Historiae ecclesiasticae gentis anglorum

발행: 1881년

분량: 531페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


orde os minis admitte Women in monasteries, the secon excludinthem. The earliest double monaster certaini known in Europe is

25 agi 66 n. endysara os the monasternos Νivelle in his days: capitulum

utriusque sexus in quo canonicae uirgines nobilissimae digniorem locum obtinent et penes abbatissam eiusdem ciuitatis dominium est'. C grave

in Alsord 683 2.

the reasonis in replied si dixero uobis, mors me consumet' tu, satam omnibus eum fontifex interrorauit, eius quae causa accidi tibi et tuerespondens dixisse mortuus est Leonatus statim et uidi animam

eius in linteo duci dissimo rudi angelo in caelum deferri


alacri uultu'. is mord prove irae: Leonatus expire at the ver instant of the abbat' trance, an he himself die eight day aster

ards. LINTEUM MAGNUM the expression is sto the Vulgate Λcts x Ii concemin Peter' vision uas quoddam uelut linteum magnum.


BUT When the mother of the congregation, Aedilburga, rario die,

Wondrous vision a see by one of the sisters hos nam Mas


he was almos to seebl to speah sanctus autem senex ex uisione et uisitatione angelica consortatus et quasi aetatis et infirmitatis oblitus robustiorque effectus iam instantis beatitudinis quasdam primitias aspraegustabat, et cum angelo tanquam amicissimo et familiarissimo mutua colloquia conserebat. - et BENE VENISTI vousItes le bien-venu,' welcomerio Nu. RESPONSU so the paralytic Seruulus Gre dia IV knowing that his end wasmear, sent so the religious strangere homi 3Oenteriained, and ad them in psalm in prospectis his M. Hejoine thei song, ut uoces saguntium κου in compescuis cum te rore magni clamoris, dicens: tacete, numquid non auditis quantae resonent laudes in caelor et dum aut easdem laudes quas intus auaeerat, aurem cordis inuniueres, sancta illa anima carne solus est. 35 ac PARV Emi 3 parumper. I et 7 modicum vos meto L6S

cum parum consedissent.

I CVM QVo entiret supersedes quocum during the silve age.


AEDILBURGA was succeeded in her ossice of bessi a liai admaid L, o God name Hildilid, and great care as exercise byae formany years in the discliarge os ali her uties. She deteranine ons account of the want os space ea the monaster that he hones of thos hol ones h ha been burie there inouldie remove into the church of the lesse Moster os God, and when his a dones tot lictis appeared rom heaven an a mamellous fragrance Was seli, ascis tot in the wor Dom hic Beda mahes his extracts Me relates onexo miracle hic too place at that cemetery. The wis of a certain earlino lived nea was amicte wit a diseas os the eyes and at last hecamequite blind. Thinking that is he were brought to the monaster of thesehol virgins an praye nea the relics of the saint in inould recover, sh caused her maidens to bringier thither. he Was persecti restored,

to the sainis in heaven.

tunica cucitata et saluolo et oto corpore quasi adhuc uiueret intem tan-


tisque fragrante odoribus, ut delibutum unguentis putares. Beda de locis sanctis et stagrant i os the ross. Fragrance of thebod os princem Margaret os Hungar virginis monoe aster death Raynaldus et 7 32. Ara et Ia II oo . hist misceli axiv 3 Constantine bpron)nnos D 766 sun in the se the corpse of

Euphemia, non ferens uidere unguenti eam ex se super omnem

populum suauitatem reddentem Alcui uita illibrordiri 6 the right light the ongs, the anget carrying the od to emen.

mitati quoque nurum seriati sunt crebro se furer lectulum, in quo endi amanimam suo creatori reddidis, mirabile uidisse lumen, suauissim- Ioamque odoris dulcissimi sensisse flagrantiam, ut omnino iis signis cretaeretur caelo es locum frequentasse ciues, in quo sancta anima mi auit ad dominum II 26 inter et exsequias miri flagrantia odoris ambrosio ecclesiam perfudit nectare totam, i perspicue anolicam monumans uenisse cate Mam ad sarris incium aeris concentibus almi. 5Greg dies Ivos Greg Tu formana 3I. 63 end. vitara Burchard


cossin a to inor sor it an in spite os ali stat the could ob chippin away romine insiderit could not be made large nouo. But hue the pondere What inould e done a miracle a granted, and thereb the com Was made so long that even a pillo couldie put in at the head and there mas a space of Buringere breadi a the oot. The histio Valdheri an Sighard the sonis Sebbi and no mali com- pany of other me mere present when this happened. P 111 is IDEM LIBELLVS cI Pr.


adeo sub obscuritatis nubilo iacent ut non rarum sciatur ausolea

. I ALIQUID INDIGNUM so Simentiger jus besere his deathused a linen bandage round his head ne mento decidense ex his moris aliquid indecens in ipso amareret uit S Kentis et. 35 I PRAEFATO Valdheri.


