Aristotelous peri geneseos kai phthoras. Aristotle on coming-to-be & passing-away (De generatione et corruptione) A revised text with introd. and commentary by Harold H. Joachim

발행: 1922년

분량: 357페이지


분류: 미분류



tinique inclinirgettable. The stud of Aristolle sive could notiti seel demande oti ut aios efforis labour couldbe pared, o delai neglected, o miscuit Slurred. Ve Vere engaged pon in enterpris arduous indeed indinfinitet laborious, biit enaphaticali an supremel IVOrtia viaile. It vas a is xv xvere privilege to speia thoSe Monda evening in clos arid intimate Conaimunion villitia very spiritis ori ina xvork. Amongst the naan distinguislae scholars Iulio vere atthat time member of the Aristotelia Society three have lai me unde specia obligations in connexion vitia hisbook-the late M Chailes Cannan, Professor olin urnet, an Prosesso Jolan Alexandei Similli. On iis coimpletion



xvith L. I have note sunder the signi oesy thos xvlaicia disse Doni L. I hasio prove possit, te to sollo in ali

authori into E. In the solio vingsassages Pliave adopted J's

I ain greatly indebtexto many friend sor assistanc in reparin in text. The late Piosessor By vateriave nae much valvabie ad vice an presente me vitii his collationis a chapter Book II ch. I in a fifteenin-centur manuscripti his possession also sent ne notes on in readings in in firs three

the manuscript in queStion.


7 The conamentar o Philopono Ἱωάννου γραμματι κου Ἀλεξανδρεως σχολικαὶ ἀποσημειώσεις ἐκ των συνουσιῶν Ἀμμωνίου του Ἐρμείου μετά τινων ἰδίων ἐπιστάσεων κτλ. his Very Ualuable a. an id to the interpretation o Aristolle 'streatise, and Phave sed i Deel in ny notes It value sortite Constitutionis the ex is perliaps no so great, but Iliave quote thos readings whicli night Conceivabi proVeimportant My reserences are to Vitelli' edition Berlin, 18973. reaclinσs in the ternniata. readinπSilven in or inferred Dorn, the paraphrase. readings supported both by the lemnaata and the paraphrase. Where thernantiscript o Philoponos differ, I have adde the sigiis filios to vhicli ny quotation reserS.

8 Γ- ea lingi et ther in L atin or by inseretice, in Greelcifrona the nova translatio' vhicli Andreas stilanus tantS in his edition 3 vols. 1483 of AVereoes con41neniar on Aristolle. The realise περὶ γενέσεως καὶ φθορῆς ends vitii thesollo vin note Nove translationi libron in de generatione et corruptione ab Avero Cordubensi Coninaentate: Sunanai

philosophi Aristotelis e Stragyra grecte oppido Niconaachi

Medicine artis prosessoris filii de optina naaXinnoque lavente finis impositus est: impensa atque dili entia Andree de asula Venetiis impresse : Anno alitis chiistiane. ICCCCLXXXIII septimo calendas Octobris . This translation, in spite os certain naino disserences, Ssubstantiali the sanae a the old Graeco-Latin VerSion to



cOpy Paris, 15Ι of the cornia tentary os Paulus Venetus ivlaich the Libracian o II ad har College cindly place ati ny msposai. The second was IrOugiat to in notice by the late r. E. IV. Nebster, Felloi os Gad ham College. It is a istagnaeniar translation os Book I hicla originalty irnei part os a translation o Aristolle' physical vortes printe a Venice in sal to belong to the ear 482. The copy I Xanaine consist o leaves talcen storia thebinclings os ta boolcs and is preserve in the Libiary os Coiptis Christi College, X sord Pliave also constille the translatio by Francischis alabius CL 22' 28, 29 3 hiichis printe in theraei Ilii Aristolle. Belcher' teX is based on I FHIL, Iut his apparatus





My frien i, r. R. . t Iardie, lent in his copy of inis rare vork hereis a copy, a Pliave recenti discovered, in the Librar at ei College.



natura philosophF.

I. TH intelligence, vilicia, accor tincto Aristolle, distinguis hes man Dona the ollae living things, displaycitfel inal the spheres of his activit anci characterige his actionan production as vel a hi speculation. Thus man is an agent the responsile Subjecti pratSe an blanie), and his bellavi ou 1 condit et ' naorally good an badi in o aras ivliat he oes A the effectis deliberate decision προαίρεσις),

i. e. issue frona intelligent deSire an not rom hin reflective inaputSe appetite, o passion. Andraeci a Cras igni an an an artist a laalcer of things se sui an beatitis ut in o sar a lae Vork unde theaui lance of cleari conceived deals and with

ci. e. g. et h. Ioa5h 2 ἄστ ει ὰσα διάνοια ξ πρακτικνη ποιητικὴ θεωρητικὴ .... 4Se the terna intelligenCe in a vide ense, o as toinclude xvlia Aristolle calis in different connexionS νοῖς, διάνοιa, λογισμός, ο νοητικόν, το λόγον εχον, κτλ. I anno here discuS the preci se significance of these different terin S, nor vhether an os the psychi Calfunctions ivlaicla the denote, re attribute by Aristolle to antimal sother tha naan. It is enotagia formur preSent purpOSerio recognire that man, accor ling to the broad ovilines of Aristolle' doctrine is distinguished frona the two lo ver grade of μψυχ fro in the animal and

planis), hecause the human φυχὴ is essentiali intelligent thoughtful, reasoning. an is Goν λογικόν : an hic intellis ence permeates and

Nic. P. I S.



a te clanique de velopec into Sicilli intelligent practice. Hisl hiil lings, o instance, uia lilce therapidei 'A'vel ora inera aliow'An est, result roin the deliberate executioni a purpose Thispui pose is no inanaei sed in the invi stravita os instinct. There is noth in latenti ira etaphorica a bout it, nor is it ora lyour nisnonae so the nil inlcin playis natura sorces It is the architect' ideat, lae objectis his explicit thought. Ities opera o lai reflecti V analySis and econtes the plan by which

But the intelligeiace vhicli is itisplayed in the activities of

the crasisti in and the artist, or of the State Arnan and therniora agent, is Sub ordinal ed to an enes no iis ivn. Forthe pro per en i or vori os intellige nce Arimith and thoughthe thought errabodie in good actio an productio must betrue, the object of the agent and the lanaher is no stiripi theattainmenti trulli Theyovisti to thini imal in orde that the ma acti mahe well, and theb Iursu thei investigationos the truth ni A sar ascis require t malce thei conductgood, o mei Ivork uses ut o beauti sui. The ind of thenaalcer A the good produci or vork and the en d ' of the agent is the good conduci iis eis, i. e. the particular pie ce of good living in que Stion. It sint in his speculative activitie tha naan purSue an end whicli is the prope Vend of intellige iace. In thepursui of knowledge sinapi so the Salce finderstanding

in ivlia Aristolle call θεωρητικη ἐπιστήμη ο φιλοσοφία - the

Da Aristolle distinguis hes, with in the wholeos speculation three philosophies' or bodies o speculative cnowledge'. The whole System o what xv should cal 'knowledge 'or sciences is thus articulate into Marsi philosophy or

philosoph os God ' θεολογική i, secon philosophy or philosoph of nature ' φυσική , an mathematica philo