The clouds of Aristophanes

발행: 1858년

분량: 258페이지


분류: 미분류


ISTOPHANEA vas the son o Philippus, an Atheniancilieten, laesoning to the Cydastensean borough and the Pandionia tritae. The dates of his birili an deau araequali iankno vn. e is es t have been a mere outh 1en ho4rst employed himself in v tin comedy an ashis earliest piece, Theraevellers, vas brought out B. C. 427, the approximate date of hiis birui has been assume a B C. 444, o the suppositio that the xv d of the scholiast, πεδον μειθακίσκος, designate about ille age of seventeen. His last recorde representation in his o p nam vias thatos theraecon Pliatus B C. 388, ne ea be re the peaceos Antalcidas, and in the fifty-sirili ear of the poet scisse. It 1 state in the Greest argument, that he resigned his tum later ieces, the Cocatos and the Zologicon, in his son aras, Mi ha been introduced to the theatrica public asan actor in ine lutus The probabilit is, uia Arist


iv PREFAc E. phanes live but a se v years more. The latest period sumed a the date of his deati a B C. 380. Aristophanes, Ver early in liue, came into Violent comssici missi the demagogues, Who laad se to O ver after in deau o Pericles. ne of ste nos note popularfavorites of in times vas Cleon, via is known to us notoni by the witi exaggerations of the comi poeta, buti fine accurate historica delineationis Thucydides Fores out fix ears of in Peloponnesian uar, his braWlersiis at ille head of the part Oppose to eace. e Maona o lo origin a. anne by trade, but vel qualinedia his natura stireWdness, his impudence, his o ver of coisse invective against belleronen, his violent and mel disposition his fluent speecli anil vulga mannem, in t e thesmorite of the populace. Ivlaeniitylene suriendere tolli Athenia forces, . c. 27, he was the author os a decree that ait ille adult males Aliould be putrio death, and the women and childre sol into lavery biit the ober secon thought of the eopte aved thein froin his eat crime, and the decree vas rescinde tho nexi M. IV iththis misit representative of the vorat portio of the Athenia democrac Aristophanes commencedis variare,

in Whici he ut sortia ali the energies of his it an his genius. At ille Dionysia festival of the ollovring spring, B. c. 26, he brought ut his Babylonians in vities heassasse Cleon, an boles satirige the democra . This

tophanes possesse estates in Egina and Rhodes, and thatas res of busines frequently c Mediim thither Possit,in