장음표시 사용
omitte ilia seemed essentia to a fuit an lair staternent of Dr. Robinson's Vaesit unies a vell-attested change of texi overbore his opinion O the ollier hand ii lias been in efforta ad nothing that dii uot seein to lis in accori althe wisti the designis amarinon and Willi tho principies of interpretation accepto by Dr. Robinson himself. Ivliere Diei Unstratne to dister iroinhini, both sicles have been presented. The long noto nolio elationis tho Gospeis to eacti oster pp. 19 sqq. seernec iiecessar as a supplement in Dr. Robinsoli' Introduction, in orde to desen his levr unde in present con li-tions of the controvers respecting the Gospeis. Alter sonae hesitation I decide Irio substitute so the richedulo os Days V given by Dr. Robinson in liis editionis 1851, thiatis his earlier editions seo p. 235, 238, 239), and this rendere it necessar to omii a paragraph iron his prosaco, referring to thocliano made in 1851. Tho longes and in many respecis, most valvable note in the Appendix that o in Passove and the Last Suppe pp. 243-256), has been carcet modified, and o much enlarge i. Recent controversies liave no a mali bold in say, rendere the author' position uni enable orliis arguments antis fuat . N essor has been mado in enlarge the biblio raphica lisis Ivork of renerence nos abound a stendi 1 uot in Dr. Robinson' dv. The temptationto enlarme in his direction vas me by considering the triae pumoso es a
R experieno os many years has no fallexis impros um si minda ofanos Biblica inacher ui advismenos o permittin themarinon of tho spe Histor in occup a prominent placo among the earlios studies o a Theologica Seminary Thio simplicit of tho languam isto interest an timportance of the eventa, and also tho ver dissiculites, ea or allegeri vitti vhichaiae subjectris enutroned, an mari illis portionis thio ford o God asparticulari a lapte sor inti ducing tho intuitu student into in principies and practice of Biblica interpretauon. I lino stud of the Harmon bomitti carried olat, item is uius laid a bima and solidiou -πork on vllichniter variis to erect a substantia an end in striicture es Biblica Science, bulli; ponatio foundationis tho postles an Propheis Jesus Christ hirmaeli belli the cluet corner-sione. In turtherance of these generia vieWs, o les than Wo edition o Arch-btilio Ne vcoine'smarinona uero forineri publislied in iliis counto; ne tthem unde In oWn superintendence These had no v been long out os print, so that for sorne ear it ras ver dissicis to obtain copios. Under ineso circumstances, and by the advice an re lues o leadin professor in foveratoi ou Theologica Seminaries, as vel a iroi a Delingis necessit in tho rus of my Wn pupils I Was e to turn in attention in illo suppi of this
ove toti public as ames an independent voin, in the laope an sititi uioprve ista it magiit lis Mund usesul in iis place, and thus id tu promotingui causo o Theologica Education. In orde to obiain a fuit an consecutivo account of ali in iacis ot urLota' lite an ministry the our Gospe narratives mustra e so brought to-gether, acto present a neari a possibi the true chrones in order; Dd, inere the sanie transactio is describe by moro than ono vester, tho different accounts must be place side byrsido foras in fili ut an suppi eacti theri Such an areangement afford insint tuli and perfeci; surve o ali in testumon relatin to any and ver portionis our Loes' histo . In his Wayalone canes e brou lat oui, and distincti presented the mutua connection auddependen mi the various paris, and the gradual developnient anil completion
UI PREFACE. of the great plani redemption socia, resin vas manifeste in istis lis and
sociat an also the physical histor of the Hebrevis aud the ancient nations. These ali serve to enlarge in circle o Biblica lino viedge the ad to inoapparatus an means of thio Interprete an Biblica Harmonisi an ostenslied ne v light um topic Which beforo vere dari or doubi sui. Itona alsol e trul said sinat in no forme period perhaps, has hero been accumulatina greater amount os sucti facts and of suci progress thia during the halfine tur Whicli has ausi closed Al uies it is in duum in Harmonis to ap. pl to the elucidation otii narratives of tho ou Evangelista Amarnionyrighil construeled should exhibit in resuliam ali ines recent investig tio into language, manners an custonis, hisio , geopaphy, and in like, sociaras ille are velidounded and thus become, to a certain extent, in represemistive of the present statem Biblica scienco in his particula depariment. Such, accordiniy, has been ut aia in the preparatio of this volume. I have ais eve Ivliere endeavore saltiaiuli loci ullgo an write, accordin to thoimpressiona leti is ni minit by a personat inspectioni mos o me cenes of the Gospe LIisto a privilege enjoyed, I bellovo by no previous Harmonisi Ii, en the scholar hal fila litilem nothin o positivel ne vanalter in these ages, lae vili et findo trusi, sonio ne vie A, and also ome ne illustrations o M vie s Whicli are o vadaa s assailed This is triae, specialty in respecta in transactions dum nisi last fix monilis o our Loes sitie an ministry anil in remari applites more particulari to the identificationis tho cit Ephraim and the retur of Jesus frona ilia placo through Persea; to the important Passove siuestion an to in modo of harmonigingste severa accounts of in Loes' resurrectio an ita accompanyin incidents. Ni thes an ossieriti topic are discusse in stomotes; to vhicla the readeris respectivit referred. The notationis place in connection vitii ver se son, thougii not vlioli a ne cieature, is yet uiues more definitet carried utina everri elare.
