장음표시 사용
INTRODUCTION. VIIbe obeyed, uiales thereb obedience is hown to Christ the Lord, accordin to the oly Scripture ' ut o obedience is hown to Christ by defendi in the woridi possession or the di sorder of the clergy, or both re contrar to Hol Scripture an to defendo hem, is atheroo resis Christ, an to e come a servant of Antichrist. As regard earthi laws, hos clergymen are to tame homedale exclusi vel with human statutes, hos of the opes and Emperors, an neglectolio se of God. Christ id not rite his a s on abies, o on hins of eadanimais, ut in the earis of men. In ther passages Wycli is even more severe on the ope, thel ope' electio and the power of the keys. The Church of the faith fu is bound to expel the error of Antichrist, an to belleve stead fasti in the oly Scripture No three error have been muggle in to the Church by the soli of Antichrist, and the faith fui ho ut scor them all. The irs is Because St. Peter die a Rome, an Constantine was Emperor here, ver Roman Bisho as i he were o necessi tythe mos able - is to e se ab ove ali Christendo m. y the samere ason in Moliam edans might conclude that their prelate' at Jerusalem, where Christ the ea cher o Peter died is greater han the Pope moreespeciali as he was instulled by a mightier uter than Constantine. Frona the place of his see, there fore, the right of the Roman Bisho to supremac cannot e concluded while is right eousnes of life granis his right, o can the Roman Bishop e ut ver allother isti ops, as it an e prove sto in his life that in or and de ed e is an adversar o Christ. A similari fallaci ous conclusion is the second the emperor, o any the wOridi prince must be elected by certa in electors, ini Ad omnes insultus Antichristi debet dici illis constanter quod nec Romano pontifici nec alicui relato ecclesie militantis debet amplius vel aliter obediri, nisi de quanto sonat ex fide scripture in obedienciam Jesu Christi. Nec scripsit Christus hanc legem in tabulis vel pellibus mortuorum animalium sed in cordibus hominum tamquam magister optimus et subtilissimus scrutator cordium. Primus error quod, quia Petrus moriebatur Rome et Constantinus eiusdem loci fuerat imperator, ideo quilibet Romanus sacerdos est tamquam habilissimus Super toto christiano populo referenduS.
orde that his election a b universali valid so that bis hos o ni isto e recognige a Pope on hora the Cardinals have uni ted heir votes. his conclusion is o much oppo sed to the proceed in of the Apostles in electin Matthe , that not ni the Church triumphant
consederates. δο suci, attacks ora the papacy there are stili a considerable
What is true of the ope applies, ais to the relates of the Church. hos prelates h do no fulsit their uty, e compares totas teles Sali.
The must be ejected β an ali laws hic holi Antichris issues against thei ejection, are good for nothing. Our prelates, e says, are ei ther no doctors, o such that a mill sto ne ought to e ung round thei nech, o the a re imperiali ged or opisti doctors who do not sta with Christ on the ountain, but illi the eopte in the pia in They aim at woridi hono urs,hichthe postle despi sed One must not ive ea to thos prelates, hoare instat te by a oridi hand, ut to thos instat ted by heaven. Such a relate a Jolin the Baptist ho ad unde him a multitude of hermiis: such prelates e re the oly martyrs ho
i Secundus error: Si imperator . . . per electores signato eligitur .... ergo per idem si isti cardinales in quemcunque suorum episcoporum Con enserint ut sit papa, sequitur ipsum a tota ecclesia esse CCeptandum .... Tercius error:
Christus singulariter dixit Petro: Quodcunque ligaveris et , ergo per idem istud competit singulariter cuicunque Romano pontifici. Cum autem aliquando non valuit hec consequencia et poterit non valere causa ut valoris, ut nunc a fidelibus estri manda ... Nec audet aliquis viatorum illusiones istas detegere propter persecticionem dyaboli et complicum Antichristi Cf. pag. 3 Alii autem clausa ianua excluduntur et sic seminantur spissius venditores olei per discipulos Antichristi. pag. 370. pag. 96 Nostri relati vel non sunt doctores vel sunt doctores asinaria mola oppressi vel aliter doctores cesarei Vel papale ....
