장음표시 사용
CELLACII 67 et a Scottis presbyter, consecrate secon hi opamon themercians He aster-ward resigne his episcopale andretire to Scottand. CEOLFRID Ia II. coadjutor andaster aes successor os Benedici Bisco as abbatis Weamouth.
an successor o Cynigilsus kingos the Geuissae COLMANV 7 6. I I a. 72 7.
CONSTANTINOPOLIS I 23 4 I 24 3I7. 26ra. Constantinopte theancient Byzantium. Here erehel the secon and the fifth generat counciis, 38 and 553 A D.
tinus V, emperor 6 I 88 AD. e mas son os Heraclius Constantinus an is frequentlyname Constans II. CVDBERCT '
berct an a digest oscit si hesound in the notes P 377 οπ.
hisho os ochester by arch- histo Theodore, ut aster ares throuo poveri he was compellint retire stom the episcopale. CYNIBERCT II 4et fouri bishopos Lindissame.
tiis presbyter mught y Peada into the province os ercia and ultimatet ordaine bisho of the Middie Angle and erciam.
EABA ir et daughter os Eanfrid king of the Huicci and wife of Aedilualch in of the outh
EADBERCT 69 I 57 27 I58 II. Is II. a learne an pious man who succrede Cudberct in the episcopaleis Lindissame. EADGARO1 3a the thir bishopof the province of UndeMy. EADGYD Io 8. one of the sistere in the monaster a Baining.
vings. He persecuted the Christians an a veitherarat Leger, timos Autun Aster the deat os Clothaire the obles sor a timebarishe Ebroin to a monaster
FVLLANV s et q. the brother os Furseus, o hom in commonmith two other presbytera, he lest the charge of his monastery Whentie retire t Gaul FVRSEUS 5 et . 55 7. 56 4. an Iris mon who came Smissionar to the ast Angles. In a trance there mas ive tohim a revelation concerning the joys and ains of the wori toc me Furseus ende his lis in Gaul a the monaster o Latineacum hichie had founded. GEBMUNDUS II I 3. madebishopo Rochester aster Cuichelm' re-tirement stom that bishopric. GENUENSIS 3 I7. belongin to
a Gregor in great, made popeos Rome 5o A D. It was by his directio that Augustine camerio England. theseopte os the Anglian sens.
potnted by p Wilfrid to assistin the evangelizationis thesiste os
Sax Chron a 465, 16. Iona, an istan in the west coas os
Scottand, the seatos Si Columbas
Scot in the aster controVeraribu in the en cam ove to theside os the orthodox. HILDILI II 8. successor os Aedilburg bessis Barhing. HIRIDANVS 89 et I the nam of the monaster nea Naplecto hichabbat Hadrian elonge .heniemas in en to e companion to
IBAS I et I9. Wo Edessa; ne of the heretic condemne at the fifth Generat councti, hel at Constantinopi 553 A D. IEss 83 6. the Bethlehemite, satheris David hingis Israel. ΙΜΜA 33 7 a ouncknight Who
celebrated sortima his brother. IMMIN 68 1 . one of themerciannobles h rebelle against OsWyking of Northumbria, hen sat monarchia toen possession os
at in junctio of the Aine and the Oise in Valois. INFEPPINGUM 9 32. Feston in
generat councit heid a Constanti
Saxons, expelle stom in Pro- vince hen the inhabitant re
Constantinople, condemne as aheretici is councit os Ephesus
3 A D. NICAEA Ia a I. a toum os Bithynia in Asia inor, me place of assembl of themicen counciLΝICENUM CONCILIUM 73 28 the firsi generat councit of the churin, hel unde the empero Constantine 32 A to condem theheretices opinion os Arius an his
OIDDI Ir I. one of the primis mentioned as acti e in the evangelisationis the Sout Saxons. OIDILVALDA I. nephew of Osuiu hin os orthumbria, against whomine mised a rebellion.
South SaxonS. PAEGNALAECH 79 Io. Perhaps Fiminale near Duinam. PANCRATIVS 5 7. Si Pancras martyre a Rome 3o in D, during the Diocletian persecution. PARISIACA 3 3. I II sub ciuitas .
seate and die in the batile os
7 7 73 3 31. 7 5 16. 75 3 2. 76 5 9. 85 5 M. 9 et 3 99 3.
SENONES 17. the eopte os oneportio of the ancient Gallia Lugdunensis. hei territor .as in par of the modem inaruris and the oleis France. SEXBALDUS 6 28. one os the myiasamit o Emex, ein a son es