Odyssey: books I-XII. With introd., notes, etc.

발행: 1892년

분량: 403페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



THE Ver cordia reception of this Schoo Edition os the Odyssey, sirs publislied in 187o, is a satisfactory proos isone vere needed stat the fascination os me tor os

liave attracte laesi rea lers to the original, both in En landan America But for ver hundred who stud the sirsthal of the Odyssey in the Greelc, emap hardi a. OZencarry thei stud ' on to the end. No outit mere is a peculia charni in ille 'vandering of the hero-me cla an uiat alis sor resti editions of the Arabian is his, and gives suci popularit to TreaSure Isian and in Solomon' Mines. Biat although in the secon hal of the Odysse me leave


This ne v isque of Odysse H XII has been caresullyrevi sed an reptanted. V. IV. M.



Introdi action





Shetes of Princi



THERE are orne eight existin biographies of Horner, t ut allequali destitute of historica value One of them clairn to Iebb Herodotus, and another by liitarcii, but the earliest of them Canno date nucla hesol e the Chiisti an era, vitiis mos os laenabeton to a Stili later period. Bel ve e the earli est an latest dates assi med to Homer thei et a disterence of more than o years-vig. Dor the niddie of the eleventa to the alter hal of the eventi centur B. C. Herodotu Nould ut hi in orne oo carit,efore his xv time


)us a the Eumolpidae reseree to a. mythica Eumolpus front vlior tiae derived thei position and their naine. The discussion of these potnt in thei various bearino forinsili so-callec Homeri Question the hie stimulus to vhicli, inmodern days, vas give by the publicatio of the Protegomena

Halle. The position vllicli lae fought to Stablisl may be laus repre

c Besore the time os eisistratus these poem di not



furthe by Professor Lachimann o Berlin ivla applied them tollae examination of the Iliad. He rosesse to detect in the poenis si Xteen or re honing in the asto suo boohs, eighteen)separate lays by disserent authors and without an mutua connection. Eata lay originali complete in iiself, vas after vardsexpanded, ill aster many years of ora transmission greatly facilitate by the wori of the Homeridae and otherauit cis o poetsan reciters the whol iva thrown into ita presentishape by tiae recensionis eisistratus. Thi vie v is a sistinc advance pon that of Wolf. It siniplydrops the notionis amomer altogether, and regardiste separate portions of the poena no a s naan popular lays, but a diStinc coimpositions o disserent poets. A ne V theor IIIa propoliniled by Grote in his Histor o Greece Lilce a house, the origina plani xvlaici is a luali extende hi subsequent additions the Ilia is regarded by hina a consistin os an ariter lieis to inhicli belon libb. I, 8, II-22 the 2 3rd an a thbe in later), an a Ilia proper consiStin os libb. -7, and Io. Both these portion se enario hin a the vi ori of the Sanae generation the lalter bein forne vhat later, an possibi by a Isterent author Theminita bool is a later composition. Modem criticisti has deali similarly xvith the Odyssey, and prosesses notinlyto detect man interpolations and liscrepancies in the texi, buto fin incit two distinc Epic poenas Nove more or leSSCloSel together, viz. a Telemacti an an OOsseia vid Die Telemachis, Hennings, Leips. 1858). But a the montem Question implies discussio an controverSy, Verare prepare to findis stron part os scholar on laeother Side, supporting the lex of the unit os authorship is noto the persona existence of Homer They Nould anSuper the

tranSmission and the wngs of the nationa bard of the


arrangements 1 nade by Solon for the recitations at the Panathenaea presuppos a certain definite somnis Iliadan Odyssey. The asic o Peisistratus xvas reStoration, not creation. e dictiso produce a conabinatio that

transmission. His vas Ot o nauci a literar a apolitica act. D Contradictions and discrepancies ima teli as naucli forthe poetis against hini. Ue accepi liena in Virgil,


INTRODUC NON XV poems. It is no dente that Homer is in lebted totradition and to existin songs for many of the adventures of Us heroes Iu for the generat helch of thei characters but o iis this materiai md Neaverit into a harmonious Epic is the laighestrias of genius. That it is necessar to assigno disserent author o lita and

rnentio that in the Iliad 18 38 a the wife o Hephaestus is Charis, in the Odysse sit appear. 8. 74yas Aphrodite. Neleus in the Odysse has three, in the Iliad' vetve Ons. Neoptolemusis but a chilit in the Iliad, a ounx Narrior in the Odyssey. The Dioscuri are tortat in the Iliad in the Odysse the are dei sie l. The God of the Iliad live o the Mysian Olympus,

the overe igni o Zeus is hardi achno x ledge l. In the Odysseythe Godclive in a suprantundane region an laeus is unquestionedactiter. In the t m poenas the state of societ is different. The Ilia represent the fetida systerii in iis strictest forni in the Odysse the cings consul theiraeopte in a partianaent, and the eat hiestains, si1ch a Menelaus, re not ni figlitin men, but merchanis. As to disserences bet veen the angvage of thetivo poenas, it ma be sal l that there is a far eater number of abstraci vorcis in the Odyssey, and that the sanae vord has no alway the sanie mean inii the two poenas. ut in attenapt- in to estat listi an arguatent frona the an age, it uould benecessar to talce in the whole question of the place of cormposition, and the probable changes Whic the ex may have undergone at the and of the early critic anc e litore.

songs of the priest xvhen celebratin thei riteS; S, for eXan apte, the Pierians in Thrace ad thei mythi poeta, Orpheus, Linus, Thamyris, tisaeus, whos hymns are stili quoted or alluded to. At an rate, there cante no doubi that the Iliaci an Odysse do


no present themselves o us a first attenapis in Epic poetry; thei finisti and perfectio potn to the climax ratiae than to the commencernentis an . his vi ex is corroborated by the allusion in the Homeri poem to ther bar is, suci a Phemius in Ithaca, and Demodocus at ille Phaeacian colari besides laose mentione in Od. 3. 267 and . 1 G by the allusion to the adventure of heroes an Pheroines, whicli Inus have been recor dedin theripies, and whicla inere evidenti farnilia to the lactarers of the Homeri poenas. A vast naas of thes Epic legendS, nili stor o Thebes, the late of Troy, and naan other populartales, inere collected by the Alexandri an critics, and the collection Ira calle επικος κυάλος. The Greel tragedians found nos of the sui ects of their dramas in the poems of the Epic Cucle. The mus have been o varyingon erit; orne, no doubi sit tocornpare villa Iliaci and Odyssey others of later date, aere limitations of earlier Epic composed to filiis forne a in the continuit of the whole tory. Such an author imus Horace'SScriptor Iclicus A. P. I 36 have been. The Troo an legent is cornplete in eight epics, i. Κύπρια ἔπη by Stasinus. lae poena began vitii the sirst cause of the Trinan war, the apple os Discord lun do una the banquet ilia celebrate Pthe nuptials of Peleus and Thetis and the stor is continueilip to the beginning ofa. The Iliad.

os Nar o Penthesilea, via canae' helmilae Trinans an lxvas flain by Achilles It also record the pro ves anil deamo Menanon clii Estain of the Aethiopians and sonis Eos. . Ἱλιὰς μικρti, by esches, telis of the glories of Odysseus, and begins vitii ille contest belween hin anx a for laepossession of the aruis of Achilles. 5. Ἱλίου πέρσις, b Arctinus, describes the fali an sack of Troy the wooden horse, the Sacrifice of Polyxena, &c. 6. Νόστοι, b Agias of TroeZen, recount the adventure ostiae Greel chiestainsin the laonie vard oyage froni Troy.