The gospel according to S. John, with maps, notes and introd

발행: 1900년

분량: 475페이지


분류: 미분류


, ora the Pastora Episties. That S. John id or at Ephesus during the alter par of his life a be accepte ascertain unies the whol histor of the Subapostolic age is ob pronounce doubifes; ut Delther the date of his arrivia noro his doath an e taed. He is described Polycrates in Eus.

H. E. III. x i. 3, V. QiV. 3 a a primi earing the sacerdotal



These fragment forma picture, hich a Was sal a thoouiset although ver incomplete is harmonious, an Eo far Ait400 distinct. The two sides of his character, tende love an Ster intolerance, are the ne the complement of the ther; an both sor par of the intensit of his nature. Intensit ofaction, intensit of though and ord, intensit of love anditate these are the charactoristic of the elove disciple. In tho est sense of the phras S. Joh was a good hater, sor his halred a par of his love. It was ecaus h A love thotruth, that he so halen ad lineWarmneSA, Dreality inSincerib, an salsehood and was Eo ter toward 'whosoeve lovet anum et aio. It saecause homo love his Lord that he hews


Lord and of the spirit of the Gospe deepened. Wit his ea u


i. The Emterari viderice. In his sectio of the argument Wo objections are made to


1 The silene of the Apostolic ather' i ii ere a laci, Nould noto an insuperable dissiculty It is admitte o adsides that the o th Gospei a publiAhed long after theothers, and when the were in possession of the eld Therowas nothinito lea men to suppos that et another G0spelwould e forincoming this lone ould malae eople ealoi oscit ciniis And whun, a me hali seu it a found that certain portions oscit might e made to assume a nosti ap- Pearance, ealouS in ome quarter becam Suspicion. The Silenoe, herofore, of th MAt circle o Christian writer is nomore than e might reasonabi expect and when fine inconnexion illi the universa recognitior of the Gospe by the nox circle of writer Α.D. 170 nWardes, who ad far more evidenc than has reached iis may be considere a fellinisor, rather than against the authenticity. But tho silendo of th Apostolic athera i by o meanS



an a it is admitto that in Firs Episti and the ovi th


2 The rejection of the Fouri Gospe by Marcion audsome Obscure Seet i O no serious importanee There is no

ine Logos and for Otho peculiaritises hich seeme to avour the Gnosticis o Corinthus. Non of tho Synoptisis, non of the Apostles, had thus far sed the termisi γος and the ac that Cerinthus ad usum it must hau made iis prominenc in the Prologue to the Foucth Gos90 doubi suspiciolis Cerinthus

maintaine that Jesus aes a mere an on hom the Logo OrChrist descended in the formi a ovo at his baptisms and the Fouri Gospe say nothin abolit the miraculous conception fChrist, or bout th wonder that attonde and attoste Hisbirili, ut b0gitis Wit tho Baptism and th descent of the Spirit. The Evangelisti infessi remarks that he miracle at Cana asinu first miracle perhaps this acto insinuate that revious oth Baptism Jesus bein a mere an could do no miracle. This Gospe omit tho Transfigi uration, an incident rom hicha pateticipation finis Human Bod in the glor of th Godh0admight be inferred. The prince or tuler of this orist, an expression nos Sed previouSi by an Evangelis o Apostle, mira possibi be underestood o mean the Demiurgus of tho Cerinthiau system, in Creator of the worid, and the odi tho Jews, ut inferior' and ignorant of the Supreme God Again, the Fourth Gospe is silent abolit the wonderes hicli attendod Christ' doni, and this also harmoniges With tho SyStem fCerinthus, horiaught that the Logos o Chris departed hun



dc Dollingor' Hippolytus an Callistus, has V.



Tho conditionis alestiue uring the life O Jesu Christ, amunique. The three rent civilisations of the worid ere inter- minglei there Rome the representative of la und conquest; Greece, the repreSentative of hilOSophica speculatio an commerce JudniSm, the repreSentative of religion. The relations os these three elomentes omne another,ere both intricate and varie l. In Some particular there a a combination etWee two ormore of them a in the mode os conducting the consus Litheii 3 and of celsebratin the Passover Aeein xiii 23 in thersthere a the harpes OPPOSition a in very many eremonialobSerVnneeS. Oreover of these three actor it Was exceedingly