장음표시 사용
was, time out os mind termed by the Duum Is Acme, o God graunae. An thus as Onesimus and Eut hus mere so calle stom hei insancy, hut neve truel ansmere their ames, ill aster the conversioni theone, an reviving of the ther: so places Whether casualin or pro pheticatly have names ancienti impose upo them, hic are so-- times verisied many ages aster'.
ualtam os Severus, made of earin is distinguis e stom a murus of stone.
ibi Ir the Roma χwelt fouin of this uiarum, ascis Minessed a thisio day by thei cities, lighthouses, ridges and roada The passage here quoted suprae is ibido et stom Gildas aster in retirement of the Roman stom Britain, in Briton suffere greatly Dom the
gere corror uel columnarum frumens rimari.
e oyed the hospitalit os the Scota an Picis, EcgberisIII a.
22 8 MILITIBVM amicio cum magna nobilium iuuentute. et ANTISTES sor the subsequent ab re os the missiona
25 catholic satin themselves adhuc inueterati et clatidicantes a semitis suis e casu sine orona praetenaeunt et ouemnia Christi sine ecclesiae rarissi racissus uenerantur'. ibi et a meti l Ia-I Bristones, quamuis et niaxima ex parte domestico sibi odio genum Aulorum et sotius catholicae ecclesiae statum fascha minus recte morigusque s robis im-
- 6 4AEPIV MENTIONEM FECIMUS I et os the Britons ho35 me Augustine at Augustine' oah I7-i S non enim paschae dominicum diem suo se ore, se a quarta decima usque ad uicesimam lunam obseruabant quae com uati octo insa Meuor annorum circulo continetur. Augustine ibido ora 1 et inio the Britons: though in many potnis ou ac contrar to M usage,
VNA die lunae. I ANATOLII Beda chro A et 79 Anatolius naitione Diandrinus Laodiceae Friae episcosin philosophorum disciplinis eruditus, μυ-rimo sermone celebrauur, cuius inmensi magni udo de libro quem super 5 pascha composuit et de decem libris arithmeticae nutriarionis soles apertissime coxnosci. an de Hagen dissertationes de eyclis paschalibus Amst 1736 to anon II 5 se has proved that in canon paschalis Anatolii Alexandrini Laodicensis episcopi, hic cites Isidore, is a sor- gery, probabi made in Britain in theat centurn printed by Bucherius ode doctrina temporum 33 reserences to iti Beda and thera si). The authorit of Anatolius is appealed to by Colman in the synod os Streanaeshalchis Q Ι 8. I HIBERNIAE Beda has a partialit so the Iris III et 7. IV
9. V 16 AD 7o the hie part of the cois in Ireland an som partalso os the Britons in Britain at the instigationis Adamnan adopted the soreason te and ecclesiasticat time of heeping Easter. V et Amalo Ceolfrid, Beda' abbat a Jarrow, in Naiton hing of the Picis to the Romanufage his arguments are give a tength. V et Ecgberct who had long lived in Ireland Vs Win the monk of Iona and thei dependent cloisters. 35 I LOCUM SEDIS EPISCOPALIS endo enissa, II. c 3 Pr. Lingar I et I9. Varin et r-238 minutet investigates the limits of the dioceses of Lindisfarne and Hexham. For an account of Lindissam se also Raine' hist os non Durham.
TAM LONGO EXILII SUI TEMPORE during the whole re n
Camden as almos est theoris prelates have been tamen stommonasteries into in clero, the caresuli persormali iunctions of ago monk, ut generali neglect Whateve belong to a prelate or clerk'. IIJona. I9 I S Columba Was the fini teacher of the Christian lait to the transmontane Picis, and therars Bunder of the monastery, hic in the iste osmi long remained venerable to thenations os the cois and licis Ceollach b of the ercians III 25 et end resigne his se an returne to Hii, usi Aurimorum caput es arcem Scotti Aabuere coenobiorum. For adest account of Hii see kene's Vita Sancti Columbae, in the preface to hic the sain is called monas- seriorum raser et fundalor alaad mention is ad II 7, as in the texi ofine monasteria inur ureorumque populorum si e Pictorum et cotorum 3 Britanniae terminos fundara.
