Latin works

발행: 1883년

분량: 516페이지


분류: 미분류







The present par contain the mos interestin and importanto ali Wycli s Latin sermon S. Jud ginioni frona the ther paris, the great effect whicli Wycli ssermons produced pota both his follower an his antagoni sis, ouldbe almos inexplicabie for they consis almos entiret of exposition sos the sacred ex and of philosophica disquisitions and it is ora lyhere and there that Wyclis contest illi the life and doctrine of the hierarchy of his a comes into promine iace. It oes o howeve in the present volume. Here the politica lanii ecclesiastical convictions, hich e re the ut in ideas of the lasti our ears of Wycli s life a re ver forcibi expressed Almost very Sermon contains sonae portion o Wyclis violent contest illi themon ks, of hicli e uiso ea frona his contemporaries, ho describethe ferment produced by him amongst the Englisti clergy, and toso me extent amongst the nation a large.

More ill not be attempted in his Introduction, than very briefl to indicate the content of the volume, an to poliat Ut where in tes it significa iace. The irs sermon is a clue to the character of the whole


To-da ali states may rejoice' Wycli exclainas, rejoice an db ashamed ithal. The princes may rejoice, for unde the go vertamento one of the restes princes homo he wor id has ver se en the Savio ur is oria, and He has command ed men to ive the worid lypower it due . He Himself a id formina se is an His followers the tribute due to the Emperor.



The oor a rejoice, sor ne ver id any one accepi poVerly out o greater ove than Christ. Lastly thos men may rejoice hoare placed in respect of orld ly good belween these two conditions be cause Christ, living in the state most orth os hono ur, cornedio eg, and molested ei ther ricli nor oor. But the rich may be si a med ho proieci Antichris andendo him illi earthi wealth; the hypocrites may be ushamea, who blasphemo usi declare that Christ eg ged and finallu, men fili middie rank may be asti a med who consent to the reacherous robberies of Antichrist. VAntichris is no the than the ope, and e is called o notconditionalty as in numero us the work of Wyclis, ut absolute ly. As in his fit si Sermon, o in ali hos that follow, e findii erce attach upon the Papa cy illi it illo in os prie sis, and ponthe egginciri ars in particular. In the fame Sermon e read In the ibi no sanction an be

secis hic li re invente. now-a- lays. They must e destroyed is by any ord the contraven the laws o the work of the avio ur. Anii a the ope is calle. Antichris here and in numerous other passages, also is his la antichristian.

Three laws, ycli says, go veri the state the divine, the papalor antichristian, and the imperial or civi law. The two lat terrare notvalid i the a re not so unded on the fit si A man' reputation, itis sa id in another passage, depend upon ille righteousnes of his is and it tigre ement illi the requirements of moly Scripture, and notu pon the publication of Antichrist ' false Rulls hich re common lyproduced by lyin tale-bearers.

Et cum non invenitur testimonium de papa cum toto clero Cesareo, de cunctis privatis sectis hodie adinventis, ideo tenetur dicta milicia ipsos destruere, si contrariantur in aliquo verbo ordinacioni vel lactis tam amabilis veritatis. Antichristus menciens quod habet duas potestates ecclesie, quid per seculares seductos et quid per satrapas proprio usque ad mortem persequitur quoscunque qui detexerint suas allacias pang. 58 2OI, 2 33, 30 etc. pag. 42 Sed heu cum res sunt leges quibus regulatur respublica, scilicet lex divina lex apali sive antichri tiva et

lex cesarea vel civilis, ex fide due sequentes non valent nisi de quanto secundum legem primam fundantur . . .


Nei ther cui suci u Ruli justis v nvo ne it condemn ruther like a diabolica writ in against the truth - both hos in hos e fauo u it is issu ei and the bearer . Antichris seiad his Bulls into the different countri es, illi theorde that non e liould presume o dispute them In accordance illit his, the cardinals are calle the auxiliaries of Antichrist. What is required, vcli astis in orae Sermon, in orde to ecome

Chris and the postles orduine prelates ithout such lawS. There is no reason extant for ah in such laws, in addition tot he Bible. The institutions made by Christ long e fore there erean pupul statutes, sufficed for the electior of relates, and so itshould e stili. O be a servant of the Church requires the divine mission the power, and the nowledge, hicli God granis for suchan office. Such a servant must renounc the worid.

Nullaten Si S.

The power of the keys, i ven to open the gales of the kingdomo heaven is Sed o to extor money, and to obtain a power hic his no munde. on the Bible. The election of the posite Matthe ma serve as a mode fortite election o a Pope The electe two hol men, ach fit for the office, and praye fervently o God formis decision. No v the elec aster a statu te of their own, and is ni asyllabie of it is viola ted the election is vo id even f the fit test mantias been hos en Herace come the schism in the Church so that men o not know ho is the right ope, an it ould e best todo ithout both opes. A great umber of the fuith fui, e read non passage, blasphemota si tali the ope foro od, e cause hat God has considerei sufficient in ordei to a man 's e cominia,Orthv

pag. 3oa Fama enim hominis debet capi ex rectitudine vite sue conformiter ad clipturam et non ex publicacione bullarum salsarum Antichristi . . . ulla talis nullum iustificat sed sepe tamquam scriptura diabolica veritati contraria dampnificat tam illos pro quibus sonare videtur quam et transmittentem pag. 3o3: Antichristus mittit per patrias et precipit nulli homini licere infringere Suam Paginam . . .


servant os the Church, is neglected while papal statutes are cared foran defended. An as ille ope is here in evident contradiction to olyScripture, ian cali hi in Antichrist, a Christ has suid Many illco me in m nam an say I una Chris etc. In the a me o Christ come these pseudo-popes holare oppOSedio Christ in doctrine and life. The law of Antichris is prat sed that of the Savi ou despised, and the persecutions proce edin frona his Antichris surpasso hos ewhicli Christ Himself ad to en dure rom the pri est of the old Covenant. The Legates, illi thei bulis, no sent forti, by Antichrist, are pro os of this. Do the reali serve for the edification of the Church Do no the rather a in thei hearis, ille the pri est of

the old Covenant, We illiso have his an to tale ver us VFrona the passage the are so fond of iting, What thou hastboundiniarili V Q, i do es no sol low that wlia such a worid ly-m in dedprelate has bound or loo sed on artii, ill e bound or loosed in heaven; a there is noth in more fallaci ou than to represent as a dogma that God is hereb forcedo bini or o oos e. In conseque iace of this Pharisai doctrine, the Church is ull

That power hic his a grante to t. et e by reason os certa in priori ty, is grante. to ver prelate in ury in degrees hic hGod determines. One mus no obe the Pope nor the ther prelates, unies theyinculcate the followin o Christ, ut e frona them a s apostates. To ali attack of Antichrist, a man must ans e that ei ther the Roman Pontis nor an other prelate of the Church militant is tot Notemus rogo legatos missos a latere Antichristi et videamus quid sonat ad edificacionem ecclesie secundum legem evangelii, quin ocius .... - Nec quicquam est infidelius quam diffinire ut fidem quod si secundum tradicionem humanam prelatus cesareus quidquam secerit, tunc Deus necessitatur ut in ipso compleat quod intendit. Hoc tenendum est firmiter quod licet potestas ista Petro conveniat secundum quandam re eminenciam, tamen convenit generaliter cuilibet prelato vel presbutero de sancta ecclesia, sed secundum disparitatem gradus quem Deus limitat. 3 Ethe racio quare papa et alii prelati ecclesie dedocentes sequelam Christi in opere non sunt sequendi sed tamquam apostate fugiendi.