장음표시 사용
in predicate or par of the predicate of ne sentenc hecomestho subjeci or par of the subject of the nexi or here thesubject is repeatex Ἐγω εἰμι ὁ ποιμὴν ὁ καλος ὁ ποιμὴν ὁ καλος
are frequently inserte for emphasis an repeate so the amoreason. his is speciali fruem Ἐγω in the discourses of Christ. o Although S. Joh connectes hi Sentence So Simply, and Sometime meret placo them fidei side Without conjunctions, yet he ver frequently pomis uti sequeno in fac or in thought.
πιάσαι vii. 30 , because of Hi claim toae sent Do God Comp. vii 40 45, viii. 12, 21, c. c.-While the frequentisse of υυ potuis to the convictio that nothin happens cithout a cause, the frequentis os laci potuis to the belles that nothin happens
quens , δε ώς an καθώς frequens , μέν rathe rare . d S. Jolin, ut of the spirit o Hebre poetry, frequently
e A nother peculiarity also of Hebre origin is minutenessos etail. Instea os ne or Summin v the hole action, S. Jolin Ae two or three statin the dotalis of the action;
νιος, πaρρησία τον λόγον τον ἐμον τηρεῖν, οἱ 'Ioυδtiis of the oppo
0 Fourthmospe presuppose the ther three the vangelist assumes that the content of his predec sors Gospei are omito his readers. The dotalis o Christ' biri are summ0du in the Nor bocame est,. His subjectio tomis parentes is implied by contrast in His repi tomis mother at Cana. The Baptis is involve in the Baptist' declaration, ' have Seen the Spirit descenditi an abissing on Him an have orne inem' i. 34 . The Ascension is promise through MaryMagdalene to the Apostles X. 17 , but len, ecorded. Cluistia Baptis is assume in the discol se Wit Nicodemus, and the Eucharis in that oti tho Broad of Lila; ut the reseretice in ac casu is en to sp0a formiself to Christians familiar th both hos rites. S. Jota passes ver their institution in
In considering this dissiculty i ita one, e muSt remember two things: a that ali Dur Gospei ar ver incomplete and contain ut a series of fragmenta; b that the dat an duration o Christ' ministr remat an are likel to remat un- certain. α In the aps in the Synoptic narrative thoro is plent of ros for ali that is peculiarito S. John. In therapaces doliberatot len by S. JohnaetWeen his arefully-arrange Scenes thure silent of room for ali that si culiarito the Synoptistes. Whon ad avo been lece togethser hero Atili remai large interstices hic it ould require a least four more Gospela tosill xxi. 25). There recit an e no serious dissiculi that somuch of the Fourthmospe has nothin parallel o it in thootho three. b The additiona lac of the uncertaint a tota dat and duratio of the ord' public ministr is a furtheroxplanatio of the apparent differetice in the amount of timocovored by the Synoptio narrative and that overed by the narrative of S. John There is no contradictio butween the two. The Synoptista nowhere a that he ministryd te soroni One ear although Some commentator fro ver earlytime have proposed to understand the acceptable ear of the
IIuged moreOVer that there is a corresponditi disteretice in thoteachin attribute to usus in ac case. The disco Se in
the Synoptio Gospei are simple, direct and asil intel ligibie, inculcatin for the mos par high mora principies, hic areensoreo an illustrate by numerou parabie an ProverbS. Whereas the disco se in tho o in Gospe are many and intricate, inculcatinisor homost pari deo mystica trullis, Whic are eularced by a ceaseles reiteratio tendinito obScuretho exac line of the argument, an illustrate by not a Single parabie properi a Galled. These important differetices may be to a very great extentu 2
explaine by two consideration a tho oculiarities os . JOhn' own temperament; b the circumstance under hichhe rote. a The main Daturos of S. Ohi ' charaeter, o saras e can ather them rom histor an tradition, avo been Atate above chapter . i. , and we cannot sub that thuyliave affecte notitit his choice of the incident an discourses selected sor narration, ut also his modem narratin them. No
an sor of his G spe has uen influenced by the intonsit ofhi oWn nature e cannot teli; ut the intonsit is thure both in thought an language, both in iis devotion and incit Atern-
mode of narratin them, there are coinciden es leS conSpicuouS, but notcles reali important. Among the mos remarkAble of these are the character of
the Lord, o S. eter of Mar an Martha, and of Judas Thesimilarit in os cases is to subit for tho picturo in the Fourthmospe to avo been ra vi fro that in the Synoptio account. It is very much astu to bellove that the two pictures agro because both are talisen rom iso. The invariabi us by the Synoptist of the expression onos an is rigidi observe by S. Jolin. It is alway used by
Tho studunt Wil fin tabulatextist o minor coincidendus in Dr esicott' 2ntroduction, p. laxiui. la iii He Sum VPthus: alie genera conclusion tandes m. The Synoptistes offer nos ni historical ut also spiritual oints of connexionbetween the eachin Whicli the record and the eachin in the Fourth Gospei andra Joh himself in the Apocalypse completes the passage ro the ne to the other.
century The whole Gospei. Beside many ther SS. os ver degre of Xcellenue, and Some ther Ancient Versiones, there is also the videtice of thes iners. V have considerable fragments of the commentaries of Origen and Theodoro o Mopsuestia, early tho hole of thato Cyri o Alexandria, and the Homilies of Chrysostom and Augustine. In addition to thes must o mentione valvabio quotationes rom the Gospei in various Greula an Latin writers in the sucono, hir and Durth centurios. Quotation bywriter later tha the Durth centur are o litile or no alve. B that timo the corruption of the texi a complete. The Diocletian persecution ad Weptisma a large majorit of the ancient optes, an a composite ex emanatin maint DomConstantinopi graduali took thei place. Our main authorities, therefore, are the moSt ancient SS., Versiones, and Fathers. How are thes authorities o u sed lour objuc in acti disputod case Wil berio ascertain the oldes rearinq; and utileS Stron arguments against the authenticityo the earlies readin exist iis antiquit mill e decisive in iis favour. Budith date of a S is of the fame hin a thedat of tho texi hic it represenis. Some SS., S BD, contain a texi hicli an e trac0 bach to tho und of tho Seconii century. OtherS a A, contain a teit hic i very