장음표시 사용
The se ora os the year precludes ille intervimus ofDaplinis arul CIlloe. They could no longer naeet in the
periarnaed to Bacchiis. accepting the invitation, hesor sorne tinae longer eri,us the society os Chloe. Thelovera part , prayiiig sor the revivat os spritig ; but vhilo the winter lasted, Daiplinis Deipient ly visits the habitation os Dryas. When spring returns, Daphnis anci Chloe are tho
Daphnis, however, stili liesitates to practi se 1vith. Chloe the lesson had received froni Ilacaenilim; and ille reader is a main lired With the reeetition ofpreludes, sor xv hicli Iae can no longer sinci an excuse In the laurili book me are tol l stat, to variis theciose of sun rner, a sesso v-servant Os Lamon aietives
anct loves of the go l. 'on this garden Daphnis had placed his chios hopes os conciliating the good- vili os his ni ter, and throia gliliis savour os being uni ted totail ; sor lawould appearthe consent os Pariles Was not sufficient for this, and that in Greece, as a Inong the fersi in Russia, the finest gratificatiori of the heari vas dependent on the will os a naaSter. Lampis, a CO v-heril, vvlio had asked Chloe in matri age Doni Dryas , an had been IV sused, resolves on the clestructiora os this gariten. Accor lingiv,
that he woula he with them in three claΠ Astyliis sitie son os Dionysophanes, proprietor of the territo , in arrives strat, and promises to obtain pariton froin his Ather of the mischance that hacthappened to the garden. Astylus is accompante i Iby a parasite, Gnatho, Who is sniliten ivuli a mentihip, a la Grecque, sor Daphnis : this having conae to the lino viedge of Lamon. Who OVetaears the parasite askand obtain Daphnis as a page froni M lus, he conceives it incumbent On him to reveat to Dionysophanes, who had by this time arriVed, the mysteries atten lingtho insancy of Daphnis. He at the Sanae time produces the ormamenta he had soland with the child, oti vhicli Dionysophanes instantly recognises his son. Flaving uiamed early in yolith, he had a claughteran t two sons, but being a pria dent man, and satisfied urith this stoch, he had exposed his seurili chilii, I aphnis; a meastare Which laad hecome soni vhat lessexpectient, as hra claughter anci one of his sons clied immediately after on the fame day, and Astyliis alone
The change in the siluation os Daphnis dota nota iter his attachment to Chloe. He begs her in mareiaco
pastoral cis Longus, as in most oti aer Greelc ron ances, the charactera are only
Τunc recta scientes cunx nil Mire valent.
The success of this device sully ans vers expectation ;
In sonae resPeris a prose Ionianee is heuer adaptec than me eclogue or trama to pastoral composition. The eclogue is confinia mihin nario v linitis , and must terminate be re interest cata lis excite l. A semesos Bucolics, where ivvo or more inepheri s are introducia conten ling sor tho re varii os a crook or a hul, an t at most descanting sor a stiori vitile on sinii lar inpio, reseintiles a collection of the fidit scenes of a
ceiis os assected gallantru, nor involve theniselves in alistrasti reasoning ; and he has not loa lota his romance vitti iliose lon and constanti ' recti ng episodes , Rhich in the Diana os Monterna)tor, and the Astrea ofDIMe, saligue the attention and rencter us indisserent to the principat stor . Nor cloes he patrii that chiiverical state of society, termed the goliten age, in Whicli thecharacteristic metits os I urat ii se are erase I, latit attemptato please lay a genuine inlitation os Nature, and hyilescriptions os ille mannera, the rustic occupatioris,
or rural ensonuenis, Os the inhabitanis os tiae colint ry vhere the wene of iliae pastorat is laici. Huci, who seenis to have consulere t the chies ni rit os a roniance to consist in continencing in the ritici lie
to hear in generat tertiis, When it Coriam to an exul, ho v these persons passed their lives, and whether their sertune M Tis stabie. I do not see that in a pastorii l r Inanc , eVen a niore aInple description os conpigal seli-
se enis to imagine; sar less is an account of the chilii-liood of the c haractere obsectionable , even ivliere itis niore minute than that given thy IA ngiis. The pastorat is in generat very heautisiilly written; - the style, though it has been censured on account of the reiteration of the sanae sorans os expression ,
arul as betriiying the sopbist in sonte passages by a play
on vorcis, anci assected antilliesis, is consulered M tho
ptirest specimen of the Greeli langit age produced in that late period; si the descriptions os rural scenety
r) Son strie est sini ple, nise, nat Irid. concis san scurate; Aes expressions soni pleines de vivacuo et de seu; il prirituit aveeesprit; il peint avec agrsinient, et dis se Ses in ages aveo adresse. - Ηuet, P. I 24. Iuongi oratio pura, Candida , sua Is, minutis articulis membrisque Concisa, et tamen numer osa, sine ullis salela is, melle dul-Clor profluit, tanquani amnis argenteus virentibus utrinmie s3lvis inii nil,ratus, et iis storens, ita picta, ita expolita est, ut in eave ho m omnes, omnes sententiarum illigentur lepores. Translationes caeterii ae dicendi lumina ita apte disponit ut pictores colorum varietatem. Villoison, Protegon ., P. xxxvI. Dynms isalso calleci hy Muretus, Vare. Laetit., l. LX, C. I 6: Dulcissimus ac suavissi nus Solptor; and by Scaliger, Priles. Iunge aiin: Auctorninoenissimus, et eo multor liuo simplicior. M
not ste origin os the pastoral ctrartui. The Sacri ieio MAgostino Beccari, Wisicli uvas ille earliest specinaen Osthis style of coni position, and was acie 1 at Ferrara IIII 554, Was wriuen previ ous to alie appearance of any edition or version os Longus Nor is inere any similarity in the story or incidenis of the A ni inta to thos in Daplinis and Chloe, Whicli sΙ1ould Iead iis to imagine iliat the Greelc roman e li ut been inituiteci hy