장음표시 사용
v 187, Gaume of Si Stephen's visitario earth mortuus non uisitaret, nisi et mortuus uiueret exiguus puluis tantum populum congregauit: cinis latet, beneficia patent cogitate, carissimi, quae nobis deus seruet in regione uiuorum, qui tanta praestat de puluere mortuorum.
The trade in relics was sorbiddent Theodosius Am 386 cod me
Ix 7 7 Aumatum corrus nemo ad uerum locum mansferas; -omam rem dis rariat, nemo mercetur. Meant Nero in rosessa te, si inritae Loin loco sanctorum est aliquis conditus, pro eius uenemrione quod mare rium uocandum sit addant quod uoluerint fabricarum. It was early inintelisit imposture. Auid opere monachorum 8 membra mari mo, si tamen martyrum uendi ant. iraculous cures ascribe to resim
severat theri like orareater marvel in the hapter). I9 o. SulpSeuerus uita artini II the grave of a brigand who had been execute reverenoed by the eople, ill Marti compelle the mili spirit toconsess. Robber os relim Baron 66 I-3. Among the opponent of relic-worinim reformem besore the resor et omation, me fin Eunomius, Vigilantius, Agobard of Lyon, uiueris II et , author os libri IV de pignoribus sanctorum inuentis' optat de schis Donato I a Woman rebuked sor hissing besore the communion the bone os som martyr Who had notaeen sormali recomisω,
as a principie rasa, non si a quaerenda suns his ork teem mitti
panacea sor ound an diseases of the eye quod ego euidenter expertus sum. nam cum mihi nimia lippitudine oculi grauarentur, ex hoc sacrato unguine tactus dolore protinus carui ibi a vast stone, hichmany yok of oxen could scarce move, transporte by one yoke cures
Dat the tom oscit Genesius. Boniface po39 A D 7 5 complain stat Aldeberet prosesse to have
received relictisom an angel; that he sorbae his solio erario consecratechurches in honour os apostles o martyrs esteemin his own relic osequia value rit Stietess ungulas suas sua uos dedit ad Aonor/Io canaeum et fortandum cum reliquiis sancti Petri principis asoriolorum.
quartera relic os apostlas an martyr an inises altare in thei honour. a collections o Benedici. Paulin epta I. Revelation os relics, eg of thos of eruasius an Protasius to Ambrose Au serm 86 s. re Turo 7 wit Ruinari' note JO Gregor accounts so the many relics of these ininis aster thei trans
35 em ma aruit nuper autem a aruit, sicus solent a P Parere an torum corpora martyrum revelatione dei. See Mabillon assi si saec II et o the originis elevation and translation'. Some reserences o Baronius Wil ine the state os opinion and practice in the taurinishortly besore an during Beda's life a
the chain os Anastasius tinen in acas a panacea 657 the Morieli os sine adia' tomb, quod uix eri incla iuuenes mouere potuissens, non humanis manibus se an licis subleuat me velum, quod aureae e nare is membra remebat, consurrexit, tamquam Hruci a uiuens foras
submureret. 665 Io the bod os siligius, hic many hand could notmove, When the endemoured to translate it, is readiis me by .hen alψWe to remes in iis place. I pope Constantine sendario Eoaldus ab os Vienne relics: de frontis domini, de uestimentis domini, Iode uinculis apos olorum, de sanam, aerea Maccabaeorum, de cineri ssaneti Lotannis Bastiuae. In a mord, it Would e eas to findi allel in mediaevat stor sor every Wonderis fabie, and ver inventionis an the invisibi capis Hades, the even-lingue Mois, the Wishin capis Fortunatus, fixe Senones, steam enones, avnpo de emnes, telescopes, telegraPh luciser matches, sWimminebetis, panaceas of every hiud. e value set upo relic by Beda appearchom pria Is. I 6. I 8 uo. 35-244. 