strengthened the fuit lis ut in the difficulties of thei figi t. li a prelate ordei s hut is against the la o Christ, he is no belle ver ' I an inferior is ordere. the like, e must resis in humili ty humiliter
rebellare). t two relates, ne superior the ther inferior, order, the fit simust be obeyed in reasonable things. o Christ is superior to any prelate, and an orde noth in but liat is reason able Consequently, o ne must resis everythin Whicli a pope or prelate order contra Tto Christ. He ho acts other i se in grievouslv ne an e faveamoreo ver, ithout be in obedient to suci, a prelate, for e et ps amara ni by ordering ha leucis o obedience to Christ. The monks, bove uti, hould consider hether the did notenter an order, hen the might have been led by the ut o Christ. I thei chi ei ho ut be a reprobate or ignorant, they ma unti theso olisti boniis and live accordinito the ut o Christ the commonabbot. That relate ill not in against the rights of the Church who content himself illi mean Mod and lothing. and do es notclarnour so violenti for offering and tithes a is done now-a Jays, unde prete iace of defending the rights of the Church. in Trul spostoli cmen a re realed in these Jay as ere Onc the post les. The areno ullo e to confess the truth o Christ' religion. The worid ly-min dei prelates, ho re oridi loriis them se lues, an servant of Antichrist, eige old of suci, men, and de ut illi them accordi nitos rivolous laws . . The mendicant ri ars do the mos in jur to the Church. his ead has to the main topic of these sermons, i. e. theattac on the mendicant friars. Wycli firs arra igias the order for the numero his improprieti eswhici dis figure hem He lunae them for the en v and spite hic hthe enteria in no Oni against strangers, ut even against memberso the orders; e lunae thei hin restrui ne d love of worldly amus emenis, thei de baucheries and their reed of oridi gain, and lays tres sola the fac of thei bella gi ven to lying. In numero has ut cattere dpassages, here e spe alis abo Ut orders, e proves, that the ordei sare superfluous, that the common order, o hich the ali elong
is the Christi an order, and that Christ 's law is a more usi Lient
o Christ, and a re not ounded onmoly Scripture; hut thei members indulge in pernicio his vices do in hario to the individual unu to the whole colant ry that he must e destroyed. That the order ure superfluo is, is prove by themoly Scriptureno mentioning them ut ali untes in directi by the Suvio ur's urning against their nares 'ohe founder of such secis a re of the numberos hos abo ut hom Christ says Many ill come in m nam undsay, I in ChristV and iste ad ov. The foundation o an ordermus t e ni Christ. Ea frona the belle ver hould e the blasphemyos despis in Christ' doctrine and example, an illo in fallibi eguida iace in Stea d.
Rut his the mendicant friar do by saying that their orde is
superior to the common Christi an doctrine. The Church is tarde nedwithoo many servunts and the mos superfluous of ali are themendicunt friars These make ver efforto destro the old law of the Church. How superfluous hev re, an e se en rom thei fruits. Once two postles an de ring through a countri es, converte imore eo ple than live in England to suci, religio us eal a thewhol Englisti eo ple do es no possess, in spite os it many thousan is of mendicant friars, and there is no do ubi that the present ad state isdue to the neglige nce of the cleroy, and above ait, O these pseudo-moni S. These secis confound the Church: Thei thresholds ure ut si de the religion o Christ. Their increa se ea liens the Christi an doctrine,
Christ hinas et despi sed suci se cis Thev are et aware that the are o founded ora Hol Scripture and theres ore the sau Manu things hic li Jesus id are o mentione d in the Scripture, and so Christ si unde these orders, though thei foundation is notmentione expressi in the Bible. But v the fame ea soning one might conclude that ver orderis condemned, e cause iis condemnation is no mentione in the Bible; a one, might inter it,ith sonae hat greate certa in ty, e causesOme sages and paris of thei rule ain say the Lorii' law. ut in Chris and is Scripture ve and navV is impossibi e .
A the feci os hos friar an their monstrous' rule is noti unded in Scripture, so also the vo whicli the mon must tali is without scriptura si undation. ith upisti' crastines sonae riui sargue, that thei sect residet ora the ount of Carmel even es ore the incarnation o Christ, e cause Elius ound there sonae imitators.
And by simitur uir splittin g, ther conclude that they ure brotherso the bl essed Virgin, e cause the wear hi te rocks and whi te is the colour of innocence, in hich the virgin excelled Lean in orat his stas of reed 'ohe say that the post les took ows to the Lordita his manner A to thei suppo sed miracles the ma dis regurde dby the true catholic. I et o the faith fui regar them for these brothers, as Ventheir lacti armenis i iness, a re unde the patronage of the devit. In realit they are scholars of Antichrist for thev cannot bescholars of Christ, or the the would renounc the wori an iis splendours, and accordin to the word of the postle, e contente dwith Mod an clothing. But as the worid, hether the do no prefer ori divenjoymenis to such renunciation whether thev see k like the apostlesi fellow-worker in the o spei, o prefero live amongst the retinue
of the ing whether, instea. of ein satisfied illi simple lod ging,
the do no reside in oriresses an casti es, and parade in rilliant
The order say observe ali the command ments of the christia doctrine, an sonae specia institutions besides, consequentlvour orde is excellent. But his argument is false, for these order firs ac tigainst thedivine commandinent os love, and then against at the en command ments Anii perhaps it is isdomo mali institutions to-Jay, frona whicli the are dispense to-morrow, and this by a man os homilie know ot, hether e be Antichrist. Onc the Lord' soldier was stat ne by the lood o martvrdona δnow-a-day unbridie. gree aster oridi good rei gns o muchamongst the orders that here is obod in the worid, ho stri ves
ici an . SO: deo sicut secta si atrum aut eorum monstruosa regula non habet probabilitatem ex scriptura ... Pag. O8. . Pag. II 2.
