Aristotelous peri geneseos kai phthoras. Aristotle on coming-to-be & passing-away (De generatione et corruptione) A revised text with introd. and commentary by Harold H. Joachim

발행: 1922년

분량: 357페이지


분류: 미분류



invisibi o vin to thei minutenes Cf. 25 3 o), it is disti cultri seexultat right Aristoti has to malce these assertions. His appea toperception 'ri 6 ρωμεν is irrelevant.

it a refult DOna γενεσις και φθορά, αυξησις ἀλλοιωσις, an utere

semper ense of the terna , t vo oria ore distinc and separate bodies nauS Conae Ogether oras to Orn a Single resultant in vhicli theyare maerged The properties of the resultant nausi e dis serent


Finalty havin state certain conditions xv lii Chore speciallysavota rarae sor lae occurren Ce of the process, an havin brieflyconsidere certain XCeptiona instances of μίξις an explain edtheni in ternas of his genera tineory), Aristolle una mariges me

follo us the sanae genera lines as his discussion of αφφ Chapteri)


esse is inesse, it εἶναι νυπάρχειν. en C in Complete explanation

io a deterini nate proximate Cause, C that determinate proces S, Whicla me temn μίξις properi means, inust OCCur Cf. Introd.

h has lao vn i ὁτ εστι μίξις, i. e. ilia it CCur in or Spredicabie os certain determinate Substan CeS, E τί ἐστι, i. e. What me term properi means, and iii δια τί, i. e. to vhat precis Causetts occurreno i due. An xve hali in hina concentratin theresialis os his discussion in scienti sic definition cf. 48J Ia). In 27'32-34 Aristolle enumerates sive question sor discussion. The enumeration is tentative an preliminary and we nee notattach to naucli importan Ce eithe to the precise significance os the different questions o to the order of thei enunieration Thewhole matte is exhaustively discus Sed by Zabarella, Iuliose interpretation I accepta villa one light nodification. are t a Sic :-

Vliat is the mean in I o conabitiation, and et of the con)binable τι ἐστιν, i. q. τί σημαίνε0 8 3 O What existent things is

combination the attribute i. e. What is it prin)ar an ad equale sub)ect Vliat are the conditions unde ivlii Ch orn binationis predicabie of the se things πὼς πάρχει, C. quontodis a question includin the inquir a to the proxiimate ause of the occurrence of μίξις Θ 5 Doe Combination exist in fact, i. e. sthere a distinctive subjectis vlaicia conabination is the distinctive

reali ope ning the discussioni questions 1 and a).

ACcor tinxto Aristotie'S xv theory, a We hali se cf. belo v, B. ), ali combination in the sublunar region involves allinur simpleiodies', an resulis in one or Other of the ὁμοιομερη



na usi suppose either a that ioth constituent are preserie in the coria potand or hi that both are destroyed, or c that ne is

destroyed whils the ther is reserve l. ut the Charactetasti conditions of μίξει; annot be satisfiet unde any of theSe suppositions althoiuglamo other alteriaative Seenas possibie. a Isboth Constituent furvive unal tered, there is no μίξις ω μίξις iniphes that me constituent have merge in a nexu resultant CL 47 3o-

the ther is preserved the t vo o no Contribute to constitutea o in resultant. The have no Conabined , ut ne is and the

27', 2. μοίως χειμ, i. e. me Constituent in the supposed cona pound aTe in the sanae Condition a the were besore thesuppose conabination 'ook place. ut in μοίως εχόντων refers to the conditionis the constituent relati vel tomne another i. e. Conalbination demand unifornait o Condition in the constituenis' sor both nius Contribute to the bella of the resultant.

