 in urbe, quae Bebban burg dicitur, obsessi et undique circumcincti ostia manu in Leavus isque rupis lassia e mansimus. Ara chrona Ida...reigne I et
precious metes of Whic it a composed Ad sanctum umere diem pretiosa metalla re ere coimus quis Sancti sancta Columbae ossa iacent. . . Hanc praedam cupiere Dani so
Amiciorum. AB INVICEM minter se.
A this time the est Saxons, ancienti calle Geuissae, mere On-α verte by the reachin o bisho Birinus. e mas sent is pope Honorius an intende to penetrate into the interior o Britata, but oministrs to the Geuissae, an findin them pagans he arried an labours there. Oswald Was present hen migilsus in os in Geuissae mas baptize and was his sponsor. The , hingsigaveto Birinus the cit os Dorcic sor an episcopia Mat. Birinus die there, but his My was astemard remove to Venta. migilsus a suc- 1 ceede is his son Coinualch who refuse to ecome a Christian Hemas oon after ares rive stom his inmom is Penda in ofΜercia hos sister he had put awaydrom ein his Wise .an married another. Coinualch too refuge it Anna in os the Eas Angles and there he ecam a Christian He Wa astemard restore in his 1 hingdomando made Agilberctus a bis p amon his eople, ut hecomin wearie os a man whos languam e id notonderstandisor Agilberctus as a Gaul ho ad been instructe in Irelandi, he appotate another bishop, Vini, an Agilberctus, offende at thedivisionis his diocese, retire t Gaul, and ecam bishomo Paris. et o Aster a While in Was alsorarive aWay, and procured by purchaseth dishopri os London rom the in of themercians. So the Geuissae ere long time Without a biinop an in that perio Coinualch experience mea losses at in hanci os his nemies; so he destredio recali Agilberctus, ut that bis p excused himself and sent insteadas his nephew Leutherius, in Was consecrated bisho of the west Saxonsis heodore artabishomos anterbum. P 30 1 QVI OCANTu omitted in the Saxon version. I BIRIN EPISCOPO besore the time o Himen sommmarvela ha been attache to the account of the arriva o Birinus. See Po-3o lychronico V I3. I ILLO PRAESENTE in the presence of kin Oswald cf. 3
et EVMQVE DE LAVACRO i. e. Was his sponsor an rece ed
HAEDDE ab Theodore in verses appended to the Corpus ms o
Belgarum Winchester to distinguis it rom Venta Icenorum Calatornea Nomichi and Venta Silurum Caerininu.
32 1 et REDIIT GALLIAM the a Chron places his retum 66o D, ut ache was present at the synod os Whitis 66 he pro- Io b indidiot retum besore that year.
relate of the deat os Earcongota, and the popular storie conceruingilie assumptionis the Virgin My se Cursor undi IV porset seqq.PI OBITUM SUUM, QUEM REVELATIONE DIDICERAT IV 29 n. - 6 ALBATORVM glossary a lis avelorum II 1 I 8 claro indutos habitu. Io end. V ia. O
NOMISMA Lingar II o this inem that mi coim mere known in France, but cannot prove that the were current in Kent'. ID FRATRIBUS 49 1 3. o Q in Accordin to the con-5 stitution os the early monastic est lishment a certain number of monva ere depute to persorm in ecclesiastica services of eac monasteryΜabillon ann Bene XI IO. , I CONCENTUS ANGELORVM l et to p 97 li. Eddius 63 a Willaid' sunera super domum quasi residotium auium cum Io sonis uerum c cra at the hou of his passing audierunt et statimuerum auolamium in caelum cum suavit modulamine fennarum. SULenu autem, qui tui aderant, dixerun ceri se scire angelorum choros cum Michael uenisse ac animam sancti pontificis in para
rex iuraus in umectus est, caelitus lux emissa dicitur uideria urimis.
W34 ECCLESIA BEATI STEPHANI Mabillon an Bene Irao5. et FLAGRANTIA this dissimilation cf. musterΠ, maeste, purpi pdgrim is consistenti retiane in ms O the odo is sanctity csi II, I n. quanta saepe flagrantia mirandiis arueris odoris Gregdiat 1 3 four day aster the buriat os Theophanes, his iis determined cito tange the rabie laidis his tomb: quod uidelices marinor corpori eius superposi um dum fuisset astarum, tanta ex corpore ipsius fragrantia odoris emanauit, ac si ex putrescente carne illius pro uermibus aromata ferbuissent. Gregor examine the workmen in the presence of clerin, obles an peopter qui et eadem odoris Io fragiantia miro modo se repletos fuisse testati sunt. 4b. . Merulus a monk devote toclear an prayer an psalmody, in in avisionis crow of White flowers descendiu homineaven on his Mad. Fourteen years aster his death tanta ... i. ...Se Pulchro illius fragrantia suauitatis emanauit, ac si illic florum omnium fuissent odora Ismenta congregata. Sometimes thedragrantidour is relate to have
been perceived a the time os death Thus at in deat os a certain Servulus it is related Aelfriciom II 8 The was the hous fissed
do DE QUA DIXIMVS praxi I. W36 3 IN QUA SUUM CORPUMAEPELLIRI CUPIEBAT buriat in churches 3 p et n. χ lcia. I et Ρ Io Ira iuxta honorem uel regiis pueris uel innocentibus Christi congruum in ecclesia sepulti sunt. V 23. Gregdia IV 5 -5 . es 5 a nun in te but garrulous, was bised in a church the fame nio the verge sam in a Vision herbod -- funder besore the altar, and the one halfiumi, the other 3ounhure qua ex re aperie datur intellexi quia hi, quibus peccas dimissa non fuerint, ad euitandum iudicium sacris locis post mortem