장음표시 사용
separatio of efiicient cause an final ause Cf. 44 24 b a), an indicates the par played in diro rei by fornaal and laterial
traces the astiliation o Atornisn to Eleati Monis in and pol niso ut the stiperiorit of the foranen AE ext a P 12 26' i heleginsto Criticipe Empedolcles, ContraSt in his theor uia favoura hiij xviththat of the tonai sis. The alter explain the iscret an φθορά os ali physical odies as a coimposition oti os, an a dissolutioni lato the Indivisitae Sol id s. ut impe lolcles reat Alr, artii, Fire an ater a egenisi arF and ence et ther expla in nor Could Xplain lae 'γένcσις φθορά of the hi naasses of these elenaenis hicla ve se in nature This ead Aristolle to reserto Plato' theor in lae TDnaei/s, whicli postulates Indi visibi e Planes a the ulti naate constituent of Air, artii, ire, an d Vater, and there fore of ali physicaliodies. Hau in distingitistaediliis theor froni that os euhippos sor Leulcippos postulates a Void ivlaici, Plato dentes Pand his Indi visi hiles are Solids, whereast hos of Plato a re Planes), ae proceed to Critici Ze the viei os
ienderin intelligibi the bella os a Many), the insist me vie xv
to den me existen eis notion.' Aristolle is here reproducing the is of an Eleati arguimentagainst a pluralis theor vhicli dispenses vitia a Void. The Pythagorean S, a We a v, vere olblige t postulat an existent Vol in orde to account sor rei otion and pluralit an sucha postulate Paria lenides an Leno conten d is a contradictionii ternis, forcit is equivalent to the assumption that what is not'D. ut nother orna o pluralisna vi g. that os impedolcles,CL 25' 5-IO ' 26h 8-io atteaipis to Conceive the realis a Many, ivit holit introdii in a Vol l The Universe is no ne, since
it is no continuous cit is divide into many Constituents xviii Cli, ho ever, are Contiguous and there fore domo inapi a Vo1d. Empedotcles himself expresse his ineor disterently Heriai dinat o par of the Universe vas e in pty' Cf. r. 3, 4 Dieis,
that he ne Real vas finite : ut Melissos held that trivas infinite both te imporali an spatiat ly Aristolle is no doub quoling, or
h, talcen intransitively, as in Melissos, st. 5 Dieis, p. 44 εἰ μη
25 Qq. καὶ συντιθέμενα . . . γενναν. Philopono interpret this
25 45. τοῖς . . . ηττον, C. τοῖς περὶ Ἐμπεδοκλέα ὶττον μολογουμένως πρὸς τας αυτῶν θέσεις φαίνεται συμβαῖνον.
desine by an in sinit os figures and acri indivisitae plane thy
25' 3I-32. διά τε . . . καστον. Both the old an Contac arerequired by the torni sis to explain et ther γένεσις ο διάκρισις
and A. 2.25h34-26J'6. περὶ . . . δυνάμει. Aristolle' deliberate Corn