Latin works

발행: 1883년

분량: 516페이지


분류: 미분류


iNT ODIICTION. XVIIa dotation os orlut propertro the more angelous, that their acene ver an die ut.

Frona ut this follows that, is an exaction is made by the clergy, ille belle ver hould as himseli fit st, hether his demand e founde dii Holy Scripture To secular oriis obod paid tributo more illinglythan Christ the Lord, and o hould also the clergy do Thera secularior is ould not be oblige. to illa g the oor in orde to invadesoreigi countries they could ather receive frona the clergy the necessarusuppor against their ne mi es A the ecclesiastical properi belong sto theio oris England it consequently cannot e gi ven to fore igners, b it the ope or the cardinals c. And of ali these viis existin in the Church, the laymen to a re uitly. He himself has very osten reprove them for thei soli in enriching the clergu contrary to Christ' doctrine an example On the udgmen day, et ther their reputation nor the delusives a voti in hich thev re held by the relates, ould heli them in

In numero us passages the secula lor is a re exhorte. to sulfiltheir uties toward monachism by illidrawing thei endo wment tot hem and by de priving them os orldly propertV. Although ycli do es no ad vise direct violence, as it aspracti sed by so me of the Hussites, the fallure to exercise the o utilpower against the moralis, is Severe ly lamed, and occasionali here fers to et hel p, to hicli the faithi ut might e forced by certain


The combat against monachis in and the hierarchy throws theother question trea ted by Wycli into the acti round . Ver osten e explains, ut es methodi callu than in the first par of the sermons, o the pri est should fulfi ille uties of his office. Dogmati question a re toυched is pon only here and there

' pag. 37ς. pag. 28. pag. 38. Sed secundo valent isti prelati fatui et resistentes isti expulsioni salubri ut obiective vel materialiter conculcentur. Sed non consevcio quod sic conculce itur improvide in perso is propi is

se arcentur in casu eciam violente ad separacionem a bonis ecclesie vel proscrip cionem salvis naturis .... s. pag. II seqq. ' Et istud movet quosdam promotos ecclesie Anglicane negare cardinalibus Procul acionem .... Pag. O8. B



Thus in ne passage e says Is the Church were deprived os sacraments an sacramental sages, it ould no perish for that so the Christianne eas ni to belle ve in God and observe is law. To in Christili Savi ou is ope bisho an pri est, and He has powe to esto wsalvation ithout these superfluous symbol S. Osten transubstantation is discus sed and the passages are airhnumero us, in hich e expresses his convictions abo ut miracles, adoration of the uinis and canoni sations. Satan he says, an deceive mei much more usit by miraclesos the dea d, than by holines of the living. By these false miracles the Clitarch an asil be deceived onenowhere re ad that olin the Baptist orked miracles, though by the

testimon o Christ Himself, amongst mortuis obod was greater than St. Johia. So the miracles ut the tonat, os t. Thomas may evenhave been caused by the devii. God id not ill that hono urcilio uidbe uid to the ody os Moses, nor to that os the oly Virgin, noros the evangelist St. Jolin the ibi est ablis hes nothin at ali abo ut

the adoration os suinis, and this e in the case, men sin, horai sobevso fur the command ment of the Church triumphant. Trul pio usmen disti he eurthi pruis and this is also the re ason wh the uinis abhor canoni sations, hic li re osten false the abhor the ea sis, iwhicli are multiplied ut os orlaly motives, and deprive of theiri avo ur hos e lio cep them in his spirit. Nei the by tigrim ages, nor v nois adoration of the satiat and thei relics hali e reacho ur os l. The aint must e venerat ed illi is dona and this is done est v iving way the iner of the de ad to the oor Butverit he who telis the eo ple his, is condemne d as a fiereti c. The magnificent architecture of hurches, o to spe ali ofmonasteries, is severet bla med. heu do no incite o piety, ut theydivert rom it the do no prove humili tu, ut the in supportabie pride of the clergy. Os the mendicunt friars, Wycli says that in their aughtines they buit might hous es and owers ille the to ero Rabel. S

pag. 374. 7 pag. 9. Sequente patrem suum edificant alias domos et campanilia instar disicancium turrim bel.


