장음표시 사용
The recensio of the ex inade by Peisistratus, in viaicli licdoubiles accornmodate the language more or es to the fana iliarfornis in his in hi titiae, va the basis of ali future recensions, though the original vas OS during the Persian war. Iany different edition εκδώσεις ivere produced Sonae, the wOric findividua scholars αἱ κατ ανδρα), thers, the phil lication Oscities xvliere Epic poetryovas the fashion αἱ κατὰ πολεις). ut the texi ha been greatly disturbe by caprici ous interpolatersan emender διασκευaσται), and the air of the Alexandriancrities vas acta a poSSiblerio reproduce the textis lae ei sistratidea recension. Such a critical edition ivra calle διόρθωσις.
the present division into book of Iliad anc Odyssey, Aristophaneso Byzantiunt, arul Aristarctius rom Samotia race. The ast naentione scholar, hemiost famou nanae in Homeri criticisin, prepare first an edition Os Homeri vitia a cornmentary υπόμν μα); then lae composed dissertation o Spectat Ointi συγγράμματa), and again edit Od both Iliad and Odyssey. O the largin ofboth edition vere the critica naacts σημεῖα), the se of vllicli Aristarchus hi ad earne loroin his imaster Aristoplaanes of By-Zantium. The obelias ' denoted a spuriuolis line the astericus potnted ut that the line vas repeate et se hereri the two mari: together lio ved that Such a repetition Vas erroneous. Tlae διπλῆ etiθαρὰ ina plied that the verse had been discussed byllini et sexvliere, or Xplaine by the light of somemther passage; the διπλ περιεστιγμέν' expresse dissent froin the read in os Zenodotus ille anti sigma I denote that in order of the lines
IN the tentii ea aster the ah in os Troy, and theri ventietti after his sim departure Doni home, xv fin Odysseus stili farisOm Ictiaca, completin the evenili ear of his detention in theisle of Ogygia in the far u est, xliere Calypso, via hi ad refc uecthir Dorn hip vrech in the third ear of his vanderings, stillheeps him against his urni Mean vhile, in inaca, the faithmi
Penelope is beset by importunate sui tors Vlao deuour the Substance of the absent Odysseus and the 3 oung Telenaachus is anun villi nititit hel ples Witnes of thei insoleiace. At thi potnt, Athena the constant protectres of Odysseus, protest at thecouncit of the Gods, in the absence of oseidon against such injustice done to her hero It is decide to despatch Hernies the messenger, o bid Calypso disimis her prisoner-gues and Sen him o his voyage honae. Athena, alcing the forna ofMentes, an ota mend of Odysseus, oes to Ithaca, viae re hecounset Telemachus to tura the sui tors ut os his liouse, andio visit Nestor an Menelaus in ope of hearing ti lings of his tost fallier. B. II) ext da Telenaachus funamon an asSenablyan issues his orders to the sui tors, Who reat hina vitii brutal conternpi, an refuse his equest for a stat to carry in to Nestor' honae a Pylos But Athena thi titiae in the person ofMentor, procures ne forcii in and et together a cre v. Onlythe old nurse Eurycleia is entrusted vitii the secret, an at ni t Telenaachus Staris, accormpanted by Mentor, for nos, Milichae
engage in a Solena sacrifice to Poseidon NeStor, recogni Singi Mentor the oddes Athena, as sit Sud leni cli Sappear frona the ban et potir a libation in her honour, an nexi rormngmalces a splendi sacrifice. Nestor telis Telena actius ali helcnows, but it is litile to the purpose, socii senes his est o tot a
Menelaus in Sparta, and gives hirn his ounges son Peisistratus for a Coimpaniora. The ex night sees them a Pherae at thehous o Diocles, and the secon Levening bring inem to Sparta, uliere the sin J Ienelaiis celebratin in mareiage of hi Sonandi iugliter B. IV). Menelaus liadiso long reached his o vn horne, haVin Spent ight years in vandering after the sal of Troy, visitin Phoenicia an Egypt Helen recognises Tele