49. 258 33. 288 3. 3 3. 3o6 3 7 3I6 3aI-32 333 351 352 354 355. 387 388. 39o. 391. The truci de locis sanctis et o Μ ne XCIV passim, eg the naphin hic Mund the Loesyche cle iches iis possessor and escapes unhur stom therare anothermaphin, sal to have been ove by aint My', it the lenesse of the Lor and the postles. de VI aetatibus' AD 363 II 8 et Sten reliquiae apostoli Timothei Constantinopolim inuectae. Constantio Romam 25 ingresso ossa Andreae apostoli et Lucae euangelistae a Constantinopolitanis miro more suscepta. Unde the nexi ea si 82-i8a thebones of Isin Baptist, Mattere an bumra pagans, recovere hymonlis. AD 377 183 7 pope Damasus Mild a churinis the at comba, here the hodie oscis Peter an Paul lay. AD 38 si 8s Urio Valentinia deterre stom heres by the revelation of the relics of Geruasius and rotasius. AD II sib 5 invention is revelation fine hodies of abacuc and ic et si in the relics of Stephen Gamaliel and Nicodemus reveale to the presbyter Lucianus, whos narrative a translate by Auitus into Latin Stephen' resim 33weretrought to the west is Orosius. A DAsa I 8845 the fame reIi
brouot iso Ierusalem by Eudoxia. Ai 59 189 8 Isin Baptist
D 93 im 18hinventio os in hod os Bamabas and the autograph
ine momine mi os olives Abraham'sia almamre. Μiracles Without mention os relics 1 et Germanus heias a cripple. Io v et Joh os everte mines the dum to spe . i 3' reduces a tumour rebining those ho ad Ied the patient in uaria unai. io endi a Buntain bursis sori on the scene os a martyrdom. It musti remembere that the traditions os Beda' monastery h cite above 3 I 37ὶ regatae the relic osse movi and Jarro-with Da veneration untroubled by doubi the miracle also os Gregor I mere commoni rea in Englis churches Ioannes Diacon uita Grego Iop GrexIV48'. hus Lingar II 3 tasterior the arvellous was generaled an traditions os long standinvas et a stories of more recent date ere osten committe to ritin a facts by men ho, is a themta leame to doubi an examine, ould havo considere themas fictions or exaggerations. In his respere the cautio os Beda is Worthmos notice. e relates severat Wonderia evenis, ut not oneos them n his Wi knowledge. To ome he oves sui credit o the personat authorit of men hos names he mentions and of Whose 25 veracit he an entertain no doubi; of the inersae is caresula state that the comerio hi a thir o muri hand o hom the traditionos certain churches and wit this informatio he leave them to thei gement of his readem . See surther the indices to the acta sanctorum an to the Benedictinea editions of ather unde such head a caecus, corpus, miraculum,
It is singula that though this iis os Si Cuthbert a und with suta narratives sumished by the monlisis Lindisfame, et his lives of the fimi five abbata os his oviti
monastery contain no notice of a single miracle.
Μ Bochari de origine u service des relique Saumur 656. Cellarius de sanctorum reliquiis Helmst i 656 to De Cordemo imite de inintes relique Par 730 amo. o G Dorsch specimen sceleto-maniae pontificiae Stras i 663 ramo Sehmeis de ueneratione reli 25quiarum ona I r. Jacob Herenschmi Romanensium Delita sceletolatrica litem 16o9. Jm Jun de reliquiis et profanis et sacris earumque cultu Hannovero 783 to Chr ortholt de reliquiarum cultu telis 68o. Petiorellus de ritu ostensionis reliquiarum Rome 17ai. ore in Walch biblioth theolo o -5. II 53. 6a. attraobibi Brit subjecis. DC relics. Relic atratia 's Warwic in i 555 Νotes and uertes 5 se IX 8 j.
