장음표시 사용
romarii, and mustae renderest accordinito the contogi Holorondor diis truth is. Compare sueti introductor phrases A
omnibus Sci arboribus. 62. cog in sulc. must orarillo into tho surrow, as ilio ad suid into rank' ep. o v. 282ὶ The militar motaphor strikes an imperia note, to hic Roma reader Would
Comp. pampineo gravidus auctumno, V. 5.
tro hom tho asti fraxinusin, an Columella calles tho ornus a fraxinus sylvestris Hone bolanist suppos the ornus to belli manna tree o Calabria. Ueightley.ὶ 73. modus inserere tho modo of grasting. Tho infinitivo i equivalent to a nouu, scit is in Englisti, Q. g. to err is human, seliniis bolieving whoro tho in is a signiso ostii pres partita, ut of tho infinitivo). Tho Grooks by adding the artici mado it even declinablo. In Latin the eas cau
'e., and the noto thoro ait ruperunt horrea me8Se8-Ι. 49.
surculus Aoutting; to a that tho cultings disser, is tosa that the troes disser.
91. Mareot. Id. tho palo groon rape ho Laho Mareotis. From Horaee, Od. I. 37. 14, Mentemque lymphatam Mareotico, e perhaps may inser that he iue a a Strong
91. olim somo day. Cp. non si male nunc, et olim Sic erit. Hor. d. I. 10. 17. Our somotimes is similari usodio the past ordo the futuro. Se v. 403 note. 95. purpur. Vines hich have purple grapes. Preciae Praecoquae precocisus)- the early rise.'96. Rhaetica Tho vino os Rhastia tho monor Grisons and Tyrol Was grown a far outh as Verona It is bove prat se, says Vergit quo te, α), rememboring that Augustus eXe004-ingi dolighto incit, as uotonius totis s. ut the ourtfasbion dos notaliud him to the superiorit o the Falernian nec cellis ideo, α). Tho Falernian ino, homilio Falernus ager in Campania, Was Seston to nono OXcopi tho Casecuban. A in of th namuis stili rutili sor asso lation' salio by travellers in Italy butit is tho nominis umbra of the ancient. cella, se vinaria our cellar comos throuo cellarium),
Postquam prima quies epuli8, mensaeqMe remotae, Crateras magnos Statuunt et vina coronant, ic.
103. se neque, c. At his timo bot Noon 2000 and 3000 varioties of the viti ars bellove to b cultivate in Franco
For e tum in myrtetum compare V 2, Ole.
pleti Utattooed. Membraque qui ferro gaudet pinetisse Gelonus. Claudian.
116. Troos avo thoi nativo land allottod to thom Dy India' pro is perhaps meant Ethiopia, hielicis the special ountr of the ebon troe. In Georg. 1v. 293 orgii mahos tho Nilo o homili land o tho Indi Ethiopians in and it is pluin thatis and other classical post applied tho term India
present is more prompt and officacious. The epithet is appliodio tho God a Eel. I. 42, Nec tam prae8entes alibi cognoscere divos, illi hicli e ma comparo in Ver present et in
Tho indie ma imply that tho incident as a mattor of
virtuosis tho nomad Seythian tho ioblo savago of his time, that stop-mothors bellavod Lindi to tho mollierles giri. 129. miscuerunt Tho ponultima in his ordisti somo
cies of metre. herbas, verba Tho orbs stro tho Oison the Garms verba mali assurance doubi Suro. For misc. verba, p. his