장음표시 사용
called Triton or to a lalce os in narne in Egypt both connectem villatine vorshimo the go idess. Others, struting that in lae Cretan dialectτριτοῦ - κεφαλη Sax in ine Nordalae inhio liment of the torro Athena's birin froni ille head of Zeus. l. 3So. 3 3ωθι ine oldest ora os me imperat . 23. I.
I. I. οἱ δε, c. Telemachus an Peisistratus. his introduces ineevening os in secori da aster ei departure ine iret night being Spent a Pherae, Od. 3. 488. Λακεδαίμ.ω is in narii sor in clistrici of Hiies Sparta vas in capita l. κοίλη is t est descrit,ed by Euripides
l. 38. σπεσθαι fiom ἔπομαι, ἐσπόμην.
l. 83. ΑἰγυπτLUM 'hi ree flabies. The countries are o mentione lin an orderi geographica sequence the Sidonians are clos to the Phoenicians, and the Eremta are se haps a branch of the Aethiopians. l. 85. ἔν τε so ἴθι τε, in s. v. 426J vhere lana his a rectiorne Psrom theve ii st. CL Arist. Hi St. Anim. 8. 28 ἐν μὲν Λιβιn ευθι γίνεται κέρατα
ἔχοντα τὰ κερατώδη των κριων. Indeed, ali increa Seo rapid τρὶ γαρ