First Greek book; comprising an outline of the forms and inflections of the language, a complete analytical syntax, and an introductory Greek reader. With notes and vocabularies

발행: 1861년

분량: 307페이지


분류: 미분류


M, si here, που, Λεπε, &c. Frequently this assivor has a correlativo in the principia member of the

chrowπαῖδές εἰσιν, ἐντα --κη πολλας ἀνω βουλήσεις. Where thermare Midine', thera muti many d


429. Sentencos used to denoto tho arierbia attribui os time, are generalty introduce by adverbs estime, a Oo, hens ometimes illi a correlative in the principat member, RS τε με.

Eπειδαν απαντα ἀκουσητε, κρίνατε.


2 Clausos introduco by πρίν generali inhotho infinitive e g. : Aναβαίνει Xειρίσοφος πρίν

κα, μαι, μην, o alandor,

1. Ἐτελεύτησε Λαρώῖος. . 'Eπεὶ ἐτελευτησε Λα- ρεως, ισσαφέρνης διαβάλλει τον Κυρον προς υναδελφον 3. 'Οπου εἷς ἐνοικεῖ, οἰκίαν - Οὐμεν 4. Οπου πολλοὶ μίαν οἴκησιν εχουσι, συνοικίαν καλουμεν. 5. Πρόξενος εἶπεν, υτός εἰμι ὁ ζητεῖς. 6. ἄν - πος εἶπεν, Ἐπεμψε με Ἀριαῖος. 7. Ἐπεὶ Πρόξενος εἶπεν, τι αυτός εἰμι ν ζητεῖς, εἶπεν ὁ ἀνορωπος τάδε - Ἐπεμ ρε με Ἀριαῖος. . Πονηρός εστ πας ἀχάριστος ἄν ωπος.

1. Whon id ius Athonians conque the e stans L 2. he Athenians conquere the Perstans at


Narathon, When Darius as hing. I. Whero inersare Mod laWs, thermare good citigens.


RκΜ. n both thes examples, tho conditio relate to a dis nil time theri mora the present, tho latis to the pare; and is represented then a no realivid.


impersec sor prosent time and tho a istlar past time.


440. An infinitive sentence sed a subject Orpredicate, may haverit own subjoc omittod whon iteXpre88es a generat truth, o When iis subject may booasil supplied e g. :


441. ho relative clause, Whether modistin tho subjecti an other noun, may be abrido by drop-ping the relative, an sometims also the copula, and retaining the attribuis. 442. When a relativo clauseris thus abridged thoattributo may b expressed, a B a parti pia agreeing With the antecedentos in omittod relative. his occur Whentho prodicate of the relativo claus Wouldhavo been expresse bra eis, e g. : Θαμα ἔχων, πλουτεῖ- ho λαε αεδε Λέαν rich. 2 B an aleotis agresing With the antecedent of tho omitted relative. his occum hentho predicato ould have been expressed by an adjective and the copul ειμι e. g. :

many goodahiva. 3 B a notin in apposition illi the antocodent of tho omittod relativo. his occurs henthe predicato mould have been expressed


1. Αἰσχρόν εστ προ υνα τους ευεργως. 2. Toυγιαίνειν ἀγα3ον ἐστιν. . o νοσεῖν κακον εστιν. .ri γιαίνειν arm3ον εἶναι νομίζω. 5. Ἐδυ ἐστι τὸ ἔχειν

χρηματα. 6. οὐχ δὐ πολλούς ex οὐ πειν. 7. Βαρβάροις δομεύσομεν; 8. K ληνες δντες βαρβάροις

δουλAύσομεν; 9. Φίλιππος, ὁ Μακεδόνων βασιλεύς, εγρα- τοις Αθηναίοις. 10. Ομηρος τους - μή- σαντας ενεκωμίασεν. 11. Ομηρος καλως τους πολεμη σαντας τοῖς βαρβάροις ἐνεκωμίασεν.


REM.- re ἀδικεῖν a the direct oriret os ὁμολπω. Ita sum jeci μή is omittin causerit is the samo person a tho subjectil4μυλυμ, i. e. γώ, implied in the termination os the verb.

447. Whon in subjoc of tho infinitivo is thus omitted an predicate nou or adjectivo astor thesim finitivo is attracted into tho nominativo to agre Withtho subject of the principat Verb e. g. :Νομίζω οὐδὲ χείρων εἶναι



Κυρος μι παῖς ων πάντων iuris humatia a bo-εκράτιστος ἐνομίζετο though, truderi os aia. 2 Whon in subjec is sonae person or thingno mentione in the principia clauso bydropping the connective an putting tho subject in the genitivo, and changing tho verbo the participis in agroement Withit. his construotion is calle theton


2 The connective a be omitted ani thentho sollowin nou is putri in genitive,