First Greek book; comprising an outline of the forms and inflections of the language, a complete analytical syntax, and an introductory Greek reader. With notes and vocabularies

발행: 1861년

분량: 307페이지


분류: 미분류


456. Compound sentences may be divide into

1 Copulatio sentences in hic tW o more thoughis are presente in harmon With


458. Frequently a conneetivo appear in bothelauses 'hus o find the solioWing correlatives και






466. R E. graemenit, PeNon. ne ver must agro in person With in compound subject unles the various member areis different persons, in hic cas it inhos the fidit person in preference to the second, and the secon in preserenoeto the inita, e g. :

467. Whon the subjecis areis different gendere, an predicateinlective in the plura generali inhestiis genderisone ortho subjecta, preferring the m -- sine to tho feminin and tho feminino in the neuter; unles the subjecis denoto things Without lila, in hichcaserit is usuali neuter Wit the copula in tho singu

468 severat membersis a compound sentctrice frequently differ oni in thei predio ea, and thenthes predicates are nited Whilo the ther elementa appea but Once, e g. :


Κυρος τον ἀδελφον παίει. - τον ἀδελφον τιτρώ


Κυρος - ἀδελφον παίει

- τιτρώσκει.


love ou parendi. . e both love an honor urparendi.

Μένων μέτερος ευεργέτης

Μένων μέτερος στρατηγῆ


Μένων μέτερος μεν ευεργέτης, μέτερος δε στρατη

γος τιμαται.



predimi εἰ an ine these objecta Vbe united, and the inor elements of in sentenc appoar ut

ν πο - καὶ τὴν κραν aro quaesi, λεχ φώλάττομεν. and the ouadet. 473. he foverat member of a compound sentenco somotimes differ hom ac other ni in the toro buse of thei predicat and the these attributes may b united, and the ther element appea but

τον κατὰ γ' καὶ κατὰ θάλασσαν.

REΜ. ere, it illis observed the common elementa, Οἰκία an ἔστω, appen but noe, While ali the ther parta retarithei positions in thei respective members.



παράδεισος καλός. 3. Ἐνταεια δε παραδεισος μέγας και καλός. . Πρόξενος και Μένων, μέτεροι μεν εὐεργέται, μέτεροι δε στρα πιοί, εν μεγάλη τιμὴ εἰσιν. . Οὐδένα δεσπότην πρωκυ-ὐμεν. 6. Oυς Nob προς--ὐμεν. 7. Οὐδένα δεσπόπην, ἀλλα τούς λοὐ προς---εν. 8. Τίνα πόνον η τίνα καιρον ζητεῖτε s. Ἐνίκων οι μέτεροι πρόγονοι τους τούτων προγόνους και κατα γην καὶ κατα Θαλατταν. 10. Νομίζω μας ἐμοὶ εἶναι και πατρίδα και φίλους και συμμάχους.

1. Philip tholingis the Macedonians, conqueredine Athonians. 2. Philip the ather of Alexander, conquere the Athenians. 3. Philip tho hing of tho Macedonians and theriatheris Alexander, conqueredino Athenians.