, EXINDE and 26 DEHINC rom that time. PRAEPARAVERANT SARCOFAGUM V 5 pr Joh os Beverteysumnione by count Addi ad unum de pueris eius qui acerrima agri u-dine premebatur, ita ut descisine senisus omni membrorum incio iam iam re moriturus erae uideretur cui etiam loculus iam tunc erat praeparatus in quo defunctus condi deberet . . . intrauit emo II episcosus et tiraei λιm maestis omnibus iam morti fraximum fositumque loculum iuxta eum in quo sepeliendus poni deberet Theabba Cudda made Cuthberi a presentis a sarcophagus, hic he hept O uita uth 374 6o Drrae caespite abditum.

, , O LONGIUS SARCOFAGO the ver sam dissiculty solve in like miraculous f hion, in Alcui uita illibrordio et condirum est uenerabile corpus in sarcofago marmoreo, quod primum toto dei famuli corpori quasi dimidium pedis breuius inuentum est, Is fratribusque ob hoc valde contristatis et consilio suspensis quid agerent eis rigisu tractantibus ubi aptum sancto corpori inuenissent locellum, . . miro modo diuina donante pietate inuentum est subito sarcofagum tanto dei uiri corpori longius, quanto breuius ante apparuit ibu 25. An ali sacre to Iuppiter, salis et ointo Mur pieces aster a se strohes fio Boniface Willibal uita Bonifcini set Jassei Greg dial II 23 a sepultorum 'prepareth a presbyterso himself, was fim occupie by his abbat, hos corpse turn on ita siderio mahe oom so the presbyter, henie librouo sor buriat.

EUTHERIUS was the ourthiishomo the est Saxons, his pre-- decessors havin bee Birinus, Agilberct an Vini. When the sokin Coinualch was dea the peti kings hel the govemmentis inp


Sexmul and there ende his lise, ein devote to church services and sining Theodore consecrate Cuichelm tote bisho os Rochester in his steta, buti soon retire and Gebmund was put into his place. In 67 At a comet appeare in the mont of August an continued is heraee so three monilis. In his fame. year hem the dispute be- twein kin Ecgfrid an bisho Wilfrid. Wilfrid wastarium Dominisse an Bosa was ad bisho in Deira, and Eata in Bernicia Theseat of the semer was a Vor and of the lalter at Hagustald and Lindis- fame A the fame time Eadhaed was made is p in the province of Io the Lindisfari hic Ecgfrid ad latet conquered Aster adhaed Ediluini a bisho there the Eadgar, an Murthi Cyniberct homas bisho When Beda rote. Besore the time o Eadhaed, ex vis Who Was a the fame time bishomos themercians and Middie Anfeshad also exercised the episcopia ossice among the Lindissari. Eadhaed, I Bosa an Eata ere consecrate a Vor is archbisho Theodore, o three years uter Wilfrid's departur adde two more prelates tothei number, vi Tunberct at Hagustald an Trumuini among the Picta ho ere then subject to the Angles. Eadhaed, ho WithdreWiso Lindse because Aedilred had recovere in province Was placeda ove the chum a Ripon. P 11xi OCCIDENTALIUM SAXONUM ANTISTES O the so gessexanclaing Coinualch se III 7. I MORTOS COINVALCH of Benedic Biscopis 67 --

gressus Bri tantam ad regem occidentalium Saxonum nominest Coinualch conferendum putauit, cuius et anu non semes amicitiis rusus es benesciis eras diu us ipso eodem tempore inmatura

morte Praere Pt O.


presenc there constituted it a separate see'.

natura rerum C ac de cometis' cometae sunt neu, flammis crinisae, Terenae nascentes, regni mutationem aut pestilentiam aut bella uel uentos aestu sue portendentes Pagi 67 9 seq, Who Places 3Othis comet in 77. Luco et terris mutantem regna Cometen. Iuvenal VI o instantem regi Armenio arthoque cometen.