장음표시 사용
to ea cla Indi visibi one quality, and ne onj, in addition to iis figure For laese qualities necessari ly go in patrs i. e. is ne Indi visibi is ref - figured another Indi visibi naus bera oris figured 'Vlaat then Ieconnes of the Supposed inii Dit os substance in ali the Indivisit te. And finalty it is no essina possitae to attributerio ach Indivisitate no=e Man ne qualit, in addition to iis figure For, ,ein indivisibie, it is vi thout interna distinctions ali iis qualities vili belongo it in iis single undisterentiate identity. Suppose, then, an Indi visibi is e. g. Ot and there fore sufers action ' is affected , in sola asit is chilled Besides bella hol, it vili, o the hypothesis also
vili qualis it indivisit, te identity, vhicli is also qualisled by iis
as example of the πάθη , ichi the tomist cannot Consistently ascribe to laei Indivisibies, because ah ve holita natural ly have supposed that the Indivisitae are 'hard ' and b sinceDenaolcrito expressi attributes heat to the spherica Indivisibi es, it seem peCuliari paradoXiCal that he annot attribute col to any In divisibi e Forteat an colinare the Contraste extremeso a single quali ty te imperature , and what is suscepti hile os ine
26 IO. - . . . θερμότερον, . e. n. Philopono explainS, ωστε, εἰ τα μειζω ατομα βαρυτερα, δηλον τι και τα μείζω σφαιρικα θερμότερα.
26 IG. ψυχρόν. σκληρόν HLΦ bu ψυχρόν is require byssi argument. For, o the hypothesis here inade vir inat acta Indivisitae possesses ne ' sensitae quali ty in addition to iis figure), the tonaist Would not be bound to admit stat sonae Indivisibies vere hard figured, and ther horis figure l. Onthe theriandi i me attribute dieat o coMyto any In divisibie, the were bound ais to attribute coid or eat to sonae ther
26 2Ο-24. O . . . ἀδιαιρέτοις. Foroli mos probatae interpretationis is dissiculi passage se e 45h 36-26 24. Ve must remenaberethat thes sensibi qualities ' ines secondary'qualities of the vagosis bodies are, CCordin to the tonaisis, due to the number, grota ping, and turning of thei Constituent aton is CL ' I5' 33 16 a). One an me Same V posis bod possesses diverSe qualities, beCaus e. g. it atona are Oncentrate indifferent degrees, o dispose disterently in disterent paris of i. e. ecaus it dense ' or rarer in disserent paris oscit stus .
26' 24-29. τι . . . μικροῖς It i a surtiae paradox that here
Aetios. But in uet, the Indi visibi es vere ali ni inute theiriminutenes bella proba bl postula te by the tonai sis in orderio account for thei invisit, ilit cf. 25 3 o).
26 Ἀ-6. ετ . . . δυνάμει. The Atonat Si inainta in that there is
an infinite naultiplicit of indivisibi solid naovin in the old. But his movenaen is inexplicat ile or vliat et then imo 'ing p i Is that whicli moves them is ollae than inelesset 'eS, tho a re παθητικά but si is ach Indivisitae et iis et imoving, ei fler ahit is in fac dipisibis in to that Whicli in oves and that whicla Sinoved), or b it vili unite in iself, and D the Same revere,
ποιεῖν πασχειν, i. e. τα στοιχεια RS IVel RS τα ἐκ των στοιχειων.
πέφυκεν, C. O δυνάμει τοιουτον.
ntifunderstanding of the illustration. The veins in the metalare no pores in the sense repudiated by Aristolle. Thei substanc is the sanae a that o me res of the nietat it sint adissere iace of degree. 27 1-6. συμφυες . . . πάσχειν. Passion implies ihi vo distinctbodies: the patient natist no bearo vn Ogether vitia the agent, foras to forna vitii it a single natural ly-Coherent bod ii contaci, ither mimediate or mediated, bet veen patient an agent. Is ille contac is aediate, the medium naus it self be a bo lyby natur Suchis to suffer action ston the agent an to act
πάσχειν τῆ δε μή the ascribe the patient' susceptibili ty to peculiarities vitii in iis structure, i. e. to eatures belongin to paris oscit, and notrio a propert Characteri giniit a S a Whole. Thus i the torni Sis expla ined πασχεεν the Pacita inter-spacin me In divisibies: si Enapedotcles explaine it by the porosi ty of the patient, i. e. by the hypothesis that the apparently
Suppos that the referenCe εν ἀρχ sthis to 24h46i vliere Aristotiectistinguislae vanous oram os the supposition os partia susceptibili ty'. The whole sentence 27 6 7 would naean :- Vectistinguis hed above the various theories of partia susceptilbili ty, and have no v to inalce me illo vin re imariis'. On the whole, hoWever, i Seenas imore probabie ron the nexi sentence 27' - 14 that , doxi reser to the elaborate discussion 16 I4-17 17 of the sense in viaicia every 1Dagnitii de is divisiblethrough and through. I have CCordinglb venture t imari a lacuna besore διορίσαντας, and to interpretulae passage as solio vSQ- The supposition o partia susceptilbilit is possibi oni sorthos Iulio ovi an erroneoti vi e v Concerning the divisibinit of magnitudes. For iis the solio vin account resulis rotia thedistinctions es tablistae at thelegi nning of our reati se'. 27 7-μ ε . . . ἀδματον. The resulis Stablis hed in Chapter ima be una naarige a solio us. i Ever Ima nitude is divisi ble. There arem In divisibies. si No Imagnitude S πάντγὶ διαιρετόi , i. e. n magnitude is suci stat inrough and through divisionis it Could ver actuali hau talcen place : ut sit ever nationi tu de is
Aristolle here presuppos es an refers to laese resulis, ut his resereric is ne an obscure. He Imalces no aetation Os iiij, though it expresses the truthis to the divisibilit os imagni t tules, presumably ecause his thesis Would en no Support to the Supposition D partia susceptibilit ' He argueS:- a. I there is a lina it to the divisibilit, os laemagnitude, i. e. there are indivisibi solids a the tonai sis