The gospel according to S. John, with maps, notes and introd

발행: 1900년

분량: 475페이지


분류: 미분류


Thos imo subjecis, the objeci and the lan naturali gotogether, o the ne to a large extent determines the ther: the pumos With hic the Evangelist rot his Gospe greatly influences the om hic it assumes. What that purpOS Washe telis iis laini himself These have been ritte that ema belleo that Iesus is the Christ the Son os God, and linit betisvin y ma have is in His ame' xx. 31 . His object is nodito rite tho lis o Christ is it ore, o might wonde that

out of his immense Atores of personal nowledge he has notgive iis a reat dea more than he has done Rather, ut of these abundant store he has made a carem an SelDdenyingselection illi a vie to productu a particular effectipon his readeres, and by means of that effect to pen to them an inesti

communit ardenti thirstin for it But suo prodigal ityWoes have obscure rather hau stren hene his argument: he 'horusore rigi vin limites himsel f in orde to produce the



destro offeci. His narrative, moSt fragmentar a a biography,

blesso resul follows that Elieveres have lis in His Dame, i.e. in Himas ovealud to them in the character hic His ameimplies There is uitlier Gentile nor eW, circvinciSion noruncircumciSion, barbariau, Scythian bon nor Deo; ut Christ

is frequently done Thu Do the time o Irenaeus Haer. III. i. it a been common to a that S. John wroto his Gospe against Cerinthus and ther hereticS. Dclearly teachin the main truth of the Gospe S. Johu necessarii refutes euora; an it is possibi that here and there ome particular




in hic tho conflict an fluctuations etween belles an un- belle among the multitude anx tho Jows is indicated. The types of individua character are stili more Varied, anda in the case of the roup the exemplis both sides in tho

passionatu affectio of Mar Magdalene xx. 1-18). Among conversion me have the instantaneous ut deliberat convictiono I athanael i. 49 , he graduia ut courageou progreS in bolies of the schismatica Samaritan oman See o iv. 19 and of the ninstructed man ornaliud See o xi. I), an in Ontras, in both lis timid hesitatin consession Os NicodemuS, the learned Rabbi iii I vii. 50, HX. 39 . O the ther Side ehave in cogares Wavering of date xviii. 38, 39, la. 1-4, 8, 12, 16 , he u crupulous resolutenes of Cataphra xi. 49, 50 , and the blati truacher of Judas xiii 27, xviii. 2-5 . Among the minor character there are the reser of the east ' ii. 9, 10 ,

I these noup an individual are creations of the imagination, it is no exaggeration to a that th author of the Fou thGospei is a genius Superior to'haispere. 3. Fromonica character We as On to typical or Symbolica evenis. SYMBOLIA is a thir characteristio of this Gospei. Not meret does it contain the three great allegories

of the heup-sold the ood Shepherd, and the ine, si in hichChristian ars has Mawn it symbolis fro the ver earliest times; ut the whole Gospei romen to en is penetraledwit the spirit o symbolica representation. In Dothiniis this more apparent tha in the ight miracles hic the Evangelist





that the Evangelis mus have been a Jem. The osse seis fortit two facts in tragi contrast: I that the J0wisti Scripturos

sectio 3 of this hapter illustrat this eatur of the Gosset.
