장음표시 사용
been Corrected. Die areangenient of tho Harmon require an occasional
threo Treg. Ivest. Rev. no cite against Tiscliendor may be assume inureo illi him, though this does not alWays hold good in the case of thera vised Version. 2. Tho Auinorities cited aro stos vilites havo determine the in ginent of recent critical editore. The unciat selecte area H A, B, C, D L, Δ, andine irragmen uir codices: T Z, E, . Foratae naines an dates of these, eo p. xxv. A caretae stud of tho criticia notes illabe tho best helmi a properestimatem ille relative value t ach. In later notat are cite in connectionisii Jolinaci 53 Q 11, sine that passage appear only in D, of thoearlier uncials The cursives 1, 33, 69, an ira or 8 Ihare frequently cited; soriti solio ving versions OH Latin acu appear in manuscripta), Vulgate, Memphitic Coptic), and the t vo Syma Versions commoni known solio Pestiitto an Philoxenian Haricleian). Among the Fathers rige alone is