장음표시 사용
4-s ui. . .ex nihilo ut reuertar ad eum qui me fecit qui creavit qui me ex nihilo C C O. 6 multum tempus multo tempore Cy. bene es bene C C O. IO - empus...uidere iam tempus resolutionis solutionis C*;J meae instat quia cupio dissolui et esse cum Christo C C O.
est descripta O C O. II-I at ilia...scribe at ille scribit inquit cito At inquit
scribe cito η.I3-Iς est... om 7. 2 I Is modo. ..Hxisti modo sententia descripta est. at ille inquit Bene ueritatem dixisti, consummatum est C . I3-Iω modo.. me modo sententia descripta est et opus consummatum. Et ille Bene ait, dixisti, consummatum est Iam nunc caput meum manibus paulisper sustentans erige multum quippe C .
I aereantans decumbens atque post orationem decantans C . I9 est...s risum at cum spiritum sanctum uocauit suum 3 e corpore exalauit ultimum O CI. cum spiritum sanctum nominasset suum e corpore exhalans spiritum R. 2-ax isque oortaretur Ac sicam migrauit ad celesti ad regna emisit celestia C . 35 ax audiere uel im 3. 23-2 irum ... nostri beati patris obitum C C Cν. et oinum russum alium C O. et suam sic O om C .
- ad gloriam de earinis cecinit spiritualium C in dei laudem cecinit Cy. 528 exransis manibus expansisque in altum manibus Cy. dei de uiuo et uero C C CI.
Vale. Explicit epistola de transitu uenerabilis Bede presbiteri et imensis monachiae . IS P 179 4 MAXIME AUTEM IN VERBO QUOD DIXERAT QVI cet acta
aDANGELIS P ac I in P 8, 16. o. 33 EDAN the way in hic this or has come into theto a the nam os Beda is perhaps a sollows. In the original stomwhich this cop was ad there occurre the Saxon genitive Bedan Mepa La and the scribe notano ing vhatrio mali os it gaverit a Latintermination and inflexion a te
mightae made to the mediaevia notices os Beda ea Roger de Wendovery aao axe Coxe: Beaea, uir ueneraritas et mense semper caelestia, caelisa tia conscendis qui diuina uirtute fraeduus sua et oinorum uitia com- sescens dignus en in in ariem memoria Metur . . . fremeruis in abianiuersia ecclesia doctor Anglorum es Mer Menemasilis merito et nomine
IT is stili true, a in War non' time, that our ni chum hist rians are the jester Fulier and Collier inemo uror. annals of dAlford, Gowing the method o Baronius, Me no os litile intrinsievalue Usiner' antiquitates o the oster hane a stillis consultinwit profit Soames is a polemic, a les instructive than his Romissi rival e histor and antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon tarta by Iohn Lingard Londo I 858 a Volso e chum os in lainers, a see in OS Osmund' rite so the cathedria os Salisburn mith dissertatio in thebelles and ritual in England besore and aster the coming of the ormans, by Daniel Roch, Londo I 8 9-i 853 3 Vol in s paris See no es-peciali W right chapter of early Englis chum histor Oxsordi 878. sempages in emble' Saxons in England contain the most 5
script in the libraries of London, Rome Oxsord, Cambridge, Lambeth, York, Durham, an many thera, public in private sommos,hichthes historicia mis commission is sor the sint time Minon to Ilidit . o se important mis includin the collections os Whario mutton, Kenneti an prime book are registereo in the preface to legistrum sacrum Anglicanum is, Stubbs, orior I858. BIBLIOGRAPH Cave, Fabricius-Μanti, Brunet, Grasse. MMardy descriptis catalogue o materiai relatincto the histor os Great Bri astain and Irelana' in the olla series os chronicies an memoriat'. Ave Potinas bibliotheca his med aeui Berlino86 and suppi 1868. R Sim manuat so the genealogist, topographer, antiquar' London1856 I et 7. 'Curr lectures o the manuscript materiati ofancient Iris histo Dublin 1861. Presace to monumenta his Brit. 3o
are valvabie to the churin historian. HISTORIES FIEEa catalogued by Sims by sar the mos exhaustive
BIOGRAPHY the acta sanctorum os the Bollandisis in historie os monastic ordem cs Jul elisoldi bibliotheca bibliographica LeipetigI866, 5 166ὶ the national biographies, eg the Dutch one os valder 15 Aa WJ Rees lives of the Cambro-Britis ininis of the fifth and succredin centuries London 8s3. B Forbes halendar os Scottishininis Edin 187 oo Birin fasti monastici aeui Saxonici Lond. 87a. Bulcher, in ecclesiastica calendar, ita theor and constructio I 877 to. Ira ullinger the schoolsis Charies the Grint i 877. me dica tionar os christianalography, of whichises D latet appeared, is osten superior to the Romissi rarchen-Lexilion of Welle and wetzer, and to the Protestant Real- cyclo die of Hergo sos,hic the and in is no in progress). Ws horpe ancient tam an institutes os England 8 o I via sola Dor et volaravo. Rein Schmi die metae de Angelsatasin Gipetigi 858. COUNCIM e Spelman, Wilhins,maddan-Stubbs I II I III haveas et appinred . Iota Io son a collectionis ali in ecclesiasticallams, canon et conoeming the govemment of the taurin es Englanda London Ieteto et vias es Baron' ed in Anglo-Cassi Librarn. MONASTERIE Dumale' monasticon and loca supplements as Drollives mon Exoniense . EPISCOPAL REGIATE f the Durham register edite in the olis series, inouldie complet , an solio da allisther early registere. 35 The surptus os confiscaled church properirmio suppi landisor prin, in ali in register and other documents of the Iris sees, whsse there Di remata scholam in the munirn WOms o BRITIS AND IRIs AUTHO igne a patrologia n. eludes early ali that was accessibi at the date of printing the severat
volumes Iesse edited the letters of Boniface, ut an other monumenta Moguntina voLIII os his bibliotheca rerum Germanicarum'),
and thos of Alcuin publishe aster Iais ε' deat by Waltenbach and Dummie in i 873 Giles in his patres ecclesiae Anglicanae' edite iuncriticatly no a se tracts for the re time. an other Sdocuments are to e found in the publications os antiquaria societies etc, speciali in the solio Μ Αelsric, archaeologia es the proceini so the archaeologica associatio an institute , annalyne, Camden, Coton chronicies an memorial salso ome os in earlier recordium
historical and theological revie. and publications of societies inouldae examine minutet an articles resatincto in chure of these ista sregistered. Papers o mediaeva chum histor appea nomand then asamong the memoire os the Frenta institute. ANTIQUITIE. Binoam, Augusti, Binterim, este and eum, Herare, dictionar os Christia antiquium.'
