Euthyphron. Euthyphro; with introd. and notes by J. Adam

발행: 1890년

분량: 175페이지


분류: 미분류


sati Superque notuna St, quana paruna lato Curana tena portina rationis habuerit ut nihil distet, quona inusillana litigationern aliquanto ante accidiSSe StatuamuS V.

τί κατακροασθε μου τα μουσοδονηματα ἔ


the Euthyphro b iis et contain a Clear an definite solution o me problem proposedci but illis is in sui

bearing of Eulli laro that even ivlaile professin his inabilit to follos Socrates he stili belleves inaselft be in in right. .


φιλανθρωπίας δοκῶ αυτοῖς τι περ εχ ἐκκεχυμενως παντὶ ἀνδρὶ λεγειν, ου μόνον ανευ μισθου, ἀλλα και προστιθεὶς αν ηδέως, ει τις μου θελοι ἀκουειν), Va ne rem arks

Die Samniiungier Platonisciae Schi isten P. 393.


καν ει πολλαὶ και παντοδαπαι εἰσι i , ἔν γε τι εἶδος ταυτὸν


INTRODUCTYON XXixin of the Socrati λόγοι, re a frona rare in the Socrati malogues it vili suffice to refer o me farsi

Alcibiades a B and 13 D ο αρτι υτω πως ερρηθη, οτι πρωτον σκεπτέον εἴη αὐτο τ αυτό νυν δὲ αντὶ τουαLτο αυτos αυτ ἔκαστον ἐσκέμμεθα ο τι ἐστίν), and

to the Hippias Major 89 D ε δε σε ηρόμην φησει, ξάρχος, τί στι καλόν τε και αἰσχρόν, ει μοι περ νυναπεκρινω ρα, mi ἀρθῶς ἀπεκεκρισο ετ δε και δοκεισο αυτ το καλόν, και ταλλα παντα κοσμεῖται και καλὰ φαίνεται, πειδὰν προσγέν ται κεῖνο τ εἶδος, οὐτ'


και υτ Dς ημb G καλος λόγος ποδεδρακὼς οἰχησεται.

me iniitator ha hewed his sione but ascit is, thesaine ideas Continuali reappea in me admittedly


genuine 1 rhs o Plato, an is v are prepare toallo v that the Euthyplaro is a Conaparativel early malogue, it may vel be that ideas an in)ages employed in is early vork vere aster ardS X- pande an develope by lato in his imore mature productionS. I lais ead us O say a vor a to the date of lae Date of Euthyphro. Os externa evidenCe inere is none: ve laave only the Style and realiment to uide us Fron the tal)les ive by Constanti Ritte in his Intersu hungen uber Plato pp. 56-59), it is se ent hieton to the earlier dialogues, is an fatili is odie placet in statistic of the iis of particles and thelil and the absenCe of an allusion to the theoryo ideas , together vitia the sonaeWhat Ver tra unpicture of Athenian orthodox in the person ofEuthyphro, ead ne to place it a mong lato' ea ly vorks It is of Course impossitae sullyrio discus thispoint vithoiit at the sanae time discussin the Chronologica sequence of Plato' dialogues generalty at present it vili sustice to a that I belleve it in Coninion villa ali lato' malogues t have been uritie aster the death of Socrates, an to be considerata later than the Crito. It probabi belongsto albout the Same perio a the LaChes and the Letoas Charmides, hi P thini it precedes both of theses V si

No argument an os course e based notae connectionbet veen the Introductio os in Euthyphro and the en ofine Theaetetus this is only one os lato' many dramatic


by o Crates, ea Ch bein regarde a a distinc and speciat viritie. Non in the rotagoras, Meno, and Gorgia S, οσιοτης S in the sanae ina helyto e ne of the Viriues, parallel vim δικαιοσυνη vherea in lae Euth 'plaro I A), δικαιοσύνη S et ab OV οσιότης, thegenera notion δίκα to thein Subdivide into σων and Some ster Section not Spe Citied. Anyas in me laterdialogues of lato ὀσιότης is no mentione a a Substantive viriue at ali it is supposed 3 Frit sche that

Plato in lae ut layphro is passin frona lae Socrati conception o piet a Containe in me Protagoras, Meno an Gorgias to a murit classificationi me
