장음표시 사용
OSUALD reimeditne eam, sor in his reim mas include the oneyear of his apostate predecessors. e was illed by the in os inemercians in a batile at aserfelth. The place Wherei die has been made illustrious by miracles Theraus os in earin there, henmixe Wit mater has Male both me an beasis. The place hasbecome o note that by tisin away the ut there has been madea holeras dee as a maiisaigh. Beda ove two instances os cures. travelle ridis nea the places uno his hors sud leni tisen vernili, I and expected it to die. But in iis struiniecit happened that the animal rossed on to the spol here Osuald ha been illed, and it Was at oncerestore t iis monte stre th. The mancioumeying on, an deePlyimpressed wit the sanctit of the spol, camerio an inn, here the nieceof the master a paralysed. Η told of the wondrous cure of his horae, I 5 and stratotWay the conveyed the sic giri thither an laid her doWn. She seli into a flee and awoke quite restored, o acto e able o Washhersei rares her hiar, an aster that walli home wit the friend whohad brought heri
36 HOMINUM ET PECORVM the catile are generali included in these accounts of miraculous cures. Thus Adamnan uita Si Columbae II some rea is give by the ain quo in aqua intincto omines ea
consserat e pecora celerem recuperabant Salutem.
I3- 7. 49 I m. IM end an I Germanus quentae assire illidus stom the place of Alban's martyrdom. Ruinar in to Gre Tur puluis eri sepulcris erasus 9 7 386 et fassim secum deseri Gregorius
celis culmina uero de limis informibus es faeno superposui . Eddius Q 64 a monaster mas set on fire the house in hiin Wilfrid mas Would notri e fire: ne of the robbersentering faenum aridum insuffacilius 5 accendere rutans, uidis Aominem iuuemem stantem in actis et in sua manu crucem mensem auream. like miracle above II . Gremdial I 6. Greg
the fiant prevenis a part os a mali rom ein consume in a Me. -- sirit in uicutas solus concremarerum mirum dictu Eius par sis pari cula...pora solam ambussam domum stans illaesa permansit nec ignis ausus es a tingere bίnales in quibus satis rendebar salis serra.
BEDA also relates the marisis hic attende in the movin os
St Osuald's bones. His iece Osthryda queen os the Mercians caused his tole done and the main were conveyed to the monasteryos Beardaneu But the midiand monks didio like the orthem aint,a an te the wareon hic brouo his Ody ut of oors ali night. Howeve a colum os light hone allisio throuo rom heaven ponine place here theiod lay, and won by this manifestatio the montis aster ard pai due reverence to the aint. The mater in hic thereiic mere Washed was mured down in a comeris the sacrisi and thea eari in that pol ecam endue Wit miraculous virtve. MessAedilhild betaed some os this earth and carrie it,ithae in a casket, and it prove effectual to cure ne ho was possesse Wit an erit spirit. The restored demoniac testified that the spirit whicli tormented his fled asinoo as the maidiearing the casket came into the hall. 3 P 38 3 INVENTA...TRANSLATA it ould appea hom this that thebod os Osuald was burie elsewhere first, and aster a lapse of time con-Veye to artae' he Saxon Chronicie uis his deat an burial
and it abbat Was called the Lord of Lindin' It was destroyed by the
Huaetberct Me in 'rimis omnibus delectabile et grati cum fecit sustulit ossa Eastemini abbatis, quae in sorti, ingressus ecclesiae beati a stoli rei erant posita, necnon et ossa Si ridi abbatis et magistri quondam sui, quae foris sacrarium ata meridiem fuerant condus er utraque in una theca sed medio ariete diuisa recludens, inius in autem ecclesia iuxta ocorpus beati patris Benedicti composuit., IO QUAM p et L n. p 36 Lyn.
