Historiae ecclesiasticae gentis anglorum

발행: 1881년

분량: 531페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


episcopi, qui causonem Virilantium contemnentes, ingrediuntur basiaicas mortuorum, in quibus puluis uilissimus et fauilla nescio quae iacet linteamine conuoluta, ut polluta omnia polluat 395 Vigilantius de bara raro ec oris sui caenosam spurciriam euomens Pro-5 eed to ask: ero cineres suos amant animae mari rum et circumuolant eos semperque praeserius suns he also 396' ' argues against the miracles rough in the martyrs basilicae. cs Gre Tur Hor mart so 6 end. mira Martini II 6, 4rom St artin's grave quenchesa ire.

scraping os Iris book a specific against thes piason uidimus quibusdam a serpenu percussis rasa folia codicum qui de Hibernia fuerantae issam rasuram aquae inmissam ac potui datam talibus Protinus totam uim ueneni grassantis totum inflati corporisI5 absumsisse ac sedasse tumorem. Becket' blood dilate had like virtve Nichol piloimage to St,ar of Walsinoam an StThomas os anterbury by Erasmus ' si 875 I3 Iaa. I SOSPITATIS WI3 P7-Ia p 6 Lai.

IV ac , IHEN Colman test Britain, heim .en to the laland of Ηii Mili




Whose mim artablino Theodore convened a synod at Herutford Thehishops present ere Bisi os theraas Angles, Wilfrid os Northumbria by deputy, Putta of Rochester, Leutherius of the est Saxons and Uynfrid os Mercia These Wit the archbishopinore um te canons

Da mos necessar to e carried ut in the Englis churin Theserelate to Easter, to the independence of biinops, sanctit os monastic property the fixe residenceis monk in theiriwn monastery letterso commendatio sor clerica travellingis ut bishops no to performsacerdotes ossices out of theiriwn dioceses Without permission synods to Iorae calle regularly orde of precedenc amon bishops, the increaseos the episcopale, lasti marriages an divome These articles erediscusse an subscribed by ali, an an infringement of them talibring upo the offender an exclusion rom ever sacerdotal ossice.

In the ear of this mod 673 Am Ecgberct kin o Mnt dies, and I his brother Hlothere succeeded him. Thesbiino Bisi above mentioned.as successor os bisho Boniface, an durin his lis in consequence of his incapacit through illnes two bishops Aecci and Baduuini ere consecrate in his place in s m that time the linopri os the East Angles has been divide belwee two hishops. a P 101 3 BRITTANIAM VENIT et Μay 669sset Let n. SVIV see his

character in Alcui sanct Ebor 565-576. ROΜAM VENIRE p 38 lcia n. a. Severat of ou early kings made his piloimage, som taking the tonsure thus Caedualla hing


As and Dan a QVAEQVE quaecumque. ID LIBRVm CANONVM non puto hunc suisse librum aliquem peculiarem Theodoro compositum, sees collectionem canonum ecclesiae in concilio Chalcedonensi approbatam, et a Dionysio Exiguo non diu antea in latinum sermonem traductam, et in ecclesiam 1 occidentalem receptam. Theodorus enim rogato fratrum consensu, non ad nouellas aliquas constitutiones a se formatas, sed ad ea quae a patribus inanonice sunt antiquitus decreta protulit eundem librum canonum, multa alterius mentione acta, et ex eodem libro decem capitula quae per loca notauerat. tantum abfuit a libro nouo canonum

sorbidden con Carin II AD 387 or 39o II ne quisquam episco-25 porum alterius plebes uel dioecesim sua importunitate pulsare debeat concmippo AD 393 ser L a d a nullo usurpentur plebes alienae. Baronius o I tent charge brouo against Chrysostom: he intrudes into others dioceses an consecrates ps.'


mis a piloimageto Rome some objected ναί canones s nodatiae a ciniant, in unus quisque in eo loco, ubi constitutus fuerit et ubi uotum suum uouerit, ibi maneat et ibi deo reddat uota sua. DCA circumcelliones et)'. gyrouagi. Iois G DE LOCO AD LOCUM priuilegia me grante in latertimes hereb thi Was made a common abus and uersio in thepetitio Hready quote complain much thereos. Quis enim fructus ex huius modi priuilegiis insurgat ut plurimum non videmus, si non religionis dissolutionem, intentionis patronorum et religio Isnis instituentium frustrationem, fundatorum raudationem, ut dum illi monasteria vel pia loca dotabant seu fundabant quatenus inibi Conuersantes Stricte seruarent suorum patronorum instituta, isti in regione longinqua abeuntes per priuilegia dispensationes et exemptiones non solum de specie in speciem sed ab opposito in o

positum mutarunt sanctorum patronorum instituta.