INTRODUCTION. XIXEu God despises uel buit lings and also the post te id notpermit suci, ut id ing or ther monuments no sanctione d by the Hol Scripture, to e rected ' li grana alaces and ou se of the mendicant friars he compares to dens os obbers. Whils the montis bulld cloister like casti es the mendicunt friar make thenaseives reside iaces ille Obber' dens.

As of old Cain uill the firs town, o for the protectiora os the inhabitant of the country, ut o conceat his prey, o no dothe friars They uili ho us es and chiarches in orde to deceive thepeo ple who bring the alms, and to concelli thei prey Andrior hisbuit linio churches the erroneo us ly cite the example of Solomon. In ne passage it is questioned, hether these bulldings of the montis and clergy are o any good ut ali to the Church.

that Christ condemne suci, uildings both by de ei and word Theuare ei ther virtuo us in thenaseives, no do they incite o virtve. Isthe do, i must he e cause thei beatity augment devotion, ut what reason is there to eli eve his Did o the martyr praV more devotat tu in the ungeon: Did o Jolin the aptis reach of ostieri, eight o contemplation in the desert Didiso Christ, as et a theia ther of the old and New Testamen pray in the pen ir Forwhen Christ assed the night in praying, he was not hut u in temple nor id the patriarch need a temple for thei devotions asthe were eli aware that God is omni present; and in churchesmara' mini is diverte. very much by arthi things. The ui id in oschurches osten ead to the contrary of hat has been intended. Itswallows the properi os the Church und produces mani id errors,

on account of the any human inventions and innovations connecte d

of refectorie and te eping oonas illi manu ther hings, hici, have been sinu ggled in aster the anne of the pharisees since, know, that no these utwar sigias ut the pure minii of the an homeditates on Christ' sufferings, and the oui ai sed to God in humblere vere tace, ah the place a holy one What have e to do illi

pag. 25. Cum ergo basilicas tales Dominus parvipendit . . . . a II. 6.



ille our alis of a cloister, et up to e et back our montis rom orial assairs, and to confine them to silen celand o bo lil observa iaces, where in a the pretenti thei religion consi sis: hen e no theyare lynx-eyed sor hat oes on in the worid ut si de heir alis, and pay litti attention to hol things There fore the abbois are cur os staying with in the walis of their clois ters andri they qui the cloister,nobod is more orid ly min ded, more ager in acquiring one or more dissolute in his life than they. There is no doub that thecloister has ripene these fruits. Vi Wycli continues in the samestra in . et

It is comprehensi ble, that he e came uia popular, illi the monks and the whol hierarchy the more so that his discipies carri e these doctrine to great tengilis and propagatei them Do the pulpit. The movement prea more an more de et ly and rapidiy.

Wandering throughout ali England Wyclir discipies reache these doctrines, and the result is describe d with pithy brevi ty by

contemporane Ou pen Hoc anno fratrum elemosinae subtrahantur, mendicantes laborare jubentur, praedicare non sinuntur, denariorum praedicatores et domorum penetratores Vocantur.

We have ther Englisti itia esses to the fame effect so that there an e no do ubi, that the impression produced by these sermons of vclis, on his English countrymen as extraordinary. It was no howeve permanent stron a the movement mus have been, the hierarch succee de in mastering t. Qui te different a the succes of these sermons in Eo hemia amongst themus sites for there the were passe Dom an to an db the earn ed, ho derived frona them ille arguments illi hic hthey combate the hierarchy an iis errors. iro the pulpit the

Serm. II. S. pag. 328 9. Si ergo sunt tantum maturati ut fingunt, quare non extra claustrum edificant fratres suos. Duando enim percipiunt lucrum, fastum aut delectabilem vitam in mundo respuunt claustrum suum et alias eremonias sue religionis et lectus in seculo conversantur. Quod non lacile crederetur, si forent sine claustro tamquam pisces sine aqua vel apostate sine regula tam felices. Eulogium Historiarum Contin. III, 35 ad annum 3I: Discipuli eius hanc doctrinam predicabant et divulgabant per totam Angliam multos laicos seducentes eciam nobile et magnos dominos qui des endebant tale salsos predicatores. 3 ccl. Hiqi. Contin pag. 33 ad ann. 382 s. Thom Walsingliam Hist. Angi. I, pag. I.



