Aristotelous peri geneseos kai phthoras. Aristotle on coming-to-be & passing-away (De generatione et corruptione) A revised text with introd. and commentary by Harold H. Joachim

발행: 1922년

분량: 357페이지


분류: 미분류


living things os the sublunary Aphere They are iece os aetheria stus besouled by ah Intellige iace vhicla initiates arid controi the motion of thei spheres. The Aether is thus thei ri alter ' in a sense re)notelin analog ous to that in xvhichpieces of Earth A1r, ire, and water ire the in alter of the

perishable livinitia in . The Aether iself is an insomnation

and thus a. φυσικον σωμα. t φυσις an inherent tendencyto revolve; and in obeying the initiation of the Intelligende, iis revolution is both divinely inspire an natural '. 'Ve dono see the Aether eXcept in the ense in Iuliich ve Aee'

I this is Aristolle' doctrine, it is difficulto se ivli theaetheria Spheres, and the odie the contain, Ahohita falluvillain the province of φυσική at ali For-apari frona lae Intelligences besoul in thena-the are concrete os orna and matter an percepti ble' oni in the sense in vilici, thermatheniatica things are o. et Aristolle insist that theaetheriai Spheres, in Stars, and the planetSare not adjectivalA', but Stilbstances an Substance in a Ver Specia sense Foreach of thena A the unique Singula representative Os a SpecieS, i. e. is both an ἄτομον δo an an actually-eXistent singular. Henc the are eterna SubstanceS and et perceptible'. timetessty-actua Species, sole individual in vilicii the type is precisely an completet sulfissed Here-an here alone the subject o demonstrative science are iubstances both

Aristolle is reserring only to the heat, an prirnarii to in heat of the



Aristolle distinguishes thena roin the ther orian o change ἀλλοίωσις, αυξησις and φθίσις vhicli occur in the naturalhiodies of the Lo ver COSimos, and denion Strate their in here iace in thei prope subjeci'. ut vhat is his prope subjeci se What is the nainor terna os vhich γένεσις and φθορά are demonstrated Allum natura bodies of the Lower CoSrno are γεννητα καὶ φθαρτά, and γένεσις and φθορά are therei ore propria o a propriuin ostiaena all. The properi commenSUrate Subjeci, of vhicli these πάθη are demonstrated inust accordingi betalcen to include ali the natural odies in the sublunarysphere. An Aristolle oes in fac treat in sullis the γενεσις and φθορά of the sinapi e natura bomes Earth, Air, ire, and wateri, an refers, though ni incidental ly, to the γένεσις and φθορά of the nos complex of the naturalbodies, i. e. to the birili an death of the living things. Nevertheless, is xv loohonore closely at the content of thetretitise, ve hali find that Aristolle is murara IF concertaediuitii the γενεσις and φθορά of the ὁμοιομερη. These are the



CL below e. g. 2I 17-Ι9 I9-22. O. abarella, De nat. c. conuisutione, p. 36-6Ι. Hi vi ex is summarige thu p. 6 C, In libris . . . de generatione dicimus agi et de caduco corpore generaliter, et de Ini Sto generaliter, quia nullus est alius liber naturalis, in quo Vel de hoc vel de illo agaithur sed hoc eo modo, quena declaravi nauS, intelligendum est, ut generatio ita in rebus inesse Comoscatur, ut revera ineSt, misto ut subiecto praecipuo elementi ut principii S, Corpori auten Caduco ut subiecto adaequato, etC.



and thus to orariti late thei ad equale scientific definitions. Nox Earth, Air, ire, and water are the proximate matter the nate mal constituent si os the ὁμοιομερη, and thus inediatelythe a atter os ali the complex natura hodie Ivhicli corne-tobe and theb constitute the ὁμοιομερῆ by coni bination μίξις . Conabination implies Action an Passion setrotειν και πάσχειν

Aristolle itiscusses, Xplains, an de fine dφή A. 63, ποιέ - πάσχειν Α. -93, arrid μίξις A. o). iiii B. 1 8 328 26-335 233. These hapter contain a thorough and exhaustive investigation of the Ao-callect elenients ' Earth, Air, ire, and wateri a the materialconstituent of the compound natura bodies, and of those reciproca transformiation os the elenients xvhicli are necessarii ina plied in thei coni bination to orna the os o to- iv B. 9-11 335 24-338' 19 . These hapter contain a a braei discussion of the niatem l an sorina cause oscoria ing-to-be B. J; biis hori account of the final cause, and an elaborate account of the mcient cause, together xvith an explanatio of the continuit3 ' o cona ing-to-be B. Io); c)



E cod Parisiensis Regius 833E quae in eodein codice, in anu tanaen recentiore addita vel Correcta, leguntur in cod. Vindobonensis, phil. Graec IOOJ quae in eodena codice manu recentiore addita a lectionibus libri L disteriint vide praefationena in

F, Cod Laurentianu 87. 7F quae in eodeni Codice natanti recentiore ad lita vel Corre in Cona-iDei noratione di na videt innitu

H Cod. Vaticanu IO27I Cod. Uaticanus 33 Quinque tanturia locis citatur etiana D in cod. Aimbrosianu F. II 3 SUP. I versio Latina Conamentariis ab Avereo in Aristotelis opera conscriptis inclusa et impressa Venetiis anno I 483 ab Andrea Astilano

Φ, ΦJ,Φ Philoponi coiianaentaria, Hieronynii Vitelli sthidio Berolini

anno I 89 edita, respiciunt. Cilicet lectio hiae ea lena et in ei nnaate exhibetur et in conanaen tam tractatur: Φλ lectio quae non ni Si in lenanaate Continetur: lectio quae, quanavis in lena naate non reperiatur, in Onaimentario tanaen

citatur vel e conantentario colligenda videtur. Denique dissidentia libroriana, quibus Vitelli in constituendo Philoponi textu usus est, si glis post , in et ' adiectis inter luna notatur. Itaque, exempli gratia, lectionen Philoponi odi cuna R et Z auctoritate, invitis Ceteris, in te ianimate receptana sis io in codd. Z significavi.


λέγομεν ορθῶς, ράδιον συνλεῖν. Aσπερ γὰρ ὁρῶμεν ρεμού


δε γῆν βαρυ καὶ σκληρόν. ἀφαιρουμενων ουν τούτων των δια


ὁλως δὲ τaρὰ τ επιπολης περὶ Ουδενὸς οὐδεις πέστησεν ἔξω 35 Δημοκρίτου ουτος δ' ἔοικε μεν περὶ παντων φροντίσαι, ηοη315' δἐ 1 τῶ πως διαφέρειν. ἴτε a περὶ αὐθὶσεως οἰδεις ουδὲν διώρισεν, σπερ λέγομει , ὁ τι μη καὶ ὁ τυχων εἴπειεν, ωτι προσιόντος αυξάνοντα τω ὁμοίω πῶς δὲ τοῖτο, ουκέτι), ουδὲ περ μίξεως, ουδὲ περὶ των ἄλλων ως εἰπεῖν οὐδενός, οῖον

του ποιεῖν η του πάσχειν, τίνα τρόπον το μεν ποιεῖ το δὲ πάσχει τὰς φυσικὰς ποι)ὶσεις Δημόκριτος δὲ και Λεύκιππος ποιήσαντες τα σχηματα την ὰλλοίωσιν καὶ την γένεσινε τούτων ποιοῖσι, διακρίσει ἐν και συγκρίσει γένεσιν και