φθορά and ὁ γεννητον και φθαρτόν. The difficulti es t aises against the occurrenCe of μίξις vili ali di sappear vhen his Confusion ias been Cleared p. Accordingi Aristolle proceed sto discus the precise significance of the terna μίξις, and egins 27''Io-22 by lina inatin certain processe Whicli are table tobe confused vitii conabination. 27bIΟ-Ι3. ἀλλ . . . φθείρεσθαι. hen sare burn Wood, there


and me quality σχημα, πάθος, ο ἔξις vhicla quali siescit, imani stly



There are t vo disti culties in his passage. i The sirs is

question o laci. To vhat Phenonaen is Aristolle referring vhen e Penk of τα μιγνυμενο a. δυνάμεi α χωρίζεσθαι πάλιν Θ Itseenas certain Dona the seque that he is thini in os the analysis of ab genuine Chenaica Coimpound and there re Philoponos isbeside me nacti vhen e reser to the reCover os vine frona a naechanica mixture os vine an ater by iltering cf. p. 191,

φασὶ γοῖν δια των καλουμένων ν η συν θεία στρατιωτων ποταμου διηθουμει/ον τον κεκραμένον οἶνον διακρίνειν του δατος τον οἶνον).

Vet what facts of henaica analysis vere known to Aristolle porcisae elying pon sonae os the phenomen o putrefaction p ii The secon disticuli is ne os interpretation. In vhat Pre Ci Se ense a re the Constituent preserve so entia F in thecona potand 'Vliat is naean by the state naeni h 25 26 that eachos thena ni a stili esolen III What it vas besore the were coriabine ' and again by the phrase J 3o-3I συ ζεται γαρ ἡ δυναμις

Reader os Aristolle are fana ilia xvith two senses in vilich


γαρ η αυτων εἰλικρινης νεργεια, καὶ ου ἔστιν ἴαπερ ν πρὶν μιχθηναι.



o the ther constituent Or iij doesigi require division of the

rat se a. 27' 32-33 is reatly the question πως πάρχει ο πως ενδέχεται γίγνεσθαι η μίξις and the solution 28δ 18 ff. involves in deterna ination os me recise Character of the ConabinableS, i. e. Difer aha the exhibitionis hos e seatures in the conabining bodies vlai Ch are the proxiimate ause of thei conatanation CL

fortunatet obscure, parti O in to distic ulties of ead in and parit o vin tociis Coimpression Aristotie' treatiment os a Sinai lar

i Dan ething, in ore olbscure tia an the present passage to vhi Ch hereser at 44ol 3, 13), and it throws ei litile light on the discussion


His main Contention is that,gi prope is, principis distinct

συνθετον dister in qualit in disterent paris os itself, since iis

τρόπον 34hare both antecedent of ὼστὰ ' 35). The paris nausibe Simalle man the nainima visibilia, and me natist be so juxta- posed a ton, individuali indiscernit)le.



The ruet view-to judge by Aristolle' illustration 284 2 3ὶ i naeret, a popula vi ex in plied in the comi non his of the terna ies in everyda, si se Alexander περὶ κράσεως καὶ αἰξησεως, d. Bruns, P. In Sunis talcen in attributin it to Demolitatos Thes nivi exu, a Philoponos rightly says, is that o Denaolcritos. Is Alexander l. C is ricta in attributin a view of this hin to

suppos the wheat an hi arte to have been ground O PO vder, asother vis the parti Cles Would o b indiscernitae to sense id Philopono. p. 192, t. 26 paraphraSe ωσπερ εἴ τις σεμίδαλιν λεπτηνε πυρων μίξει ἀλευρω κριθm. Ut the ni natura interpretationof τισοῖν παρ' ὁντινουν S O SUPPOS inat he ingle gratias arestiuissed, and this is confirme by de Sensi 44 Oh -6. In su Cha huisse in single grain Would not discerni ble to vision', UnleS ille vere separate froni the mas and this is ali that

vhole. In men , μίξις is a lauisse, it is illogical to sto the

i Coimposition is qui te other ita an conalbination, and ii No bodyca be divide into east, i. e. o further divisibie, Paris. Iti ollo us a that conabination is no the uxta position o litile 's