장음표시 사용
in pretielectionibus vel in scriptis suis exilibet naagistet Inous in aeternum mihi pie colendus, C. B. Hasius. Hic Graecorum maiusula in doctorum , philologoriam Europae ad instar erit diti, labor esse deberet, quo sibi nos omnes, mai et Graecos antiquos coli Inus veneI'amurque, et hodieratos, doctos simul et modestos, valde anui inlis, devinciret Hiani maxime. Sed Ina nurn de t ula. Vale, lector erit lite atque benevole, mihi Pae fave.
Ue no v proceed to ille analysis os a romance disserent in iis nature Doni the wOHis at ready mentione l; arui os a species xviiicii may l e distinguished by ille appellation os Pastorial romanCe. It niay be conlectu reci vult Ii ni ucii prolbabili ty, that pastorat Coniposition sol aetiines expressed tho devintion, aIul sonietimes forine 1 the enteriainment of the firat generations of naan nil. Die sacro I xvmitin D sunficiently insorin iis that it existeti an ong the easternnations during the earliest ages. Ruriit in ages are every M here scattere 1 through the old Testament; and tho Song os Solonion in particular lae:iuti sully cletineat ille i liarnas os a coiintry lise, While it pa inis the ni tantietilite assections os the mirul, and tiae sWeetest se neII of nature. A number of passages of Tlieocritus bear a stri Ung rese lance to descriptions in the inspired pastoral; arui ritiinv critics liave heli evect iliat lie has studieci iis beauties alui transserre t theni to his eclogues. Theocritus uvas imitate i in his o uti dialecti ,1 Moschus alui Bion; aiul Virgil, inlcinca luantagoos a disserent langu age, copied yre rival Ied the Sicilian.
vere i norant os his naine. Philetas describes his powersand his attribuim, arui potnis o ut the m nur lv sor
hereis in the neighbourhood, Iulio recount the adventia res of their muth, and their chil tren clance to thos und of the pipe. rhe itur 1 book. cona Inences With the approa 'li Ofwinter, and Dorn the description os that se oti vultichis givcn in the Ioniance, it Woulit appear that at theperiod os ita composition the teinperatii re os the L hian climate uvas coicier than it is no v represented by travellere. IVe are told in the pastoriit, that early inwinter a sit liuen sali os snow shuts up ali tho roadis, the. peasantS are confined to their Cottages, and theearth no vhere appeam except On the hinnita of rivere,or fides of Muntains. No one leacti sortii his flocks topasture; biit by a blazing sire soni e twist corcis sor thenet, sonae philt goat's hai I , a mi othera inalce sitii res mi