est liine in Wales is to b seen Haddan-Stubb Io et it a noticeos the est lishment in that principalit os a diocesin episcopale, ut I 5 no such information is to e obtesne conceming the ritis Ninops Who ere in ther paris of the country. Britis sees ere ho evergraduali occupied by the Saxons and i 87 AD, even findis Saxonbisho at Si David's archaeo Cam aes series X p a quote in Haddan-StubbsJ.2O AH heresore hic it is possibi to et sort wit certaininis theconditionis the Saxon episcopaledrom in arrivalis Augustine omnio 33 AD when in histor os Beda b III commences Augustine Was consecrate at Artes 597 AD and came ver into en in the fame ea an hel in archiepiscopa se tit his death o A D. 25 Durin his lis the monaster of t eter an Si aut astematas calle St Augustine's, was commenced ut no completed an in theyear of his deat he consecrated ellitus and Iustus, Wholad Men sentove to him stom ope Gregory the forme to e lino amon tho East Saxons it his seat at London, the alter o e bisho os
R hester. In the sameaearae consecrate Laurentius tot his omnsuccessor at antectury. The episcopale es Laurentius mas terminated by his deat inini A D. Mout two eam besore that date thedistrici preside&overi Mellitus relapsed into heathendom, as also clid that to hic Iustus harbeen appotnted Miltiam MNalmesbury Ny says de gest pontis II a successoribus remias derurbatus Meltatus Cantuariam venis ibi mamo curarum aestu quae sociorum pectora decopinant exceptus, coniuncto sibi iusto, secessit in auiam But there mas no
mas made lino among the ast Saxons, and Beda says III et IoOrientales Saxones fidem, quam olim expulso Mellito antistiae abiecerunt, instantia rem Osuiu receperunt. Dalso II 5.
o the deat o Laurentius Μellitus a made re isto anad ring in 6et Was succreded by Iustus, at whos deat ininet Honorius came to the archiepiscopa dignit' and it is durin his episcopate, I 5whic continue tit 653 Am, that in histor containe in these mo
To the bishopricis Rochester Iustus retumerone ea aster his cle- parture Ne II 6 an continue to reside ver the se tit his elevation to the archiepiscopale, he he consecrate Romanus to e his Osuccessor. his prelate a drowne in the Italia se in e II GJWhen minyas a legate sto England to ope Honorius 63 - , aridasterii Paulinus at in request onare lino Honorius too chargeos ui se os Rochester, hic he held sor lenaeam.
Paulinus hin preriously been a lino in the province of Norm 25 umbria, mavis converte hin Edwin to Christianit 6et AD anclharing been consecrate bisho is artablino Iustus f e II J, and heris accounted the iratilino of York Me also read of the exterestonos the missiona Haboursis aulinus into Lindsent ea IQ, ut onthe deat of hing Ed n 633 At he was obliges to leave the norinem 3o
paris os the lane and came along wit Edmin's quem toment, Whenae Was appotnted asias Me said, to the istopricis Rochester, and thenorthem Provinces mere nexi evangelised by the Iaboum os Aidan whobecam the fini bishopis Lindisfarne. otheriisho mas appotntedas successor o Paulinus at ork ill the consecratio of Ceadda 35
Burgundianaishom med Felix camerio Honorius in artabisho and was is his sent to preain among the ast Angles, hose iret his phe vras mine and had his episcopia seat aliun in in ea i5J. In like manne Birinus sent stom Itianis pope Honorius, Was mades a bishomamong the est Saxon about 63 D, an his eat was at Dorchester in Hordinire. us, beside the archiepiscopia see, there had been launde though
TII prope time so the observanceis Easter has been a fource of much controversmin the Christianishurch. Theirat discor arcise cause two uses had come tot observed probabimbecause the converi. Emere of tWo different classes Some of the earliest Christians mere Iews, whil othemisere Gentiles. The semer ould probabin a me knowsrom Scripture stat Si aut actuali did, observe Jewis serat at the Je is times suta converis the passover-night ould stili heobserve a me sua date, though connecte no in thei mind wit Iothe deat os Iesus the Gentile convert whoane mothingis the Paschal east theriaci that Iesus roseis theraret da of the mee fixin the Sunda af the prope da on hicli me festiva of the resurrectioninould be observed whil by the Jewis converis the da os the weinwas disregataed. he Jewis Christians influence the Asiatic church. Isandi them in calculationis Easter Was made aster the Iemiis resessor finding the paschal moon The da whichahe observin Was theo thos the oon Nisan an in aster times hos Who solio e this uteobtaine the nam Quartadecimans he westem hoc hept Easter almysin therare da of the week, neares to the sameo in da of the omoon, ni tisin care that the da inould no precede the emat equinox. For an account of the controversies hic agitate the wholeos Christendomon this subject fini in the time es Si Polycarpis ut 16 AD, themat Laodicea about fisteensears later, and then et em Victor an Polycrates I9 AD, in reade is referre to the arties asEasere in DCA. At the councii a Nicaea the westem us received the sanctionis theassemble lathera, and thus in part who still adhered to thedewish