The gospel according to S. John, with maps, notes and introd

발행: 1900년

분량: 475페이지


분류: 미분류


latter par of the centur Would rende a prope appreetatio of the circumstaneos a mattor of the ulmos dissiculi even to carem antiquariun Finalty, e must remember that antiquari an reSeare in those ny Was almos unknown and that



The formos lie Gospei, speciali the Style of the narrative, is essentiali Je-An. The angvage i Greela, ut the arrangement of the thoughis, o ome extent the structure of the SentenceS, and a grent dea of the vocabular are Hebrem And


and suburbs implied in viii. 20, i. 18, xviii. 1, 28. xla. 13, 17-20, 41, 42.

The narrative is crowde Willi figures, hic are o merenonentitius o fili up pace, ut hic live and move. Where 'ther appear o the Scene more than Once, their action throughout



is harmonious, and thei characteristic are indicate mitti a simplicit an distincines Whicli ould e the mos consummatear i it more nos alien Dom ea iiD. And wher in tho literatur of themecond centur can e finit Auch skilla dolinuntiono fictilious character asci Ahewn in the portraitSalven to iis of th Baptist th boloved disciple, Peter Andrem, Philip Thomas, Judas Iscarios, Pilate, Nicodemus, Martha an Mary the Samaritan oman the manior blindi ve thocios prominent person are thoroughly lifelike an real Nathanael Judas nos Iscarios, CataphnS A UnaS, Mar Magdalene, JoSeph.

Exac notes of time re frequent nos ni seasons, a the

Throughout the Gospe me have example o graphic and vivi description, hicli ould bo astouudin is the were notthe result os persona observation Stron instances of this Would bo the accounts of the olearising of the Templo ii.

Gospei, a me fiud it quote by early riters Ah0WA that e retho end of the econii centur there ere ali eady a great many variationes of rea ling in existenue. Such hing tali time tostris and multiply. his consideration compei us to e evethat tho origina document mus have been ad at a timewhen ye inesse of the Gospe histor were Atili ving. Seo notes oesi. 13, 18, vii Mand X. 35.



TA EVANGELIST A THE POSTLE S. OHN. The content of the two previous sections are almos suffcient


b involvet in the theor that he Evangelis is . oh tho


and the Revelation.

Same. The ne give u in a magnificent vision the ther in agreat historio drama, the supreme conflictaeiwee good and viland iis issue. In both Jesus Christ A the centra figure, hoSe nctor throuis deseat is the issu of tho conflict. In of the Jewis dispensation is the preparatio sor the Gospei and the warfare and triumphis the Christ is described in langvago saturaled with the O. T. Some rem habie similarities of detail Williupointed out in the notes Aeetii. 14 civ. 6 vii. 30 xi. 44 Hii. 8; LV. 20 HX. 13, 17 20 3T). Differenge of date illi a long waytoWard explaining the reat disteretice of Atyle. Anythere regood reason sor bellevin that the Apocalypse a Writte early in S. Jo 's life besor he had mastere the Gree language, and th Gospei and Episti late in his life after he had done So. 3 a Thu question, How could S. Joh have studioustyelex ated himself in every way above the Apostle Petery remitids



companionioe nos venture t enter the sepulchre utili ho has



Tradition is unanimo cin fring Ephesus a the place here S Joh reside during the lalter parti his Me and here the Fourthio et a Mitten There is no Suffcient re o fordo ting this stron testimony, hic may be accepte m


preserve it in a permanent form. Moreover, difficultios ad arison in the Church hic calle sor a recastingi Apostolicdoctrino. The destructio of Jerusalem ad given altogether an0w turn to Christianit : it ad severe the lingering and ham- pering conneXion illi Judaism it had involve a rea lusimunt of tho interpretation o Christ' Promise abolit His return. Again the risum a Christian philosophy, Ahadin ossa strange

compromise an foreig colouring into mere saga Speculation. callo sor a res Atatement in term adequat to the emergency,