장음표시 사용
vho s ais to have tu heia it stram the Greelc pastoriit Marinoniel, too, in his Anneste anil Lithin , has inlita- ted the si inplici ty arita inexperienco of the lovers of Longus. But os ali niodern writers the aiulior xvlio has niost closely solio voci illis rornatu e Is G sner. . In his Idylis there is the fame poetical prose, thesanie beauti sui Hir il descriptions , and the sanie innocence arul simplici ty in the mistic charactera. In liis
pastoriit os Daphnis, the sceno of vvliii li is laici in Greece, he lara pa inieci, sive Longus, the GHy and
medicine to the sich, a solace to the afflicted , is hi in voti id reni ind hini, who lia 1 seli the power os love, of his svveetest en joymenta , arul tracti the inexperien-ced the nature and happinem os illat passion. Although the work of Longus was ni uch adnai Ied
ΤΟΜ. I, PAG. 75. by his contemporaries , and altilough nuiny of the