장음표시 사용
I is true hiat Aristolle Apeah of πρακτικη ἐπιστήμη and ποιητικη ἐπιστήμη, an co-ordinate thena villi speculative
own intelligent insight. Hi ἐπιστήμη φρόνησις, the
titie so the science whicli Aristoti hi inset calis firs philosophy or theolog '. Aristolle' iurat ins s irs philosophy appen to have been collecte asteriis dealh-ei theri Amtroni hos as is conamonlysupposed o by sorne earlier editor Cf. aeger, p. 78-8o)-under the ille of τ μετα τα φυσικά, the Problem Subsequent to thos of natura philosophy'.
whicli investigates polia is, in s sar a it is, and the propertie xvhicla essentiali attacta thereto'. The meta-phb Sician, there re Attidie realit as a Iuliole, and the variotis hin d and soritas of the rea , ivith a lex to determine
in the imos genera terna vhat S in So far as it is', expressing the condition to vhich anythin Whateve must
An metaphySies, since it is concentrate on the rituarγ rea , is it Aelf thefrs of speculative sciences; ' and Since that reab is God, aetaphysic is the philosophy of God or theology'. God is for the metaphysician the absolute ly reat', and the standar an clue by vhich e explain therealit of verythingilse. And in his investigation of the essperseet an na ore derivative ornas of eing, hecis coimpletinglii knowledge of God For the eternat se, vilicii God is,
to illo hiat s. Or God is the αρχή, roria vlaici originateS, and n whicli depencis, the entire universe in ali iis part S and the Ideat whicli inspires an an iniate ali ita ingS. Heiace, sin alty the aetaphysician traces ut the is vinit inthings, i. e. exhibit the degre an hin os realit whichbe long to the variotis departiment of ieing ' It is, there fore, a par of his ast to determine in What recise Sense the cona posite substances '-the perceptibi bo dies, antimate an dinani imate Ivlaici constitute the worid of natures' are reali and again, o ho v vhat cind of being is to b attribute dio the naathennatica things e. g. to the solides and plane figure Sof the geonae ter, an to the number of the arithimeticia n. RTlaus the metaphysici an is seu Sese an explain ivla at thenatura philosophe and the naathematici an alce foraranted, via the being or realit of thei Subject-na atterS.
tive in iis being. Mathematics, alone of the peculative philosophi es, has sorit Subject-m alter not substance at all, but adjectiva charactersabstracte froni the substance Ivhicla the quali sy. The percepti ble UbStance are quanta, i. e. quanti sie thingS. Theyliave Ahape and Sige the liave uni ty, and multiplicis 3 of paris. An certain further propertie attach to the perceptibi e things in virtve offirmaediate ly through, thei quantitative characters. The Se quantitative character are thus the logical suboecis of certain πάθη, whicla in fac inheremo in thena, but
thes quantitative inaracters, laese ladjectival A', vhicli thernat laeniatici an ex A by desinition roin their substances. In his science the beconae the suboecis, of whichie deamonstrates πάθη i. e. laenare reate ascis ille Ivere SubStances, reatly Stilbsistent thingS, the wners of the propertie xvhicli they. rnediate. The anathena alica things, heres ore, of vhicli thenaatheirratici an denion Strate certain properti CS, re mere adjective abstracte si ona the perceptibi Substanc CS. The Solid S, planeS, ines, po inis, and uniis ivliose die ing thegeonaeter and the arithimetici an alce orarianted are in aci sona an speci sic deterimination os the quantitative characteros lae perceptitae things. I heir being is adjectival notSubstantial. D6. Although Aristolle Spe ak of naathei natic a a Single speculative philosophy', he also spe alc os thema at laeniatical sciences'. an auribules to ach of laena a instinct hinci', o sphere, of being a it Ahi Hect-rnal ter. Geormetr an darithimeti e g. have reciprocalib -eXClUSi Ue γεν υποκείμενα. Continuo his magnitude on lae ne hand, and number on laeother, are eliscontaine d whole or i in is of eing ' so thatit is illegitina ate to attemptrio prove an arithimetica ConcluSion through a geona et rical naiddie ter , O vice PerSa. In Uerydenaonstration in the science of arithimetie, at three termis major, ni inor, an im id die riatis belon to the sphere os nuriaber an in very demonstration in the science os geometry, at three terna sontist belon to the sphere os continuo u Imagnitude.'Aristolle ' Conception of the nil by fa cience is pugglingara perlaaps no altogether con Sistent. A Science A ne, xvhen iis ut feci-nial ter i a Single 'hind '.' ut vhat constitutes a single ind is a frona clear Thus, alti)ough
different va3 A both by the philoSopia os nature an lay
deflexion of the visibi line the ay in amotis redi and iis
the γέ ς in question an e g. A an individual, runtque, Species of antimal , whicli iis eis is a specification of
the circle ' is an individual, o tinique type os plane fagure.
Each of these substances ' each τομον εἶδος-Can beanalysed though no divide l. The analysis that Ario say, is into constitutive nonnent. oscit individua being, no intoseparabie paris And thOSe constitutive monaent reduce totivo vi g. the proXimate generi nature', of vhicla thesubstance S a specification, and the las dimerentia', i. e. the disserentia ivlaicli convertes that generi natur in to the Substance, O SpecieS, in Ue Stion. 'ohe ConStitutive nomenis are essentiat predicates of the substance For the are nece ASaryclo it be in g, elenaent incit essentia natur j ἐν τωτιεστι κατηγορουμενα), and the formula whicli enumerate A
ἄτομα εἴδη into vhicli it is articulate i. hi assumptionos the being of the citi l and of iis articulation is theὐπόθεσις os the science.' An either the i inci' iself,