Tyri folio rinitast compinosint sis mos important rork of this clara. Foe amore complete account of the litem ture t this depariment, the reade is referrea toin folio ing mala : FABRICIUS, B in Graeca, M. Haries. T. IV. p. 880 sq.;
J A BRNGEL, Richtiye mmonis dere vier Evangelisten. 8vo. lib. 1736, 1747, 1766. J. MACENIGHT, Hamoni ostiae Four Gos D. to 2 Vola in I. Gnd. 1756, 1763, and osten. J. PRIESTLEY, Hamoni ostiae Erangelisis in Ensish. Ato. Lon l. 1777. IV. NEWCoME, Harmonet of the oveis in Greele, etc. fol. Dublin 1778. Reprinted. avo. Andover 1814, 1834. i. J. GRIEABACH Synossis Evangelior Matth. Marc. et Lucae, etc. vo. alas, 1776 1797, 1809, 1822.
dix, unde in respective sections.
IV. APPENDIX. Numerous an extensive additions have been made, butoni stigia omissiona. A referetic t soni supersede Wori has occasionalty been dropped, and wme ammenis, invalidate or rendere unnecessar by the result oi textuia criticisna, have been omitted. In the adde matte themia usuallo soni indicationis an omission beyond that O a phrase or sentence. My o vii addition aro invariat ly brachetin. inor ones are inserted in thopar ruptis to vhicla the naturali belong Tlio longe ones stando, them-selves, and thos deemed i most importatim Mo anted in ine Contenis, etc. pp. xlii. xxiv.), but there ais enclosed in bracheta Nothinilias been
omitte ista seemed essentia to a fuit an fair staternent of r. Robinson's Vie , unles a vell-atteste change of texi overbore his opinion O the other hand ii lias been ni efforta ad nothing that di no seein to lis in amori ala mitti the designis amarinon and with tho principies o interpretation accepte by Dr. Robinson himself. Ivlier I sol constratne to disse si omlaim, both sides have beo presented. The long noto nolio elation Icilio G pel to acta other pp. 197 sqq, see me necessar as a supplementato Dr. Robinson's Introduction, in orde to desen his lex unde the present conditions of the controvers respecting the Gospeis. Alter ome hesitation I decide trio substitute so the richedule of Davs V givon , Dr. Robinso in liis editionis 1851, tiliatis his earlier editions see p. 235, 238, 239), and this rendere it necessar to omis a paragraph ironi his prosaco, reserein to thochange made in 1851. The lonys and in mam respecis, mos valvable noto in tho Appendix chat o in Passove and the Last Suppe pp. 243-256),
has been carcet modified, and not aucti enlarge l. Recent controversies have not, I mali bol in say, rendere the author' position unienable orliis argumenta anti luate i.