At ille opera in os . cive find a second assen)N of themo is, in xvlaici Athena again presses aer equest that Zeus holita senil Hei me to Calypso's honae in Ogygia. This is nox perfornaed, and Calypso disrmisses Odysseus an dfurnishes vitii provision the rast xx hicli he had titit Onthe eighteenth da aster his departure froni Ogygia e si gliis the and of the Phaeiactans, when Poseidon spies hina, aises a tenapest, an ech his boat but Odysseus is faved bys vinanaing, harah to the magica scati vhicli Ino Leucotheagives hin4. Fora vo lay and wo nighisae is adrist, and thenae find alari ling-place in the estuar o a river, and lies clown to leo in the helter of voo l. ext imornini B VI), .ausicaa, laus liter of the Phaeacia hing, in obedience to a vision, oes vitii hernaaidens to vasti the linen of the liouseholit in the river Odys-
seus Mariolce by the voice of the naidens, and regent hi inset fas a suppliant to Nausicaa, vlao ives hirn rairnent, an Trecis hi in ho v toran her lather' palace, and lio v to seehrelie frona her another. Odyssetis B. VII enter the palac ungeen, by the id of Athena, and inam eis at the splendour of the lious and g ardens. The lae malces his va to the queen, and the nisi
xv hich had concealed hini melis os randae stand revealed eforeali present He is vel omed a id rete the queen istens tolli stor of his hip vrech an hi meetin xuith her aurater Nausicaa. ex da B. VIII Alcinous calis an assembly, in xvhicli Dis resolvemio sen Odysseus alat home. At the gaineSwhicli folio v Odysseus astound ali the spectatorsi his strengthan sicili in thro vin the quoit. Deirio docus the bard sing totheria of the loves of Ares arul Aphrodite, and then changes his subject to the stor of the wooden hors of Troy. Odysseus is ui et te to te ars by these bygone memories and when Alcinoris notices his distres an ashchina xvlio he is, he discloses his nariae an parentage B. IX and egin the stor of his adventures. The conflictrix ith the Ciconians 'he visit to the Lotophagi thedestructionis the mae Polyphemus, the visit to Aeoliis B. X)and iis disastrous resulta the destriactio of his seet by the Lae-Strygonia glandi, ire ali recounted in or ter Thenae telis of his visit to Circe's iste, of his restoratio of the CoinradeS vhornthe witch ad turne to xvine, and of his preparatio for a Voyage to the realna o Hades. B. XI Areived there e n-vohes the ead leariis of his com in fortune froni Teiresias, holiis converse vitii his mollier, an sees the formas of departed heroes an nobi darnes, and rintnesse the punishnient of Tityus, Tantalus, and Sisyphus Then in tereor he hastii set sali againfor Circe' iste B. XII), and leavin herinc Inore e Scapesthe Sirens, and land o the Thrinacia iste, umere are thesacred herd o Helios. The contrades of Odysseu are rechlessenough to hil thes for their o vn se, an for their impietvthe are ali destroyed in a tempest sent by Zeus. Odysseus alone Scapes, and reaches the iste o Calypso This concludes nis narrative aster xvhic he enabarhs o boar a Phaeacianshi an is ahen sala to Ithaca.
and is Calling of the assemvi in Ithaca Departur of Telemachus. m. II.
Ευθ' ἄλλοι μὲν πάντες, σοι φυγον αἰπυν λεθρον, οἴκοι σαν, πόλεμόν τε πεφευγότες δε θάλασσαν τον δ' ιον, νόστου κεχρημενον δε γυναικος, νύμφη πότνι χρυκε Καλχnhὼ δια θεάων, εν σπέσσι γλαφυροῖσι, λιλαιομένη πόσιν εἶναι. 5ὰ ' τε δη ἔτος ηλθε γριπλομένων eriαυτῶν, τω ι επεκλώσαντο θεοὶ , δε νέεσθαι εις Ἱθάκην, οὐδ' ενθα πεφυγμενος εν ἀέθλων, καὶ μετα οἶσι φίλοισι. θεοὶ δ' ἐλέαιρον ἄπαντες B
' λ' ὁ μὲν Αἰθίοπας μετεκίαθε τηλόθ' εόντας, Αἰθίοπας, τοὶ διχθὰ δεδαίαται, ἔσχατοι ανδρῶν, οἱ μεν δυσομένου 'Υ περίονος, οἱ δ' ἀνωντος, ἀντιόων ταύρων τε καὶ ὀρνειων κατόμβης. 5ἔνθ' o γε τέρπετο δαιτι παρημενος' i δε δ αλλοι Ζηνος εν μεγάροι ιν λυμπίου θρόοι σαν. τοῖσι δὲ μύθων ρχε πατηρ ανδρῶν τε θεων ε' μνησατο a κατα θυμον ὰμύμονος Αἰγίσθοιο, τόν 'Aγαμεμνονίδης τηλεκλυτος ἔκταν ρέστης' Ioro ο γ' πιμνησθεὶς ἔπε' θανάτοισι μετηύδα Ω πόποι, odi δη νυ θεους βροτοὶ αἰτwωνται. εξ ημέων γάρ φασι κάς εμμεναι οἱ δε και αυτοὶ
ως ἔφαθ' Ἐρμείας, - ου φρένας Αἰγίσθοιο
λά μοι δμφ' 'Οδυσῆι δαίφρονι δαίεται et τορ, δυσμόρω, ὁ δὴ δηθὰ φίλων ἄπο πημῶτα πάσχει