public ind was excited these sermons of Wyclis, i an in flamed illi atred for manu de cades against the relates and monks. The effect of these sermons mus have been the reater, that they eretalien v manu for sermon o Hus, as is evident frona the marginalnotes of ur s. D. How the aciei on the Rohemian eopte a large is testifie db the murdering of the monks the destructionis the mos renownedclitarches and cloisters, hicli ensue in Bohemia after the days of August 4i9, and thoroughly transformed the ecclesiastica relationso that country evenis,hicli ere fel in thei consequences sor long

The sermons of this volum have been preservet in three SS., nam ely the Codex o Trinit College, umbridge A), the Codex pal. Vindobonensis 3928 D), and the Codex at Vindobonensis 393 Ε). These three SS. have ire ad been described in the introductionto the firs volume. nee only be mentioned here, that the o hsermon pag. 4 to ba is missing in both SS. D and , and woother sermons hicli in the ourth par of s. occur a numbers an ii are inserte in iis place. As sermon 27, 28, i, 3 and 33 embrace the whole contenis

of the reatis De Sex Jugis, the s. of this reatis also prin te byLechler Appendix II, 9 seqq. was examined, and Dona iis various

readings sonae improvemenis have been incorporaled into the text.

About the date of the composition of this volume ali de talis have been i ven in the introduction to the firs volume, an I have noth in to ad ei theroo it, o to the principies hich have uideam in editing. On the ther an feel nausel bound to express v earti est thantis to the founder of the Societ Dr. . . Furnivali and to

' s. ei in Prim. Par pag. XXII XXVII. pag. XXXV XXXIX.



Messrs. F. D. Matthe and R. Rud densi e for the valvabie heli thev have ive me in his ork. Specia than ks ure due o r. Matthe , ithout hos indefatigabie assistance, hici appear only in the si de and oot notes, ut whicli a far reater than appe ars, it ould have been impossibi eso meo finisti the edition of the two rs volumes of the sermons withi a single ear during hicli time I ad to undet g two severe


TV angelia e Sancti S.

Sermon age

Christ mas Day. I. Exiit edictum a Cesare Augusto Luke I, St. Stephen. II. Ecce ego mitto ad vos prophetas Matth. XXIII, TSt. Joh the Evangeli St. Ill. Dixit Jesus Petro Johia XXI, Ib I The oly Innocent S.IU Angelus Domini apparuit Matii, II, 3 22 St. Thoma S. V. Homo quidam nobilis Luke lX, 2 28 St. Silvester. VI. Homo quidam peregre proficiscens. Mati XXV, 4 3ψThe Conversio os t. Paul. Ull. Dixit Simon Petrus ad Jesus: Ecce nos reliquimus. Mati XIX, Candiem a Day.

VIII. Postquam impleti sunt dies Luli II, 22 , a St. Peter' Chair Feb. 2). IX. Venit esus in partes Cesaree Mait XVI, 3 bo St. Matthia S. X. Confiteor tibi, Pater, Domine Mait XI 2, 66 Annunciatio of the lesse Virgin Mary. XI. Missus est angelus Gabriel a Deo. Luke I, 26 73

XII. Ego sum vitis vera Joh XV, 1 P0 St. hili an St. a me S. XIll. on turbetur cor vestrum Jolin XIV, 1 86Vigil os t. oh the apti St. XIV. Fuit in diebus Herodis Luke , , 9, St. Joh the Baptist. XV. Eligabeth impletum est tempus pariendi Luke I, 7 Iob

St. Peter an St. Paul. XVI. Dixit Jesus Simoni Joh XXI, , OZTranslation os t. Martin. XUll. olite timere, pusillus rex Lusi XII, 32 I 23 St. Mar Magdalene. XVIII. Rogabat esum quidam Luke VII 36 I32