et o martyrologium de natalitiis. Explici liber quintus historiae ecclesiasticae genti Anglorum. is is soliowed by the epistola de transim sempo76 3, but Without the passage in Saxon, i. e. the passage eonning in quibus nos, andendiniiudicanda fueri Theclast sentence of the letter a prinita stomae therat Gallen, is also omitted. In b IV hapter XIII XIV XV fine present lex mali one hapter, ut XIX and XX - XVII and XVIII of the oldest subdivision areaepi distincti e scis caresud writte in a Iath centurnhand wit rubricatellities and initiat letters.
tain heside Beda' eces his a Latinis in taeo different hand of the Iives of St Basil, t Euphrosyne, the passion frat Agnes, passion es Si incentius, passioni St Thomas os anterbum, passionis Stiaurentius, the en of whic is manting. The sinows the Saxon versicinos Grego ' Pastora ascribe to in Alsred of this in fidit folio sis missing.
In the ecclesiastica history the prologue there calle prelatio
enes it mandare uti imus, the last sentence of the earlies sorinos the prologum praesere omnes inueniam, Min place at the enclos in catalogue of the worksis Beda hic closes book sen I tenc precedincit ends, a does the oldest formis book, with seminer
anufaciem tuam. In book IV hapter XIII XIV X are thrown into one XIX and xx
areaepi distinct. Chariet of the present textris made into two in temh a division aster ei refretionem praebebas and the last clause uisus is avium annis is transferre to the following chapter. Aster the ecc his follows the letter of Cuthberi de transi, here called de Misti . t includes the Saxon passage, ut does nota, the Latin version thereos quod i a latine sonas...iudicanda fueris. Wit verbal variations the letter continues down to ineruditis Kn aciguae facis, omitting the last sentence of the earlier so his, is of
solio is the name atthaeus Parher. Die prologue end at mandare nuduimus and at in close of book vaster antefaciem tuam comes the sentence hic in the earlies copies is in the res e praesere omnes inurcessionis inueniam. Immediately solio. arahor account of thesisland of Lindisfame, and the wme oo rude lines canta promonica concerning the artabishops and bis ps of England some of whic seem to e mything ut complimentar asthat onWillelmus Norwicensis episcopus: Non hunc sed Barraban. Orin 35Theodwald of Worcester: In eadem domo manete edentes et bibentes. Cha XIII os book IV does no commence in Cyrilli Erat autem ibi
close Wit the wnit enice praesere omnes... inueniam, hic in the eari ocilest, is the conclusion of the prologue. Ita enumeratio of the hapter of b IV differs hom an os the
XV XXI and XXII and thus alway two les till XXVII m XXIX ins a Duobus autem annis pos md theother division are at the fame places as in the text.
25 his, is in chand of the XIVth century. C is a large solio ias belongin to Sidne Sussex college Mara , oven to the college by the Re Wm rati. Beside the eces his os Beda it contain the his oria tri καί ascribe to Epiphanius Thee I his commences it the prefatio an has like the earlies type,3 the sentenc Praecere omnes...inueniam M the lose of the prefatio. The last folios os bHV are gone, the last one hich remain encliniinthe catalogue os in mork of Beda at in antica canticorum libros Vra. Book I appears o have been divide into chapter at ome laterperiod os,hic there are made twenty-eight, ut some number are 35 omitte an sommove twice ver an no comparison an be made os that division it the present texi hic Mould serve an Purmae. The M of Beda is in a cursive hand of the XVth centuo. is a solio elongin to Emmanuel Coti e M io 33. I has elaboratet ornamente margins at the commencement os ac book,
an is a beautista specimen os the writin of the fisteent centur thetime hen it a produced. The dat is iuvenis the en os the ecclesiastica histor MCCCCLXXXI. Beside Beda's histor the volume contatas in the fame hand the historia Hibemiae of Gimidus Cambrensis. The prologue to the ecci histor end wit the mores manaeare studuimus, and the V book Wit semper anu ariem etiam. In Elavin ter XIII XIV and XV a printed in the present volume are ali combine into ne and hapter XI o C corresponds' in XV of the present ex Similari AE ter XIX and XX of the present edition mali one chapter in ' ID Cha XXV - a XXVIII os present texi md missi commenda cand the succeedin sentenc is ut at the eonning os in solioWingchapter. in is aramali solio beloning torat Isin's college Cambridge Ioa an has been maies used in his editio sor the collationis Cuth Isberi' l iter. It is writtemon partament in aland of the XIIIth centu . The resace of Beda end wit mandare studuimus. The ct ters of in IV are divide a in C and the ecci histor close a C Min the Sent Lacae praesere omnes. inueniam; aster hic is Cuthberes letter. In the fame volume an in the fame hin is a Latin iis of S Hylde aci M.