The gospel according to S. John, with maps, notes and introd

발행: 1900년

분량: 475페이지


분류: 미분류


XIX. 29. NOTES. 33 I


Was Voluntat an Do the necessar result os exhaustion. Quis ita dormit quando volet erit, sicut Jesus mortuus est quando voluit Quis


XIX. 34. NOTES. 333

ita vestem ponit quando voluerit, sicut se eam eruit quando voluit Quis ita cum voluerit rebit, quomodo eum voluit obiit 3 S. Augustine).31 2. IRE PETITION O THE JEWS N THE PETITION O JoSEPH. 31. A in xviii. 28, th Jems hem themselvecto se amon tho so Who strata ut a gnat and sWallo a camel. In the midstis d0liboratu judiciat, de the are scrupulous bout eremonia ob SerVanees. The ogv, as in v. 23, probabi does no refer o hat immediatolyprocedes it loolis ac to v. 20, 21. The JeWs stili continue thola retenties hostilily. The do not know hether any one of the three sinerer is dead orioi thola request sh0Ws that so that there oro' cannot mea in consequene of Jesus death. In orde to avo tho


XIX. 38. NOTES. 335


39. nother coincidonco. Nicodemus also as a momber of the


Tho hapter salis naturali into sive sections. 1. The rs Eviden ce of the Resurrection 1 10J. 2. The Manifestation to MaryMagdalene 11 18). 3. The lanifestation to the ei and thers 19-233. 4. The Manifestation to S. Thomas and thers 24-29).5 The Concli ion an Purpos of the Gosset 30, 31 . S. John' Gospe preservescit character to the Dd. ih th restos hi narratius, th aedount of th P0surrectio is not inisen dedis aeomplete reeord; it is avoW0My the ver reverso of complete v. 30);-but a series of typica scenes electedis embodiment of Spiritualtruth. Here also a in the res of the narrative, e have individualcharacter marke Wit singula distinetness. The traiis hiotidistinguis S. et0r, S. John, S. Thomas, and the Magdalene in his chapter are olea an completol in harmon Mi What is tot ot