A harmony of the four Gospels in Greek

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 330페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


There are severa America editions of Smissiletionavos thei te, but Mis edition co1 rises no oni the consent of the oririnal En usis edition una-dod but ver considerari and imponan additions b the editora Professors Hackeu and Abbor, and Iment)-sis uter eminent America scholara. This edition has o more pages than the Englis an I more illustrationsa more than a thousan error os reference in the Englisti edition ire corrected in inis an an Index of Scripture Passages Illustrate is added.

Generalmis tot of the Christian Religion and

Index volume Separate s3. .

Neander' Churcii History V is ne of ine mos profound caretullyconsidered, deopi philosophized candid, trul liberal, an independent historica xvorks that have ver been miten. In ali these respecis it standa hea and shoulder above almos an oster church historsi ex-iStenCe. . . . Professo Torre has execute Mnesia mi his par of thetasicri an I an sanos his translation Iulia I canina abolit no the that Phave ver Seen , I no v use the translation constantly in reference totheirriones. - Ρrofessor CALVINAE STOIVE, AndoVer, aSS. The present index includes no only the genera content of the voLumes, but in analytica lis of the citations froni Christia an paganauthors found in the notes, as vel a the citations froni Scripture cabiered through the vork. . . . It is a nobie vorte, an oughtrio receive me Patronagerit meriis. - Christian Ahocaee New Yoct).


Selerae frons Me Publications of


Professor . L. Diman.

Vashington Gladden.

IVe domo renaeinber that this countr has latet produces speculative Noricii more originalit and force. . . . The book is a nobi one. - The


George Putnam, D. D.

Rev. Thomas Scott.