Imine ea Am 565 Si Columba came stomaresanduo preac to the Northem Picis in Britain. The ouinem Pici ha besore thisbeen converte to Christianityi S Nynias a Britis hishop. rom35 Bridius hin of the Picis Columba received the istand of Hii sor thelaundationis a monastery. e had previousty founded a nobi mona ter a Dearmach in Ireland G island of Hii is reled by an abbat, and to his jurisdictio ali in province and the Uinops themselves are
subjechrior Columba mas notis isto but a presbyter an a monti. The successor os Columba were inintly men, but ere in erroris thematter of the eeping o Easter, in hic error the continue illi AD 7rs, at hic date a hol pries homine natio of the Angles, Ecgbercti name, came to them an gave themanowledge of the true and canonical da foramping the paschal seast. 24 19 IUSTINUS MINOR emperor stom Am 565 to 578. COLUMBA sonis aedilmith. In the secondoea aster inebatile of Cesedebrina Quot D 561 and in the orty-secondoearis his gerat Columba alle stom Scotia Iretand) into Britata. See IoShene' lis of Columba. M ad ONTIVM IVGIS monte Grampio, cuius iugum altissimum hodie Drum auis, dorsum Albionis, appellatur Smith ., 27 NYNIA EPISCOPO much informatio concerning this stanti tote so-d in the notes toa Forbes Lis oscit inian. ahat wor Isis a compositio of the twelsi centur ab Aelredo Rieuallens abbate de Anglico in Latinum translata. In vulga Scotchra Ninian was calle Siningam Bellende spink of him a Sanct Niniane Ae rubiscisos of Voma quisair Misi is an liris in honour VSanc Marserie Ais rime si eruncte). O, a ROMAE Patricli also, hom Beda mentions es in his martyrolora, as educated in Rome About et pope Celestinerissaid Prosper chrona si be to have sent Palladius as a missionar to
II et3. Finan ullas a cathedra at Lindisfarne III 5 pruerrum tamen more Scottorum non de lapide sed de robore secto torum composuisasque haruniusne texit. Am Iomaiton in os the Picis a s Ceolfriderio sen&him architecis V et I qui iuxta morem onιanorum ecclesiam
de lapide in genu isnus facerent. Am 676 Benedic Biscombroughthom Gaul masons Beda Mara qui lapideam sibi ecclesiam iuxta
Romanorum quem semper amabat morem facere L E A reeman
in Iris nam ac irmar. It was the earlimi and mos important of Si Columba's foundations in Ireland. he mos interestin relicis the Abbenis the beavisses Evangeliarium, known as in book of Durromno preserved in the librar os Trin Coli Dublin. PII I PLURIMA-MONASTERIA in the Introduction to Reeves' Ἀeditionis Adamnan's Vi a Sancti Columbae a lis is ovemosa inurches Bunded by the Stant in Ireland 3 among the Scoth an et among the
isos mori si gave so suli an account astemaros, Dan et in theforme of whic passages h says de cuius seristis aliqua decerpere ac 2 nostrae huic Asoria inserere commodum fore leoninibus reor.
- DUBIOS CIRCULOS in cycle of 8 years attribute io, ut far olde than, Sulpicius Severus A m Io), supplante successivel at me by the 53 years cycle of Victorius Aquitan Am 57 and the 19 years'metoni cycle os Dionysius Exiguus Amsa5ὶ See Vis endo 25, 3I ULTRA ORBEM POSITIS aster the retirement of the Romans in the th centur the ritis sor about a centurnhad very litile inter- coum Wit Rome. The were perpetuali tinnie Wit the provincialis of thei education Vo Adamnan abbatis Hii, heu at ingAlseid' couri, being urged by the leamed ne conrea uniuersalem ecclesiae 3Ο-rem uia in obseruantia paschali uel in aliis intibus me decretis cum suis paucissimis aer in extremo mundi angulo fositis uiuererra umemet, mutatus mense est. DII I9 pr. II aD 7 6-r6 n. rish
REBANTUR 8-19. Aldhelm p ad eruntium Bonis p et 8Jasse secundum decennem nouemnemque Anatolii computauum aut potiustaria ita ei Seueri merulam, qui Ixxxis annorum cursum descripsit, quarta decima cluna cum Iudaeis laschale sacramentuma ocelebrant erat namque gemus quoddam haereticorum aput orientiara, quod unam Mericati ae uocatur, id est quartadecimani, eo quod uaria decima una cum Iudaeis Christum blas emantibus Imamarisas euanieli ritu orcorum ea antibus faschae sollemnitatem peragunt Wilfrid in Eddius et there are in Britat mann s noneas of whom is it for me to accuse though Lknow trutri that aut quarta-ffeci mani sunt ut Brisones, ut Scotti Beda himself speis of the error of the quartadecimans as existin among the Scola de sex aetatibus D 6 o end) Usine anti. 87., I6 PRIMA SABBATI Q I6 Beda de temporum ratione cras in Je in Wee Wa thus echone prima sabbati uel una sabba tisiue sabbatorum etc Theaeathen dedicated primam . . . diem soli.
FROΜ the monasti college in thesisland of Hii, Aedan Was sent oinstruct the Angles the president os,hich monaster at that time B. 15
Was abbat Segeni. Aedan mas note sor his holinem os life his un-woridliness, his liberalit to theloor, and the great eat with Whic hewent about converting unbellevers, and strengtheningi Word and deed theriait of thos in mere at ad Christians. e too care stat in ea ut his mere leamed in the Scriptures, andae made the fame his octies stud' e gave litile time to any entenainment even is invited by the king, ut encouram fastin and seisdenia in the religious os that time. He di no spare the rich in his rebulae is the offended. egave mone to the Poor an so the ransomingi flaves. It is inid that whenain Oswald applied sor a bishop, there a at ira sent a mani Poto stem a disposition, an ii as aster his retum rom the workdisappotnted that Aedan was selecteduo go sorth to therias of preachine to the Angles.
but crines lore, and his apostle twelve, he auote, ut first he solwede it imselve. This union os leamin and working theae to the successis theseearly missionaries, was proverbia amon them. Gregor to Augustine II et end quatenus ex lingua et uita tuae sanctitaris et recte a Scredendi et bene uiuendi formam recipiant. IIIo p so I et of Aedan industriam faciendi simul et docend D mandas caelestia. III 19 o Furseus p sauci et exemplo uirtutis et incisamento sermonis. a quod maxime sanctos decet, cuncta quae agenda didicerat
an 18 IV et pos 1 et quod maxime doctores iuruare solet, ea quae agenda docebat ipse prius agendo praemonstrabat. V a P I7 of Ecgberct quonia m et doctor suauissimus et eorum quae agenda docebat erat exsecutor deuotissimus, libenter auditus a
ab uniuersis et97 51 S chies requisite in an abbat uiuendi docendique probitatem. 4 13 p oo 6 epist ad Ecgberctum