장음표시 사용
θεων γενος Ἀκμιας δὲ πνεομεν ματρος ἀμφότεροι.
, ,h, and consistent orthodo Xy in the person o Euthyphro.
δικαιως μὲν γαρ πράττοντες και σωφρόνως συ τε και η
πόλις θεοφιλῶς πράξετε Itivas probabi the popUlar Conception o piety. In his relinainar criticisna ossilie definition Socrates is reali arguin again St Polythei Sim. O the assumption o a pluratit of gods, it is seles to a clinat whiat is dear to the god is holy, sin Ce ne god vili love ivliat another lates biit isthei clivi ne natur is ne ille it vili be constant in iis lilces and distil es, and so far, me definition ima stillla old good Here therefore iv liave a distinc allusiotio lae underlyin imo notheisn of the Socrati Creed: but the doCttine is no expliciti state an hardly
in a desinition Ia ), is suggestive of the διαψεσις
vhiCla S So Constanti en)ployed in Plato' laterdialogues: vhil in the forma os definition re thured
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CL Aristolle Em Nic. IV II et 3' ra. ὁ δῶρα τοῖς ἀναθῆμασιν