장음표시 사용
TH present editio of the Euthyplar is intended ob uniform villi ny editions of the polog and ille Crito. I have trie to hex in the Introductioni hal in thorougia examination O the Euthypnro forins an excellent training for the stud o Plato' more profotundan Complex dialogues and vitia his en in vie v,
The textris based on Schang's Collation o B and ,
vord spolcen τον του ειδότος λόγον λεγεις ζῶντα καιεμψυχον οἰ ὀ γεγραμ μενος ειδωλον αν τι λεγοιτο δικαίως 'in, Plato endeavouredo Coinui unicate to the mage somethingi me ariet an vivaCit of aCtua Conversation δειν πάντα λογον σπερ ζῶον συνεστQναι σῶμά
The dialogue callei' ut hyphro' vas intended
Serious stud os lato For vltile the artisti unityandirilliant Colouring of the mos finistae malogues frequently Imalce it difficulto dis Cove the germ os positive eachin xvhicla te latent in them in the Euthb phro, O the ther hand it is Coimparatively
Complex dialogues. An besides this training in method, lae Carela Student of the Euthyphro vili beintroduce to many logica problena that continuallyreappea in the more elaborate dialogues of lato: vhil even more Clearly laan in an Other of the Socrati dialogues, lae vili e the doctrine of λογοι transforat in iis et in to the lae or os deas. I xve ad to this that the dictio of the Euthyphro possesses ali the lark of lato' sine in dialogue,
excepi stat it i si inpler, ve hali adniit in nare a thorough exarmination os in dialogue vili foran afittin preparation Or a mole COID PIehen Sive tu clyo Plato' style an doctrine'. It vili facilitate the proper apprehensio O thernean in of the Euthyphro to deSCribe a Clearly aspossit ite the progres of the dialogue. Socrates, go in to themin 's orCla in ConneCtion Aroit mat
is via lae is ut pon his triat Chapter VI).Ρostponing the inquir in to thi truthi sucia tales,
In assailingolais definition, Socrate potnt Outiliat thiere are Od and gods an as in the allusion
to cus and Cronus it has atready been adimitte linat he have miseren Ces, different od vili differ
actor definition, Socrates lainas et put for vard a Suggestion Is ali tu tauris ricti holy, or is ali ista an is hol rigiat, Itit ni par of that whicla is right holyΘEuinyphro is nable to at Ch me mean in of the question, unti by an Xercise in the Conversion ofproposition it is made clear to hina Chapter XII
τινα βίον ζην η τουτον σπερ και κεισε φαίνεται συμφῆ- ρων, ἀλλ' εν τοσουτοις λόγοις των αλλων λεγχο μένων μόνος ουτος ρεμε ο λογος, ως ευλαβητεον ἐστι το ἀδικειν ἄλλον η το αδικεῖσθαι, και παντος μ ἄλλον