장음표시 사용
ΤΗ subjectis uiis obteramnia is a contes laeti reen divine mi human la , o the higlier and lo e principies os ustice and the motives of the contea are a sister a love and sense os rellious obligationi the one hand, and resentinent sor violate authorit o the ther Creon, hin os hebes, Maius uiat me bovis Polynices, holindriought amuis his colimry in oriter is recoVer a sceptra
uestia Creon vitii corii, an aeenis to have orgoue herespousala torasamon. In illis Way the poet mulces herstani quit Alone, in the sublime attititit os a seclude ivirgin, nabled by the poWer os affection, to oppos sto vhiae pomoris las an punishment. Ighatove os haralio masculino appeam in her conductris o ring to hercli my Quod feelim sorte native sisposition vas conceived
ἀτοι συνέχθειν, αλλὰ συμψιλαν ἔφυν,
an is Wo marsuppos ille Antigono of tho indipiis Coi neus and the Antigone of his planto b one and illis sani
uoula be apirio teste But pct seel also, stat representative os mitti anil right actingius Without polic ri caution, Inus inevitat ly unde me operation os michec laws, moes the fato vhicli stemhave braved. The Choras, en Mes no sarther an to censum sor astanes me generous sols-sacrifice of Antigone in perior in an uot vhicli vas in liuel right an commendablo. may ad that thopoei' reason, as an artist for ving the Choriis suo an
initude to vatas AntigonE, Was io iaciat her, und concentratemur interest ponter. Creon has been regarde by soni as a tyrant in his natum, but his is by no means o As unoster has re-marhed hora emn vitia ood intentions an it Was only vlis he niet illi opposition Domin Woman and Doni hisson, at his obstinato adherone to his mensures an utinis hara iness,die long Aelf-Will, and even irreligion Thecrinios vit Whicli me sola os mchylus and Sophoclesare involvo are not hos os vulgar villains, aut os persona hos mod qualities are verpowere hi uis
lis has encleavore 1 to rende it les imperfeci invia iis predecessors. Die resace has been enlarge so a. to include ome notice of the more recent igiter criticismo tho play. The texi has been altero in a numberos luces: - the reason sor these ulterations, hereno give in the notes may be ound in somo ne os the editions , hic t enter into the criticism os iste tori,
tations publislied besore in the erit Transactions amincorporaled The notes have been thoroughi revised; a wel a the description os the metres, into vhicli avo been introduce reserenoes o unk's v ori O metres, , hicli rosessor Bech and Fello have rendere accessitus in his country by thei translation. The editor hasthad vitisin his reacti the lubor omnearly at the commen-