
발행: 1872년

분량: 122페이지


분류: 미분류


On Sycamore leaves. Shere.



platos in substitution sor the sirst 10 platus of the work, und auanalytical hey to the genera. We have atready called attention tothis Work, Whicli is proce eding contemporaneolasty With the Britistione, by Dr. BratthWaite, and w0 fear that Wo must add equallysluggishly. It has occupied Six years to produce the nine paris atre ady published, and although it Was contempla ted to complete itin 14 similar paris, it is som0What dou bisul is it can be containedWith in that number, or finished, at the present rate os progreSS, Within another thrue years. It must be expected that the patienceos subscribers Wili get exhausted Whon they have to Wait for tenyenrS, Or more, to See the end of a Work Whicli they are most anxio usshould bo completed, and turned to a practical use. Surely Bryologisis must be exceptionalty unsortunate. I et us h ope thalno vnsoreseen event Will tranSpire to leave either of these valvabie Work8 as only a splendid fragment.


Peritheciis atris, gregariis, subglobosis, innato- erumpentibuS,d0mum subsuperficialibus, ostiolo pertuso. SporuliS elongato


StiIbum CiIiciosoliun) auxifiIum. Gerard. Saco. Syll. 2733. Stipitibus elongatis, setulis strigosis, aureo - flavidis. Capitulo pyriformi vel clavato, albido. Conidiis minutissimis globosis, lvix excedentibuS. On Daedalea unicolor. V. S. A.

Hypophylla. Maculis obsoletis. Soris minutis, orbicularibus, pallidis, gregariis, primo tectis, dein lacero-erumpentibus. Uredo- SporiS globosis, verruculosis, pallide flavidis, 20-22 μ. On leaves of Amsonia. S. Carolina. Γαυ. 2868.)

Effussed, confluent and irregular, adpreSSed, cinnamon, beneuthand circumferetice fibrillosely strigose ; hymenium fleshy, son, Oi


Effused, fleshy, sost, umber, villous beneath, circumserenceshortly radiating, of the fame colour; hymenium tuberculose, then collapsing, poWdered With ferruginous; spores ellipSOid, apiculate at the base, pale umber, 12-14 κ 8-10 μ. Effused on Wood, brancheS, cte.


o. Peniophora Azotica, Massee Mon. Thel. p. 152.


ε. Hymenochaete fuIiginosa, Lev. Grev. VIII., 147. Mara. Mon. Thel. p. 109.


Same colour; setae conical or Subclavate, sometimes rough, 70-130


usual sirst W00k in October, but definito programme has not Ietbeen arranged. Again the Hampshiro Naturalis is are projecting nraid in the NeK Forest, but beyonii these We have, as Jet, no inti mation. In due time W0 presume that those Who customarily take part in these gatherings Will receiVe private notiee. sAUSTRALIAN FUNGI.-Essoris have been made duritig the paStyear Or tWο, and are Still being mado, to arrange for the productionos a Handbook of tho Fungi os tho Australian colonies, MithShori descriptions of tho genera and species in Englisti, and illustrations of the genera. The Want of suci, admork has longbeen 10lt, but the difficulty has been in securing Some guaranteeagainst personat pecuniary loss. Present prospectS are SomeWhat
