장음표시 사용
Ie risco rus inuasores inlita a praesumtione contra sacrorum canonum normas ac di nitiones, in conuenm Theodori sanctissimi are iesis sicin uariorum ecclesiae aliorumque tunc temporis amistitum cum eo conuenientium, serim, quam per decem re eo amplius annos cum dei clemeritia dispensabam, rassorum more inuataere atque eripere moliti sunt et ina eadem uis subsidere, et non solum unum Sed tres in mea ecclesia sese promouerunt episcopos, licet canonica non sit eorum romotio. Lingar Ioa I et I , I HIC Bosa a metricia martyrolog of Bosa, ascribed to Beda,
et ILLE Eata par I7-as. IIVE and p 15 l . et, DE MONACHORVM COLLEGIO P a 38 4 4. Eddius et of eodore tres episcopos aliunde inuentos et non de subiectis illius parrochiae in absentia ponti cis nostri in sua ramis 3 De episcopatus sui nouiter inordina e solus ordinaui . Bosa was os
Whitby Trumwin contribute to the electionis Cuthbert I et 7 uita Cut is and when orce to resim his dioces retire t Whithy; Tunberct was almos immediatet deposed IV 8 an succeede byCuthberi, who ha been educate atmetros an Lindissame, and was 35 Eata' sinorit pupil. Even aster the had adopte the Roma Easter
God's tot, semper in omnim deo gratias agebat nam itarius rex erciorum superbo animo et insatiabili corde omnes australes populos aduersum regem nostrum concitans non tam ad bellandum, quam ad redigendum sub tributo seruili animo non regente deo proponebat. Ecgfridus uero rex Deirorum et Berniciorum animo rigido mente fideli consilio senum patriam custodire ecclesias dei defendere episcopo docente in deum confisus, sicin Barac et Debora, cum Ioparili manu hostem superbum inuadens deo adiuuante cum Paruo exercitu prostrauit et occisis innumeris regem fugauit regnumque eius sub tributo distribuit et eo postea quacumque ex causa moriente plenius aliquod spatium paci
Was extende norin aes an sout aes by conquests, ita Λ Me m moriae mi rido episcopo ad austrum super Saxones et aquilonem super Brisones et Scouos Pictosque regnum ecclesiarum uisisti baitur. Io , II AEDILRED hingis the Mercian cisi pes 7, 19 Sax chron
the Sout Saxons ho were ignorant of the divine nam an saith. Their hinc Aedilualch ad atready been baptised in mercia, and throuo Wilfrid's reachin the tales an soldier of the provincea received baptism. The queen abae ho was mole os E seidha been previousi baptised in hermis province A monEsrom the Scottis nationia a very smali monasternin the province of the South Saxons at a place calle Bosanhamm. Not only was spiritua calamityremove by Wilfrid' preaching, hut also an end was putri a drouota 5 Uin haud te three Dara. o severe a the lamine that theseoplethre themselves ver precipice or into the ea, ut o the very dayWhen the were baptised, ain sei and the land ecame fruitsul Thebisho also tauot theseopleri get thei living bycishing and so luminthei hearis to love him. ming Aedilualch gave the lino a site sor3 a monaster a Selsey, Where he live so five eam baptising manypeopte among Whom Were two hundred and fisty men and women flaves,to homini baptismi gave thei liberty. 19. Eddius et . o. Alcui sanctabor 577-- . 11 1 MULTA LOCA his enemies expecting that he mould cros to
nex sp in Daegberth hing of the Franks, who ad Men an exile in Ireland and ad received supplies rom Wilfrid on his retum, entertained hi hospitably, offere him a bishopric, an on his resum senthim on his waycloade Wit presenis me ex camerio in Berchter os Campania, Who also resused the price se on his hein, an sent hiis s
Roman counci unde Agatho, Wilfrid' petition avin been read, decrees his restoration to his see, subjectri a divisionis it amomipsos his own choice. Iois I INIMICITIAM MEMORATU REGIS I a14 L eto ne is thecause of the quareet was a dispute about the landibelongin to the we
e in promise to secure him sanctus uero homo dei, auisus in uerbis consolationis gintias agens deo primum rem ετ reminae uerbum dei e regni eius beatitudinem e munitudinem lenium suadens, quasi lac sine ac dolo dedisser, praedicare coepis deinde postea cum consensu regis meoneMente aes ex oratione sonini cis sancti nostri gentes, quibus ante praedicatum non erat et numquam uerbum dei audierant, congnotae sunt Wilfrid preached to them sor severa monoes against idolato and Mund savour in the sight of the Ling. paganorum utrius-25 que sexus, quidam uoluntarie, alii uero coacti regis imperio, idololatriam deserentes ... baPtizati sunt. , 3L RAPPA II Lia.
mannem to come a litti inor of his bellere.'