more uringly aster temporuities, it heri Wing, o by excommuni uilonor by nockin do via plain simple christians It would e best sor
Accordingly thei sermons are adapte. to the purpos of heu pingus temporat ealth. There fore the do no visit the places here in os prevatis uia most arm the Chiarch, as id the postles, ut they go her erunci henever they an earn OSt. In orde noto sors ei the su vota of the eopte the do notexpos their aulis and where ver they an guin more by omittingili sermon, heu do it . Ricli member of the orders, doctor und ther do not machre ali for they now ortis more gainsul thun reachin and preserto employ the means est sui ted to the ni thev love. Who is dierthun these Nealthy riarsi They have only contem p so the oor ho an spe n. nothing, howeve disposed they ti be to ear he
But these preti chers thini more of the pursui os gain, han os the salvation of the faith fui. The postles id not ac so, and there fore also the egginga ter the sermon is the mos horribi blasphemy. The earned the eople and the mendicant friar himself hould strive o do ad 9 with these monstrous collections. These friar preach ut o avarice and in orde to et a nanae. They a re spirituul murderers, and there fore it is the utv of the
member of the orde them selves for Oing rong, and agreein toit, deserve punishment quaily These friar are tarderes in three sol manner fit si since they emprison unci sta member of their
as heretic the fui thsul ho teuch the truth concerning the Eucharist: of ha the thenaseives are ignorunt; hirci ly in persecut in Nithpernicio us atred simple prie sis There fore it is time for the secularior is to ut an en to them, and o Grosseteste is right in scolarging the monstrosilies of the se friars, ho reten d thei invention to edogma of the Church. Their lip are tui ned by lying, and thei rhand by humata bio od, and so they a re indeed sons of Caim Cain), as even the nam os Caim Cain indicates in hich C stantis forthe Carmelites, A the Augustines I the Jacobiles Dominicans and the Minor fria f. From his Caiis tribe may the Lord deli ver s. As concern the egginio the friars, the argumen is a diaboliculone, hicli the ope ought to e stia med o se that e cause Paulin ne instanc collected arthly good for the aint in Jerusulem, these sturdyV friars may habituali be for thenaseives, or Is theta illi fui minister necessaries os life to their reachers, the eopte maybesto large property on the mendicant friars O finallu: Is thea postle te amongst theraeathen hat was convenient to hina, o also these friars may institute observa iaces of their own in eat in and
di in hing. Rut rom the o spei e learia that the poor V linii the sp oor' lanae, and the poor' weali, ere supportet by the postle. It was ei ther sor imself nor so the rich that he egged. He hos ratheroo earn his read by the work of his an is an is these able-bo dieii eggars hould live on the work of their an is, stadio belui denso me to thei colanti ies, hici, heu considerablv euken, as hey do in gland by de privincit os and and of much moneV. δThe friar are o allowed to et the truth, as many of the more educate amongst them confess. It is osten aid: A montio ut o cloister is like a rithin sisti ut of ater. V ut o is it that o many of them live ut of the cloister, and med die illimo rid ly affairs, ut in ecclesiastica matters the are ei ther silent ille
idio is, o disseminate ne v here sies. Lilie ille instreis or buli mons thev nauli e thet way into ous es, an eat up he property of hepoor, Withou do ing them Inu reciprocul service, as even the instreis do.