Sermon Pace St. a me SXlX. Accessit ad esum mater filiorum Zebedei Mati XX, o i OAssumption os the Virgin Aug. ,). XX. Intravit esus in quoddam castellum. .uke X, 38 I 6

XXI. Facta est contencio Luke XX lI, 24 l a Delie ad in os t. olin the apti Si. XXll. Misit Herodes Mark Vl, 7 i, i Nativit os ille les sed Virgin Mary. XXIlI. Liber generacionis Mati. I, i i 6 Exaltation soli Cro S s. XXl V. Nunc iudicium est mundi. Johia lI, i l a St. Matthew. XXV. Cum transiret esus Mail. IX, 79M Pessi med rari Ἀγ. XXVI. Accesserunt ad esum discipuli Mait. Ulli, Ι 88 Al l uinis I ay.

XXVI l. Videns Jesu turba ascendit Mail. V i i 9 St. Andre .XXVlli. Ambulans Iesus iuxta mare Galile e Mati. V, 8 2O m mim , amo, o sal e. XX X. Hoc est receptum meum. Johu XV, 2 2IO The a me.

XXX. e mando vobis. Joh XV, 7 a 9Th e sam . XXXI. Ecce ego iniit vos sicut oves Mait X it, 227 Common o an Evangelist. XXXlI. Designavit Dominus Jesus Luke , i a 34 Common os ne Martyr. XXXIII. is granum frumenti. Joh XII, QThe a me. XXXIV. Qui vos audit me audit Luhe , 6 a PTI s a me. XXXV. Si quis vult venire post me. Mati. Ul 24 2 a Tti e mmae.

XXXVI. Si quis venit ad me. Luke XIV, 26 26 I

XXXVII. Nihil pertum quod non reveletur Mait. X, 26 269 Coia, ino of ne Martyr and is hop. XXXVII mircuibat esus civitates ait. IX, 3, 27TCommon os an Martyr S. XXXIX. levatis esus oculis Luke VI, o 28

The a me. XL. Cum persequentur vos in una civitate Mait X, 23 28 The a me. XLI. Ponite in cordibus vestris Luke XXI, 4 2Q3Tl e s a M. XLII Descendens Jesus de monte Luke VI, 7 SOo



Sermon age

Common os an Martyr S. XLII l. Cum audieritis pretia Luke XXI, 9 3o8The a me. XLIV. Attendite a fermento phariseorum Luke XII, I II Thi a m e. XLV. Sedente esu super monte Oliveti. Mati XXlV, 3 322 The a me. XLVI. Nolite arbitrari. Mati X, 4 33ΟT hi S a m e. XLVII. Egressus esus de templo Mati XXIV, 1 339T hi in me.

LVIII. Dixit Jesus urbis Judeorum Luit XI 29 Z b

IL. Egrediente es de templo Mar XIlI 353 Commoti os a Confessor an Bishop. L. Vigilate, quia nescitis. Mati XXIV, 2 36o

LI. Videte, vigilate et orate Mar XIII, 33 368

Common o a Confessor an Doctor. LII. Vos estis a terre Mati V i 3 376 Time a me. III. Vos estis lux mundi Mati V, 4 38 The a me. IV. Non potest civitas abscondi. , 4 392 Common o a Confessor an Abbot. LV. Nemo accendit lucernam. Uk XI, oo Common o many Conse S Sor S. Vt Sint lumbi vestri recincti Luke XII, 3, 4O9Tii a me. LVII. Misit Iesus duodecim apostolos. Mati X, I 6 Common os ne Virgin an Martyr. l. VIII. Simile est regnum celorum thesauro Mati XlII, 4 ψ26 Common o a Virgin no a martyr. LIX. Simile est regnum celorum decem virginibus. Mati XXV, 1 436 Ascension ab .

LX. Recumbentibus undecim apostolis. Mar XVI, queCorpus Christi Day. LXI. Caro mea vere est cibus Joh UI 4,3