miarum piscosis ac fontasus praeriare copiosis et quidem praecipue issicio pike abundat et anguilla. haron Turne AS IIII meto. , I SELAESE Eddius 4 en rex. . .mitis et sius fer ominum facetis uillam suam propriam, in qua manebat, ad episcopalem sedem cum territoriis postea additi LXX xvi man Iosionum Selaesiae sancto nouo mavinnaae et baptistae, qui sibi suisquecumctis uitae ferretuae iam aperuit, concedit ibique frueribus suis congregatis coenobium ad requiem fundauit, quod usquo hodie subiecti eius possident Aster Aldhelm's deat in o these of Selse Was est itine V 8 Μat West oves the date et iij. Stransferre to Chichester Am Io75. Lingar donation to thechurch. IR MONASTERIVM p IIM II. et I AD MORTEΜ ECGFRIDI et ΜV 685 p I5. I et 7, Io.
et LIBERTATE DONANDO Lingardo a. emble Saxon in Englandri es an appae In Domesda no flaveris registered in Yorkan se in the eighbouring counties. At the councit os Celchyth et Jul 816 Haddan-Stubbs III 583 c rotishops were directe to et atliberi a thei deat alliondmen o Ensis descent Whom the churchra ha acquire during thei administration. Ransom os captives Eddius
I Nahe monasteryos esseysome miracles ere rouot, ne os,hichBeda relates o the authorit os bisho Acca There was a great mortalit in Britat an many of the rethren os the monaster cliod 33 In their mutile the monks egan to observe arias of three days onthe secon da os,hic last the Uessed tales of the apostles appeared
amagement: numquid hic conuemisse sanctos apostolos non uideri, Marum Petrum et aulum primos apostolorum non aspicitis λ' ad 35 quos iterum conuersus dicebat: ecce uenis, ecce Mento asque inser areuerba animam me idis .... quod erumque confiniit iustis, ut in morte sua sanctorum praecedentium uisiones aspiciant, ne issam mortis suae poenalem sententiam sertimescant. Si eter appeare in
POSITIO poeto II see liber uitae ecci Dunelm Surtees soco8 I con Iotaining the names os ali the benefactor os Si Cuthhert' church hom ita foundation. The original ΜS Cotton Dom VII la constanti on thealta sor more than si centuries an contain a prayer that hebenefactore names may he writte in the ool os iis c Lingar II 58. 352- Anglo-Saxo calendars'. Roc church of ou satherso Is339-35 et uita uth praes addresse tot Eadfrid and theirethrenos Lindissame aeg them to pransortim living, sed et me defuncto froredemtione animae meae, quasi familiaris et emaculi uestri, orare et missas facere et nomen meum inter uestra scribere dignemini. nam et tu, sanctissimae antistes, hoc te mihi promisisse iam retines, in oculus etiam testimonium futurae conscriptionis religioso fratri uestro Uriae mansionario graecepisti ut in albo uestrae Sanctae Ongregationis meum nunc quoque nomen apponeret Martene de
IIa pr deposita. II pr depositis. ID IM,EMORIAM OSUALD V I sine utatico salutis obsi et ascorpus eius in ultimis est monaueris locis humatum, neque inquis pro eo uel missas facere uel psalmos cantare uel saltem orare praesumeba Alcuin e II Jasse ne quaeso obliviscaris in tuis sanctis orationibus nomen amici mi Albini sed in aliquo memoriae a rhylacio reconde illud, et profer eo tempore oportuno, quo sanem et uinum in substan 3otiam corporis et sanguinis raristi consecraueris.
REVOCAT DOMUM VILFRID Theodore aster his recon
WΗEN Caedualla obtesne the hingdom of the Geuissi, that is the
West Saxons, he ook also the istand of Vecta hic had beenive umto idolatry. e exterminate ali thematives and Duo in me of his own provinces He gave the laurili par of the istan tobisho Wilfrid, ho transferre it to ne of his own clero name a Bemui an appotnte a his companion a presbyter me Hiddila. Beda relates hoW two boys, sons of Aruald in offecta, fled on the approach of the enem into the eighbourin province of theclute to a place calle Ad Lapidem, but asterward were betinyed an ordere tobe hilled. The abbatis the monaster of Hreutford, Diberct, berae 25 that hemio instruct them firs in the Christian laith. avinidonethisae baptised them and the then gladi underwent temporal death. When Vecta thus hecam Christian there a no bisho a firet, ut astematas Danihel Was appiante bishop, who When Beda rote Washisho os the est Saxons. Vecta is siluate opposite the outhao Saxons and the Geuissi, separate by a se three miles in idin, in whic the twoclides of the ocean dati meet. R 121 4 VECTA MAE 3., I VOTO f the promis os Ed in that he would ecome a Christian. 4 he hould recove the throne of his ancestor ID II. 35 NECDUM REGENERATV he was baptised in Rome a sew day besore his deat praeto Det n. I VILFRID on Caedualla salsis to Wilfrid cf Eddi Ar end.