장음표시 사용
NOTES. MARE, flio se , as opposed to tho lanil ; mqusr, the smooth levet
AQUILAM, the ectyle, the principat Roman standard, ine loss of Whieli, by the legion, Was the grea fest disgraee. It was madeos tironge or silvor, and represented an ea gle mitti expandod mings. The boaeror os is mas called αquilifer, and there Washut one sor eacti legion ; he was the oldest centurion in the legionis
and narrow, used by seouis seni ori Special service. EQUITES, See c. 23, ad. ini f. and D. c. XXViii. BooX IV. C. XXVII.
NOTES. BooR IV. C XXXI. AERE., he oes os me unoienis mas a composilion os sin and cop-per, and was used most extensively in the matring os vases,niensi is os ali foris, ornamenis, arvis hosti ossensive and defensive, and in ille arta generally.MATERIA, Nood of any Hrid, or overi metal. For ostior heteroclito
DIR NOTINOCTII, Sept. 22, in the EeCoud Consulsi iiD of Cn. Pompeius Magnus, and M. LiciniuS CrusAUS, A. II. C. HII. D. C. sis, itiathoing the year os Caesar's si a st invasion os Liui nisu, the evenis OIWhicli sorm the subjech os ibi A part os the work.
oo, P. C. sis, irae the consulqhip of L. Domitius Ahenobarbus and Ap. Claudius Pulchor. The evenis alluded to are a quelling ofa disti hance among tho Treviri, and the pursuis and dealti os
LABIENUS, T. Was faelibunus yZebis, P. O. 68, in Cicero's consulfhip, and accused Rabirius of high freason, bus Cicero procured theae istat of the aged senator. This move mas made by Labienus at Caesar's instigation, to Iessen Cicero's influenoe mitti the Deople, and in refurn Caesar stppoinfed Labienus his principallopstitis in Gallia. In gs, he desertod Caesar, and fought againsthim at Pharsalus, Thapsacus, and Munda, Where he was Stain. EAM PARTEM INSUL M. D 'An ville thiniis that the laniling was madoat Lymne nostr DOVET.VECTORIIS ET GRAVIBUS NAVIGIIS. -Very prohahly the rictυHS Onργ-αriete, employed here On Spectat Service, to convey the soldiersover, through lach os proper transporis. ANNOTINIS, vesseis of one year's Service; a sar preserable roadingwould bo ctriROncta iis, transporis cari ying ProviSions, but sorthis there is no IIS. authority.
her and quali sy of the soldiers, and is also had chargo os inoestyle and the principat siqnα of the legion. Iis Position mason stio righi os ille sersi line. QUINTUA LABERITIA DURUs, iliis Drave soldior is ille only one os . ait ilio Dritisti forces os Caesar thought Worthy os special