They ei ther die bout in the palaces of the ut in loriis ors cour the villa ges an provinces, tryinito extor thei pre by any means so the collecto hei stores, and live like oridi loriis and in spite o ali his the say that the follow the ex ample o Christmore than others. ut by earchin eve so care fully, ardi onemendicant friar ill e found who acts accordinito Christ ' doctrine and ex ample They like to accepi bis hopries ecatas the are lucrative no like St. Jolin the Baptist cla in hins, ut in Oft lothing theylive in ings' hous es and fiat to reside in the cloister. The notoni contribute noth in to the eace of thei fellow- creatures, ut they stir ut quarret an hatred, ecause the prosper est y it an das the est of the Roman church is thei last refuge, the defend it,
and whoeve spe ah against it, is revile a a hereti and despi sed . Frona these ast rem artis, it is evident that wyclis en tered into conflict illi the mendicant hi ars o only be cause the accused imos heresy for his doctrine of the ord' supper, ut e cause e considerei them the mos flexibi instruments of Romisi absolutis m, and the principab defender of ali ecclesiasticat error and abus es id here fore in spe ali in of the error of his time, the ecclesiasticulabus es, the in and pretensions of the clergy, and o On, he reaisit ali froni the poliat o vie of the contest, illi the mendicant ri ars. And this may be the reason hy he who formeri did o mucheste em the endo ed orders and lanae them severet for thei satilis, no belleves them to e o the whole belle than the mendicant friars There fore e discusse at tength in one of the folio ingsermon the question who is the worse, the monti member of anendowed order o the mendicant friar. Although et ther live aster the christian orde it ould e easter on the whole to lea bach
i Lechler, Joh voi Wyclis', pag. 580. pag. II 8 Circa hoc evangelium dubitatur utrum fratres ex sua institiicione propria magis exorbitant quam religiosi POSSeSsionati .... Utrique multipliciter exorbitani cum secularibus ab ordine
t it the montis than the mendicant friars; hicli e then expla insin delati id here is more in in connexion illi these mendicant orders,than in connexion illi secular overtament for the divine command ment concerning the distribution o goods, as it was in the state os innocence, a the Apostles practi sed i and as it an swers the interesis of the state, is mos transgressed by the orders These Order are possessor in a more exac sense than nybod else. Whils seculariord return thei property, et ther in life or at de ath, to the worid, it accumulates,ith the monks, an it is noto be ondere. at that the care for oridi things more than the secular ord do. In his confusion a change must be effected; and a the clericulari fails, the secula force must stet in to reform. Seculars, even ings at ready compla in that he have o o verove the wealthy clergy. The evit must be extirpate by the oot. As of id it was a reat error in ope Silvester o accepi secular properi a the hand of Constantine, and thereby to do harmio the Church hicli ad flourished splendidi y e fore en dowment sono the secularige i Wycli calis it the imperiali ged V Church mustbe deprived os ordi goods. In many of his sermons yclis retiarns to the nee d of this de privation and the method of effect in it Equatly osten e spe alisabo ut the mischi es os endo ments. I wili suffice to mention here ni a se passages Humanre ason, Wycli says, cannot comprehend o suci, a prelate, tarde ne dwith arthi property, is cap able o vanquishing the worid and mali inghimself an example of his ea ching as Hol Scripture, reason, and experience confirm that the occupation of the an illi earthlyproperi y mahes hi incapable to ake old of hat is spirituat, an dio ea ch the eo pie after the command ment of love Ii ver holy
distribute to the oor ali that was beyond thei nee is, they have erred, though unconscio us ly, and probabi repented of thei error. Out of this minor in re the dea d ly sin, hici, has no insected
Facilii quidem esset religiosos Christi ad rectitudinem statu reducere quam novello ab eius rectitudine plus distantes ... pag. 374.
tiae hole Church. The devit argue thus More han or God' causeth clergy gh sor laei property. The aim at acquirin and thees in sor ver the acquisition. This the like et ter than reachin the o spei though batis the mos important office of the pri est. No v the Church, and very tribe, an race suffer rom the great sauit of Silvester. In return or thei property the clerg ac complis lino rhing they ei ther defend thei native conia tru, no do they invade hostile cohanti ies; the do no qui et the provinces; hat mactis os gain they gre edi ly ake, and rom nybod whatever; hat avo ur os orli, they leave alone Antichris sancies that he is no subjectoo
That St. Thomas diei for the defence of the endo ment of the Claurch, is a diabolica assertion of the clergy, hiali hev re notable to prove For non of the 6 Articles for hich e ted has a nythingo do illi the endo ument of the relates, o is against thede privation os liat has been focilist, ly gi ven to them. Ecclesiastica properties elon to the oo ' and this pro per tyThomas defende. for his poor: and is the clerg occupied ii h orld ly matters neglected thei paris hes, e put fit peopte in their places and finalty he id not alto the oor o b ill-trea te by the rich. Our clergy ac contrary to at these potnis, o the preferearihly diri to heavent blis s. As more ver St. Thomas ne ho worid ly proper ty ad corrupted the clergv, he would have ac ted et terstili is e ad ef the good in secular an is. And o oo it has been illi the ther ainis. I the receivedand accepte i endo ment, it is likelv that heu repented os t. hev probab ly considere. the money as alm and sed it accordingi v. There fore the satiat lived qui te differenti frona ou prie sis.