II ILLAVACRUM AD ABIGENDOS DAEMONE Laris uit Cuthba titie quomodo puer daemoniacus sit humo, cui lauacrum corporis imsusum est, in aquam missa sanatus'. 25, ILL thither. a LVCΕΜ p 3. 17 n. PULVERE p 36 Lyn., 3 AB INMUNDO SPIRITU I I et n. vi Cust 15. 164 et enlnonnuno M immundorum spirituum uexatione non solum aram 3Otavendo orando i erando exorcisando, sed et absens uel santum ora ouel certe eorum sanationem meaeirendo, curauit. Si Eustace of Dimeto was reputeda excet in liberandis energumenis et amentibus' Pagi 6et et end . An account os demoniaca possessio an iis miraculo
a MOX Tm simul M. et ALIQUID quicquam.
Imlater times a bo in the fame monaster Was tinen Mith a sever, and was directed by one of the brethren to go an sta quieti a Stomaid' tomb. Me remained there illi the his of the attach massast, and was reed rom his malady me brothe who relate this to Bedasaid that theto had grown up and was stili living in the monastery ritis no Wonde that the pinyers of the sata are so emcactous aster hisa deast soriis devotion to God was so signat ali his lilatime. It is sata he die&wit a pinyer sor his soldier o his lip and the word of his prayer passe into a provem. The ea hand an arm os ingosuald ha been ut rom his od an put o si es, ut aster aresos uecovere them an pu the hea in the church a Lindisfarneas and theia Manes ms in that at the royal citros Bebba uro. 41 ACcEssioNIs a technical term in icio recessionas.
as conveying the idea that the diserae a caused by ome personala agen ., I QUI REFEREBAT MIHI FRATER INDE ADVENIENMon Beda's authorities sees 5 6. Ο9. TEMPORE MATUTINAE LAUDIS AD DIEM I9 4 S Ecgberct ad made ali preparations sor his missionar myage toae Germann hen uenit die quadam mane primo ad eum Mn deharribus. . . reserens ei uisionem quae sibi eadem nocte apparuisses eum
expletis inquiens hymnis matutinalibus in lectulo membra posuissem ac lenis mihi somnus obrepsisset ibes 3 post Hes satiras B. 16
rursus ueni ad eum prae uus frater, dicens quia re ea nocte sibi post expletos matutinos Boisi fer uisum apparueris p Io lo n. uita Cussibus Iroa Irat at tibi consuerum in monasterio nocturnae
orationis signum insonuit, excitarus sonitu resedis isse. nec moma sanatum se esse in eligens surrexi et in gratiarum actione omino omne nocturnae siue matutinae Psalmodiae tempus stando ferratast.
Greidia III coicio β' nocti Nero eadem dum ex more cum fratribus ad exhibendas laudes domino surrexisset fraecepit dicens: iure ore artis nostris pulmentum coquite, ut mane Primo aratum sit.'Tert ad uxor I 5 etiam per noctem exsurgis oratum. Bi ham CXIII 7. Io espa II-I5., SUPINAS Hor c III et I caelo supinas si tuleris manus. lem supinus. Waye's Tertullia 383. 29. Go IsERERE ANIMABUS o consi se addendario glossary., TRANSLATA Alcui sanct Ebor 3oI-3II. Lingar II 87. 5
Ireland The mos reveren prelate Acca is Beda' authorit sormiracles rouo among the resones by the relics of this hol hing. The fame prelate also tot how the reputatio of the aint had sprevithroughout Ireland Beda oves ne tor to illustrate this. In acertain time os plague a scholar of the Scola ho ad been caretes of 35 his ternat wellare a strichen and like to die. Η began to Edismayed an spis to Acca os his fearis eternat tormentisor his sius. Is heaven Wouid ut spare himae Would correctinis victous illa, but he
sees that he has no merit os historio urge hyae inouldae spared. Vet he has eis os the piet os hin Osuald, and of the intractes Wrouo by his relim. e theresore intreata that is an of them cante had the may be mught to him. Acca ha some of the wood romythe staris o the whic in hol hing' head was impaled, and whena splinter stom that wood was put into hol mater, o the sic man todriis, he presently man to amend, and won entiret recovered, and live long afterrio proclaim in glor os God. Alcui sanct Ebor 55-498. Io P 42 1 VILBRORDvM V o. e oo the nam os Clemens, asWilfrid that os Boniface, Caedualla that Ofleter Bisco Baduhing thato Benedici praxi et Eddius 26-28 says that the Frisianain Algi or Aldgela received Wilfrid hospit ly, and that theseopte attribute to thestranger' God a ruitsul harum an successsu fishing-season Hex baptista ali in chiestain and ome thousand of the eopte et primum iri secundum apostolum fundamen eum si ei posuit, quod adhues reaediscas sinus eius in is is nutri us grauia de Wilbrordus