concini cra Antioch o Chalcedo 9. Carth III 397 c et 'lacuis, ut proster causas ecclesiasticas, quae ad perniciem flebium aere Meseras me, 5 singulis quibusque annis concilium conuocetur. Hippon 393ser a Q. Elus si Hesele Conciliengesta III Io . Tolet III

589 co8 praeripit haec .vnoaeus, ut nante priorum auctori Me canonum, quae bis in anno praecepit congregari concilia, consul a itineris longitudine re fati nate ecclesiarum Hispaniae, semel in anno an Io locum, quem metro litanus eleveris, episcopi congregentur. Tolet

I CLOFESHOC Haddan-Stubbs II Ieta that Cloisino maseither inmerciam in ome inglom subordinate tomercia, has been righil inferred by Smith an other hom theriaci that ali the recordedcounciis os Clovestio date ithi a period coincident mist in prea dominance fiereia, and that the ercian kingsa e the lead in them, osten without the presence of an other in at all. It is singula that no recorde councino Clovesho occursonti the celebrate onerander ab Cuthberi yet inmaddan-Stubbs III 3o we findis counci os Cloveis A DII 6, 3 years aster the councilla Herisordysevent years avs Da et Haddan-Stubbs III 3 -3 et subsequent to the appotnimentos the placessor a early synod There is incleed in the interva onlyone genuine counci of the entire Anglo-Saxon taurin f,hic the placeris recorded, except thos os Τwisor an Onestresseid, in circumstances of hic account so thei locality That ne is heodore's 3 own counci of Ηatfiet in Am 68o an it is curious that he hould himself desert in place hic he had fixed on onlyraeven ears bes e. Boniface' expression in D 7 et Synodus Londinentis,' an allthe probabilities of the case, indicate London ' iis immediate ne h-

five miles stom Rochester. I CONGREGATIONI Other,s have consecrationis, hic isthe true reading cod eces Africis 86 stille ' de episcoporum ordine, at, qui posterius ordinati sunt, prioribus se non audeant anteferre'. Haddan-


Stubbs III in the orderos the biinops names...that of thei consecration, With the exceptionis the lacing of Wilfrid aster Bisi-- sumingilia Bis was consecrate early in Am 669. his may be accounted sorhy the ac that although Wilfrid was consecrate three o Bur eam Besore Bisi, he was no place in his se a a diocesan pontii the yea 669, and probabi aster the consecrationis thera Anglian p'. con Braca II 6 stem 'lacuis, ut conseruato maereo luani e scopi primae refer episcoporum secundum suae o inagionis tempus alius aia sedendi ae erat Deum. A madda in DC I et ba.

P 103 IMPLURE EPIsCOPI co ecclinis c 98. Greg. II to Bonifacecis a sep 84 9 Iasse praecipimus, in iuria sacrorum canonum statum ubi multitudo excreuit fidelium, ex uigore apostolicae sedis debeas ordinare episcopos. addan-StuM III Iaa Gregoryla scheme o tW archiepiscopales Wit twelve suilraga sera sa-piece, no doubi supplied in basis of heodore' proceedium Hedivision os see was actuali an generalin although no universalinaccompliine during the eight years fossowing the councit, ut apparenti not accordincto any definite decremos in muncirentering intoparticulars'. Lingarda Ia I. O, I DECIMUM an apost 47- 8. Theodori paenitentiale I et de somicatione'. b c de paenitentia nubentium specialiter'. Ioa de questibus coniugiorum'. INCESTvM DCA adulte '. incest'. con Namnetras c


ΟΝ aster his Vmmdliinopis themercians mas sor some offenceo deposed by archbisho Theodore, an Sex vis the ounde ani abbatis edehamstede a consecrate in his place. Uynfrid retiredio the monasterros Adbaruae Where he died Theodore made Earconualdbisho of the ast Saxons his as a mos holy man, o that Io even the litter in hic he was Mawn a ut in his seeble age cures many that are sic When the are ut unde oriearcit. plinter homit have also a great anil healin virtve. his Earconuald, besore his consecration, bullt two monasteries, onerior himself at herisen and theother sor his sister Aedilburga a Baining She was of the fame piet asI her brother, an too great care os inose ho mere unde her in hermonastery, and heavent miracles gave evidencedo her holiness. 101 et a UYNFRIDos Ioa LI. INOBOEDIENTIAE Haddan-StuM III reta accordingto the AS chron AD 6set infrid was expelle hom his se by the councila liseis, and in ali probabilit a resusa io allo. his dioces tote dividedWas the real reasonis his expulsion. ut Bede implies a pace of time. though notis longine, et in the councii and the expulsion, and Flordates the lalter Am 675'.

In the Laudis of the Saxon chron there occur severat enlargeminis commencin Wit the ea 65 A in hic is containe amonograph o the abbe os eterborough, and the privileges granteda toriis ab is by the se os Rome. REDIIT AD MONASTERIVM ΟΜ so Ceaddai 3 Pr.


bilit uniuersarum commissarum animarum promiscui sexus es