No estori has been mado in enlarge ille bibliographical lisis in os renereno no abound a viendi uot in Dr Rodiit soli' day. The temptationto enlargo in his direction rasonet by considering the truo purpos o a
E experieno os many years has noctialed to linpros um tho inind of Inos Biblica inacher tho invisatilenes of periniuin themarinon of tho Gos imistor in occup a prominent place amoniis earlios studies o a Theologica Sentinary. The simplicii of tho language, in intores and importance of the eventa, and also tho ver difficulues, ea or allegeri With vhies the subrectris enutroned ali mari inis portionis in mes of God asparticulari adapte for introducing tho ouilitii student into in principies alii practice of Biblica interpretation. f the stud of themarinon borigiata carne out there is thus laid a broad and solidaround-Wois, o Whichattor ard to erect a substantia an Pendurin striictum o Biblica Science, besti upon thio foundationis the posues an Propheis Jesus Christ timself boin the cluet corner-stone.' In furtherance of theso genera viens, no les than wo edition o Arch-btilio Ne vcomo'smarinony ero forineri publislied in this country; ne otthem inde In oWn superintendence These hadiso been long oui Osirint,so linat for Oine ear it vas ver dissiculi to obtain copios. Under ineso circumstances, and by the advico an request o leadin professor in severatot our Theologica Seminaries, as et ascimi a laesing o necessit in thocas ot in oWn puplis, I Was e to turn In attention to the suppi of this
givon to the publicis a nefand independent Woin, in the hopo an si illi thoprayer that it mighi bo ound usefiat in iis place, and thus id in promotingili cause of Theological Education. In orde to obtain a sui and consecutius account of ali in facts of ur Lord' lite an ministry the ou Gospe narratives mustra e so broughi to-gether, acto present a nearly a possibi tho trito chronological order; and, Where the samo transactio is describe by more than ono riter, the disterent accounts must be place side by fide s acto fili ut an supplDeach otheri Such an arrangement assord ui only Iuli and perfeci furve o asscita testumon relatin to any and ver portioni ou Loes' history In his valone caest e brought out, and distincti presented the mutua connection and dependen mi illo various parta, and tho gradual developulent anil completion
VIII PREFACE. of the great plani redemption sociar ascit ras manifesto in tho lis and
ministry, in dealli and resurrection, Dour Lord Jesus Christi Indeed, Wuhout suci a furvey, ou knov ledg on ali themareat topic can only be fragmentar an partiat. In a pork of this cindono great amount o novela in bo expected onsubject Whicli limo more ordes occupie the mest inimis of the Christian Chures for centuries. et eVen here, Icuo ledge has no been stationary. In the lapse of centuries, and evenis bears there is a constant progress in ine observation and liscovery o ne v facts an circumstances, bearing po tho sociat an also ille physical histor of tho Hebrevis an oster ancient nations.
These ali serve to enlarge thio circle o Biblica lino ledge hine ad in uis apparatus an means of the Interprete an Biblica Harmonisi and ostensile ne light um topic villaici beforo vero da, o doubisul Itona also be trul said stat in no orater period perhaps, has there been accumulatina greater amount o suci iacis and of suci progress than during tho hau cem tu vlaici lias ustilosed Nicilies it is the duo os emarinonis to asepi to thie elucidationis ille narratives o tho ou Evangelista Amarnionyrighil construeled should exhibit ille resultam ali me recent investig tions into language, manners an custonis, history ge aphy, and the like, o faras ille are ell-launded an ilius become, to a certain extent, the representativo of the proseut state os Biblica science in his particula depari menti Such, accordin ly, has been In alui in the preparationis is volume Phinoalso very here endeavore laithsuli to Judgo and writo, accordin to thoimpression letti ni t miti by a personat inspectioni most of thie cenes of the Gospe History a privilege enjoyed, I belleve, by no previous Harmonisi II, sten, sae scholar hal fin litti or uothin os positivel nes matter in theso a es, lio vili et find I trusi, Ome ne v iesus, and also ome ne villustrations of id te v s, hicli aro novi adus assailed Tliis is true, specialty in respectrio the transactions during the last fix monuis of ur Lordys life an ministry and the remari applies moro particulari to the identification o the cit Ephraim and the return o Jesus ironi hiat place through Persea; to the important Passove question an to the modo of harmoniginguae severat accounts of e Lord's resurrectio and iis accompanyin incidents. Ali thes and other like topic are discusse in the Notes; to whicli the re eris respect suil reserred. The notationis place in connection tui ver se son, thoughmo Wholi a ne cieature, is et niues more definitet carried utilia everri elare.