장음표시 사용
2. ἀποσυναγώγους See o ix. 32. The αλλά introduces a gradation, asci 2 Cor. vii. 11 Nay, inere comet an nou. Yo maythiis excommunication a stron measuro, ut the Will go greater
o uui3. . . arbitretur. In πα the universalit o th dolusion app0ars :
of it. 26. Wit the perfeci noWl dg jus promis sed the wil discern
COms. Πατάξω T. ποιμένα, καὶ διασκορπισθησονται τ πριβατα Mati.
εγώ. Wit great emphasis. At the so moment Whonmesis ac tofaee vit treaeheo, an disgraeo, an death, Christ triumphantlyclaim the victory. Comp. 1 Johesii. 13, 14 v. 4. In His victor His
is probabi right. q. τελειωσα NABCL for ἐτελείωσα Din.
8. ἔγνωσαν. .. ἐπίστευσαν. The recogni8ed that His mission as