episcopus, maino labore desudans, cuius merces manet in aeternum. In
a to have les Ripon sor Ireland ae et in 677 or 678, to have lived under Ecgberct in the Iris monaster Rathmelaigi Μelsoni tenaears, and in his 33ω year to have been urged by his abbat to devote himself to the Conversio of the Frisians. The visit os Wilfrid, Acca and Eddius is placed metoethina , on Wilfrid' secondJoume to Rome. Authorities a in an de Aa bire Woordenboeli Millebrordus, 'includin two lives sin Prose an in verse by Alcuinis sanctabor o33-7 Ad Bonif
uita Caesari II 13 so the practice stili hept up in his d hos tining homemater consecrate o Easter eve, ad tutamen aduersus diabolicos incursus et ad aerearum potestatum insidias abigendas.' ingliam VIII 3 Is
7. Hospinia de templis IV Siber de aquae benedictae potu brutis non denegando e probatis his ecci monumentis tractLips 17ret to Siegeliandbuch Weth asser. Scudamore in DCA hol materi Cochayne' Sax Mech holy ater' and the
re nis Wenty-eight years, sor Penda hingis ercia attachemita, an his son an a nephew rebelle against him. Paulinus bisho of 25 Rochester die aster an episcopale os more than ineleen eam and Ithamar was ordaine bishomin his stead. Osuiu ad a parine in his royal dignit for therars nine ears This as swin sonis Osric ofine semit os hing Edwin Osuiu had Bernicia, and os in Deira. ut in consequence of a quarre the eata collecte an arm Willa the inten 3otionis setiling thei disputet batile. Os in however finding theriorem against him superior to his own dismisse his troops an too refugewit ear Hunuald B him he was eiraye to Osuiu ho ut himio death. his crime a committe a Ingetlingum Gilling Wherethe victorious king aster ardibuit a monaster torulone for his mitti 35GWin Wa a prince, comet courteous an bountilat Beda relates stor of his is of a horae to bisho Aedan hic the lino monaster ard bestoWedisponis poor man who aine iam of him. The
pure minxdestre, and aster aes in persectiliss deserve, to se the good-nes os the Lord in the land of the living sed e me defuncto pro dictemtione animae meae, quasifamiliaris es, aculi uestri orare et missas facere et nomen meum inter uestra scribere ignemini. oi, 3 AEnd. de sex aetatibus AD 7 16 II eto et St the picture of theemperor Philippus asa heretic notadmittes into churches, nec nomen ad missarum sollemnia prolatum. Milfrid Eddius 17 pro animae suae remedio ordere a copy of the gospes to e writte in gol letterson purpi partament, and bound inviold and jeweis, o Ripo church, 5Where his remains res e sine in remissione cocidis in orationibus nominis eius recordantur. 4 end. 57 s. o. 6 end. Boni ed Iasseu 93 Ia6. I 67. II. 38. 256. 57. 63. 66 269 27 .a8a 3I a precatorium memorandi fratrum defunctorum, addressed by the rethrenis one monaster to the provos an sellow of another, scientreatin them to in sor the deceased rethren hos names areenclosed, an to sorWard the ames to ther monasteries; underishingalsorio prasin retum sor an names received his a the origin os dealh-bili or mortuar rotis in hic the virines of the deceased areset sorth, and a requestrior prayers, With a promise of a retum os inter ascession appended. These Were sent hom monasternio monaster' and
thes suffrages of each appended. Si John's College Cambridge possesses such a ron o the death of Ampelissa, priores of Lillichurch at the endos in Iath centurn to hic 3o suffrages, more o lem, re attached.