Aristotelous peri geneseos kai phthoras. Aristotle on coming-to-be & passing-away (De generatione et corruptione) A revised text with introd. and commentary by Harold H. Joachim

발행: 1922년

분량: 357페이지


분류: 미분류


ii question, an is meresor prior' to the ther: thus boveis prior o Belo Besore prior o Beliind, and Right prior o Lest. An since tengili is me most fundamenta of the three dimensions for line an be conceived in abstractio Dona sursace an soli l but o vice vers ), me disterentiation o place into Above an Belo v is the πρώτη διαφορὰ τόπου. si 'Ve ima cali his the schemati significance of the differentiation o place But Aristolle inlcs at the round of these differetices in place sies in me hν recte os livinit Odies i. e. he maintain stiauincii priniar significance is unional. In alili ving things, Me bove is that par of the bod When e the Mod

the op is in head or ira ouinci in planis, it is the oois. In animais, Me more is the region pon vllicli their αἴσθησις is directed that whicli is in frons of therm), o that par of the



23' 9-ΙΟ. τὰ . . . ποιητικα. his is no inconsistent vitii



A. 7

becanae false an conflicted vitii the ther He then 24 9-243 confimans his xv theory a by ho vin that it explain the factthat the agent assimilates the patient to iself, an id b) by tracing

the originis the rival-and ais talcen-theories. hereas What acis an suffers a Clion nausti contrary determinations os the sanaes stratum, linguisti usage attributes actio an passion no v tolli substratum an nox to the ntraries and the salse theories aros storia exclusive attention to the ne or the ther of these subjecis, os xx hicli action an passion are Cornimoni predicated.


i that in vhicli me pupit has no opinion on in SubjeCt, and si that in vhiicholae pupi Ps opinion is Contrar to lae theSiS

The vie xv here in question are in contrar oppoSition Orin Sul)Stanc they asseri a No agent an patients are identical, and b Ad agent an patients are identi Cal. The Opposition belween t vo particular proposition Conili Ct in Din qualit Sonae A is Sonae A is noti 'i, vilicia ornaal logici an Cal SM-conreary opposition cs. e. g. SanderSOn Logicae Artis Compendiat , th d. p. 95J, S i Mi here in Oint. More-oVer, Aristolle oes no cal the opposition o particularastarnaative to particula negative an opposition Os πεναντία lae lenies that it is nymin imore than a vecta opposition Cf. Prior Anal. 63' 27 ὁ γαρ τινὶ τω ου τινὶ κατὰ την λεξιν ἀντίκειται μόνον).23' 5-6. πάντα . .. ὁμοίοις. Aristolle is quotin me author os



ταὐτω γενει πάντα και μετας εναντίων καὶ συγκειται εκ των ναντιων



stration, ContraSted Specie With in the sanae genus. Agent an lpatient, heres ore, a re both ike ' an ' in like . The result faction passion is to assinat late the patient to the agent. The doctrine is una lanari ged in the de Anima 41 7 2o in the

24 9-I . δι . . . Dεσις. AriSt Oile' doctrine, conabine xviththe genera principi that γένεσις is a Change in t the Contrary, explain the fac that the agent assinat lates to iself the patient. 24 I4-I5. και . . . φύσεως. And again, it is intelligibi that the advocates os both lexus, although thei theorie are no the Sanae are et in ContaCt villa the natur of the facts.'


patient must be absolutei other'. 24 I 2 . 22. ὁ . . . ἀληθές. At leas in expression is no also in Substance, the doctrine of this passage is i anUQuoira, and si divergent storia Aristolle' doCirine et Se Vlhere. i Aristolle' object is to establisi a Certa in paralleli Sim


a nexu division of ποιητικά agent or lactive things' into a